Monday, August 16, 2010

My Foot Slipped

August 16, 2010 Reading

This past Saturday morning I woke early to get in a morning run. We had an afternoon wedding that day and I was excited to get all dressed up in my new dress. I thought if I worked out before I could loose a quick 5lbs or so and look fabulous in no time! Don't you wish it worked like that? Quick results!

The morning was beautiful. A rising sun, fresh air and a sweet time chatting with my God. I remember specifically speaking to God about my need for His help this day. I truly need His divine aid daily or I end up dominated by the natural desires and stumble over my own self.

Running along I hit a bump in the road and went flying gracefully (NOT) through the air. As I was flying, I had a vision of scrapped up knees in my pretty new dress. I prepared to fall on my hands. Miraculously, I pulled myself straight back up out of the fall and landed on both feet. I know God helped me on this one folks!

As I was doing my daily reading this morning, I came across  Psalm 94:18-19  If I say, "My foot slips," your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.

I could not help to recall my trip on Saturday morning. I know God caught me. He reminded me today that He wants to hold us and lead us in life. He will lead us away from stress and adversity. Trying to be what we are not is wrong.  God knows what we are and what are purpose in life is to be. Without, and I stress the word "WITHOUT" seeking His word, we will slip. God is committed to us and will not forsake us as long as we are committed to Him. His love will lead us through each and every trial, so that His will is accomplished. He will catch us as we trip. His mercy and grace pulls us back up.

Friends, I need the accountability of Gods word. He enables me to act properly so my foot will not slip. However, we are not promised a smooth road with no bumbs. We will trip along the way. God is all knowing, understanding our struggles, flesh desires, weaknesses and hurts. He has equipped us individually with the resource of His word. This word speaks specific to our personal road bumps and will help us triumph completely over the falls and anxieties. His word is alive and powerful. God desires us to live a life of a different kind. An extraordinary life will not happen WITHOUT hearing His word.

Do you wish for a more graceful walk in life without tripping over your own obstacles? Remember today that God is working on you daily. He promises to hold us by the hand. His goodness is rich to the faithful.

Psalm 139:10 "Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me."