Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Women Serving in the Church

August 17, 2010 Reading

Today is opening day for a movie called Nanny Mcphee. I am excited to see this movie with my kids. Nanny Mcphee is not the prettiest thing, but she comes packaged with her unique personality and gifts. She comes to aide and serve a struggling young mother, Mrs Green. The movie portrays much of today's realities of a broken world. The mother is trying to manage her family farm while her husband is away at war. Her kids are out of control and Mom is just plain TIRED!  Nanny Mcphee uses her fun skills and uniqueness to teach lessons of cooperation to the children. She loves on them and serves the family sacrificially and with much humor.

Today as I was reading  Romans 16, a woman named Phoebe was mentioned. Phoebe was a significant servant in the church of Cencherea. She helped, protected, looked after and provided for many. Phoebe's name in Greek means radiant and pure!

Women had a VERY important part in the ministry of Paul. As we find in many verses throughout Romans 16. Paul specifically mentions Phoebe and speaks highly of her and her strong leadership in the church. He introduces her to other Christians as "sister," "servant," "saint," and "helper."  Paul valued her as a radiant light for Jesus.

We as women need the fellowship of Godly women to encourage us into Gods great purposes. Women have the opportunity to help other women struggling with their daily lives. God has a significant purpose for you in His church. I personally encourage you to step out and go to a women's meeting, bible study or other opportunity in your church.  God never created you to stay on your personal island. Each women is hand picked by God, situated in Christ's body just as He desires. God will select the perfect place for you appropriate to your talents and gifts. We all go through experiences in life, your story is important!  God will put the exact woman in your pathway that needs your aid and help. Many difficult areas of my life have been used to draw other women to the heart of God. If a woman feels inadequate for the ministry task the Lord reveals to her, she needs to only remember Jesus' words, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9).

Jesus' life began with a woman named Mary and ended at His resurrection with a woman at the tomb. The bible recalls several significant women in the new testament and Paul affirms them by name. Friend, you are significant too! Allow God to establish you according to His ways, He has a story to tell through your life. How are you allowing God to use you today?
