Friday, March 28, 2014


"They chose new gods and then there was WAR in the gates; Not a shield or spear was seen Among forty thousand in Israel?
 My heart is with the rulers of Israel. Who offered themselves willingly for the people 
Bless the Lord!"

There were forty thousand Israelite troops in the land, and yet there wasn't a one that would pick up his sword and spear and make a stand. 
They would rather bow down to NEW gods of the heathen that ruled over them, then take a stand and trust God for the victory. Mankind has not changed in four thousand years, and when our nation is being flood by eastern religious cults, fly-away doctrines, progressive church movements it is easier to go along with that garbage, than to get down and study God's Word for the truth
We need to KNOW truth.
The teaching in most church houses today is that you don't have to know the plan of God, and study His Word from the book of Revelation, and the Old Testament, because it doesn't apply to you. Somehow we believe it passed away and we live by New testament. They say all you have to do is believe, yet the babe in Christ is given nothing to believe in. Today we have millions of people that say they are in the army of God, and call themselves Christians, yet they have hung their shields of protection on the wall, and they will be taken immediately at the coming of the fake Christ, who is Satan. 
We are living in the final generation, and yet the church world has no idea of the times that they are living in. They have detached themselves from the Creator and His plan.
This is as the troops of Israel were in days of Deborah, and it took this woman to light the fire under them.(I love that idea, light a fire in truth and love)
 There is a spiritual war going on and our people have lost the interest to fight and be part of that war
*A war for our marriages
*A war for our children
*A war in our churches 
*A war in our relationships
*A war on knowing what truth is in the Word of God
We have a war at our front doors!
As the world is being swept into a new age order, and they have forgotten that it is God that gives us the victory. It is God that we rely on for our provision and the direction that we should be taking in our lives.
In our generation the weapons of war is your gospel armor, all of the Word of God, for that is the only way that we can have an understanding of God's plan and how you and I fit into it in these final days.

The sword of the Lord is the Word of God, and the war that is taking place is a spiritual battle. The battlefield is in our minds, while the weapons are fought with words and ideas that come right from the Word of God. We can fight this war in our personal gates. God left us with the most powerful tool.
Satan is an expert in tripping people up with the Word of God. He distorts it, and adds a word to and takes a word away until what Satan wants you to believe is a lie. Better yet Satan tries to set you against your leaders and creates war in your church gates.

Look at the verse below

Judges 5:9 "My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly the People. Bless the LORD

Today more then ever it takes a heart of dedication and abiding in God's word for church leaders to govern over their flock. Remember sheep are stupid by nature and we are like sheep!
We run all over not knowing what grass we should really eat from. God uses the shepherd to take us on the path of righteouness. Today that path is very hard with all the new gods created around the true gospel. We have to really know the doctrine of truth and be able to seperate, divide and understand. Our pastors and teachers will teach you how to love yet know truth. This is a challenge these days and it will create wars in the gates.




Thursday, March 27, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: A woman murder's a man with tent peg and hammer

Today's daily reading comes from The book of Judges. Follow along daily with this great reading plan!
There is a messy murder.  A military leader is found dead in a tent with a tent peg lodged through his head!
My daughter Brittni dreams about being an FBI agent, studying criminal law when she is older is her greatest desire. I know she would consider this to be a great "Law and Order"  episode...  It has all the elements of a tight crime story:  political intrigue, warfare, bad leadership, good leadership, perhaps some romance, and a homemaker with her fingerprints on the weapon

Deborah and Jael we find these women in the book of Judges Chapter 4.
The book of Judges is short described the history of Israel from a theological and spiritual viewpoint.
God chooses Judges that are willing and divinely appointed to help in the control of Israels continued conquest. God works through people in a detailed plan. The book of Judges displays cycles of Israels Opression and deliverance in the land. In each short episode covering about 400 years a Judge was appointed to follow out Gods plan. In today's reading I came across an amazing woman that God appointed. Her name was Deborah. She was first a homemaker and then later rose to an elevated place of power by common consent of her peers! Her peers new she was a strong mom and probably set a great example in her MOP groups and community activities!

What an honor that God chose a woman to speak through and deliver people in a time of war.

What if I am a woman? Is not the God of ancient times the God of these modern days? Did he not raise up Deborah, to be a mother first and then judge Israel? 

                God has a plan and purpose for every faithful lady

 Lets look at this story a little closer.  Ms. up-front and Ms. behind-the scenes
(Deborah and Jael) 
 They work together as they placed their commitment to God above all else Deborah is called to a place of high-profile service, Jael seems content to be a homemaker, make that a tent maker.  God uses them both, It is amazing what two people can accomplish with God, a tent peg and a hammer!

The cycle in the book of Judges goes a little like this...

Israel forgets and sins
God sends judgment
In distress Israel cries out to God
God sends Deborah.  

It can look like this for us today

We forget and sin
God convicts our heart
In distress we cry out to God
God sends a "servant" to help us!

  In this situation God sends a woman to lead the nation.

 Some might say that there must have been no good men or surely God would have chosen a man.   Look at the track record of most of the men God chose and Deborah looks pretty good.  She is a multi-gifted woman.  She is described as a prophet, a judge, and a national leader—all while married.  
“Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading
at that time.   She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided.”  (Judges 4:4-5.) 
As a prophet she spoke the word of God to the people.
 That was and is the essence of the prophetic gift.  As a judge she gave rulings to solve disputes, which as a homemaker tending her tent she was probably excellent at this.
 As a national leader she showed great wisdom, calling on the wisdom of others, assuring the week-kneed Barak that maybe he could do something for his nation, and instilling confidence in the nation that victory was at hand.

So lets wrap her up with 7 excellent traits

*She was a homemaker Judges 5:7
*She had a servants heart Judges 4:9
*She delegated task Judges 4:6-7
*She offered praise Judges 5:2
*She led with authority from God Judges 4:4
*Loved to affirm and motivate others of Gods great plan Judges 4:9, 14
*She was a respected leader Judges 4:8

What an amazing woman of God. She delivered Gods purpose through her obedience and servants heart.
Of all the national leaders we find in Judges, I think she is the most commendable.  Unlike most of the others, she is not recorded as having a lapse in faithfulness to God.  My conviction that women and men are called to share in church leadership is well known.  Deborah certainly gives me room to say more today.  Deborah is the only woman listed as a leader of
in Judges, so some might say she was an exception.  She was an exception, with a resume more interesting and diverse than any other of the judges.  But she wasn’t the only woman God used with prophetic or leadership gifts in Israel.  There were Miriam, Huldah, Naomi and Ruth, Esther, Rahab, and more.  In a time when much of societal life was hierarchical and male-dominated, God had a better way. 

Sometime after Deborah, the Lord spoke so clearly through the prophet Joel: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.  Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”  (Joel 2:28-29.)  And that became glorious reality in Acts 2 on the Church’s first Pentecost.  But it was happening long before. 
 God chooses people for leadership in ways that confound us. He still works this way today.
 We wouldn’t have picked Moses, guilty of murder, to become
’s deliverer in Egypt.  We wouldn’t have picked Abraham and Sarah, advanced in age and with some moral lapses, to bear the child of promise for the nation.  We wouldn’t have picked David over his older brothers, far more impressive than he, to be the king to unite
.  We wouldn’t have picked Mary, barely a teenager and engaged to a quiet male, to carry the Messiah to birth.  We wouldn’t have picked Paul, devout Jew and a violent hater and persecutor of the Church, to become the great missionary to the Gentiles. Every single leader had a CHANGED heart and desired to follow Gods heart and ways!

We are all followers and, at various times, we may get to lead for a while. The one true judge in the book of Judges is God and God alone.  The one true leader of the Church is Jesus and Jesus alone.  The one true empowerer for serving is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit alone.

This was Deborah's and Jael's true heart, God could trust them.
Deborah and Jael are two remarkable women. The base for our serving and leading is listening to HIM.

Look what happens and lets learn as modern woman how we can watch the ways of our household and DRIVE that peg into the enemy's schemes!

War is a thing God does not like.  People get killed, and that pleases Satan.  But, sometimes wicked men attack godly people, and God calls for His leaders to stand up and fight the enemy.  God wants good godly men to defend their homes.  When evil men attack the homes or land of godly people, then it is necessary for the godly men to kill the wicked men if they will not go away.  Wicked people have no rights.  
War today is not always fought for these reasons.  Some rulers go to war just to see if they can get something for nothing at the end.

Lets consider that lady Jael.  Did she get a sword or gun to kill Sisera? 
 Sisera was a commander and was attacking Gods people! 
 Ladies did not join the army in God's Israel. 
However... God works in unique ways and brought Sisera to Jael's home.  She fooled the rotten king, Sisera. She learned how to be a servant in Gods army with her great wisdom and strength! 
 She treated him real nice, and she tucked him in for a nice little nappy in her tent! CLEVER! 
She stayed home and took care of the home while Heber, her husband, was out trading in the marketplace or in the fields planting his wheat.  She had to pound those big tent pegs into the ground thousands of times.  The Kennite's tents were HUGE, and they lived in them the same way you live in your home.  They were NOT camping.  A tent could be fifty feet long and twenty feet wide, and the ropes and tent pegs were huge.  The wind would work the tent pegs loose, and they had to be pounded in over and over.  The harder the dirt, the better the tent peg would hold.  Are you starting to get the point?  Jael was no skinny little bit of fluff!

Jael had strong arms.

Ladies, you should think about Jael.  God wants you to take care of a home, and you should be eagerly getting ready for the home God will one day give you.  If you do your work eagerly, you too will become physically strong and spiritually ready to do great things for God.
Jael used the strength she had.  She used the food in her kitchen.  She used the tools of battle she had- her mallet and her tent peg. She killed the enemy of Israel and of Yahweh!
God has given you the high calling of keeping a home. 

The enemy today masquerades around sneaking into all our homes. We need to stand on guard and use our biblical knowledge and truth to nail the enemy in the head when he arrives thinking he will sneak in our "Tents"

God wants us to be women of the word, strong and powerful.

We need to be on guard for:
Deception: Satan's most successful tool.  He wields this tool with devastating results.
Doubt: Makes you question God's word and his goodness.
Discouragement: Makes you look at your problems rather than God. Diversion: Makes the wrong things seem attractive so you want them more than the right things. (watch this with our children)    
Defeat: Makes you feel like a failure so you don't even try.
Delay: Makes you put off something so it never gets started or completed.

One of my favorite verses I would like to share is

Proverbs 24:3-6
New King James Version (NKJV)
Through wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.
A wise man is strong,
Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength;
For by wise counsel you will wage your own war,
And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.
Its not easy being a homemaker and working woman in today's society. It calls for much Wisdom and strength. This can only come from the Holy Spirit and your relationship with God.
What does the above verse mean to you?
How are you building yourself up in wisdom?
How are you establishing that wisdom in your home?
My oldest son was just saying to me that he does not want to have any kids because the world is so confusing and he is confused himself. I remind this young child of mine that God is at my side and the only way he will discover peace and purpose is with a heart abiding with God. Everything else will propel WAR and confusion.
 Toady's world has created so many little gods and those little gods CONFUSE!
Lets learn from Deborah and Jael how BIG God really can be to a heart that desires His goodness!  
Blessings and strength I pray over you today,

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Woman who wanted MORE!

                 I WANT MORE, MORE, MORE!

Lets meet a lady in scripture that asked for...MORE!
First off I want to admit that I can totally relate with this lady on a couple levels.
I am a gal who wants more, more and more! Just sayin!
Maybe not always the spiritual wants but often the temporary worldly wants. This is one reason I stay away from my local Hobby Lobby or Pier One Imports!  

Just the other day I journaled something in regards to a spiritual desire that I have wanted to ask my heavenly father for. I want more of something.... I know I  needed to be bold  and specific about these desires that I was having. I will be honest my mind had more negative chatter to why it may not come to pass or why I should not ask and that held me hostage.

 BUT GET THIS.....God is so good

Our church service yesterday spoke about Gods word being true and alive. CLICK HERE to watch this incrediable service!
 Toward the end of this powerful service on God's Word,  Pastor Brad paused as we listened to the song "Word of God speak" the song ministered the truth that Gods word speaks to us!

This morning I got up and did my daily bible reading... Please click on this link Daily Bible Plan and find today's date. I follow this plan and often have a journal close by to jot some connections or thoughts down. This is a great way to get yourself into the Word during the week on your own.

I opened up to Joshua 15.  I was then introduced to a women named Achsah.

ACSAH= means a bangle or anklet, Adorned or Bursting Veil.

Honestly, I am a student of the word and have studied many, many women of the bible but  this one I have not come across. Achsah was the daughter of Caleb, prince of the tribe of Judah. She was the only girl in the family and had three brothers. 
Let me give you a few more details then I will show you how God used her to speak to my current situation. I hope this real example will help you understand how God is real and practical in your life through the stories of the bible that He will make ALIVE today!

The story of Achsah is told in charming and picturesque detail in the above Scripture. Her father promised her in marriage to the gallant man who was able to capture Debir  which means, “The City of the Book.” The feat was accomplished by Othniel, and Caleb gave to his daughter, as a dowry, a portion of the south land.

Not satisfied, she wanted (more) springs of water to irrigate her fields, so Caleb gave her the upper springs and the nether springs.

 Although, as a Jewess, Achsah looked for great things through faith in God’s promise of the land, ( I love this about her) her request for an addition to the generous dowry already bestowed, reveals an element of covetousness in her disposition.

She displays a bit of discontent!

Not content with the noble present her father Caleb had given her, she urged Othniel her husband to make a further request, but reading between the lines of the story it would seem as if he felt it ungracious to ask for more.

Thus Achsah, who had not learned to be content with what she had (Hebrews 13:5), approached her father with a significant word, “Give me also.

Solomon reminds us that the human heart is like the horseleech whose two daughters never have enough, and bear the names of Give, Give (Proverbs 30:15). There is, of course, a divine discontent all of us should foster.

 Dissatisfied with our growth in sanctity of life we should constantly pray, “More holiness give me,” and as the bride’s father graciously granted his daughter’s request, so our Heavenly Father will answer our yearning for the life more abundant.

Caleb gave Achsah the springs of water she desired, and in the upper and nether springs we have a type of the spiritual and temporal mercies from our Father above. As heirs of the promise, His children can humbly and confidently ask and expect great blessings from His generous hand.

 Both upper, or heavenly provision, and nether, or earthly necessities come from Him in whom are all our springs. At times it seems as if the “nether springs” dry up, as Job experienced when the Lord took away so many of his earthly possessions and pleasures.
But the “upper springs” never run dry for, like those Achsah received, they flow from the everlasting hills. “The river of water of life flowing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb” cannot fail. When the waters of earth fail, we have a reservoir above, never impoverished by drought.

I learned from Acsah that I can and should approach my heavenly father BOLDLY. He knows what I need and want  before I ask, but HE wants us to come to Him in prayer. We should be BOLD and SPECIFIC about what we need.

When God gives us a place to live and work or serve, its all right to also ask for what we need to NOURISH it, to cause better growth. Not only will our Father GIVE us what we ask for in His way, but He will also give abundantly Ephesians 3:20!

Do we confidently approach our heavenly father and ask Him  to equip us to do His will?

The Lord wants you to be a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail! Isaiah 58:11

The word spoke to me today reminding me of thoughts I had the other day in regards to my future and some personal desires.

God reminded me through Achsah to ASK BOLDLY and BELIEVE.

 If its according to His will and desires He will answer.
Remember God is the one who puts the spiritual desires in us anyway!

Acsah is a picture of the true successful pleader with our heavenly father in heaven. She saw that the land her father gave her would be of very little use to her and her husband because it needed water springs. This was a big deal back then. So Acsah goes to her father and request "Give me also springs of water." She proved that by asking she was able to receive the springs needed for enjoyment of the land.

Are there areas of your life that deter you from enjoyment of the land? Remember the possessions itself cannot be spoiled but the appreciation and pleasure can.

May the SPRINGS of Gods word make you alive and well again today.

God will give you what you need in your season and for your land. Your land is an illustration of your story and everything that exist within your territory. God wants to bless your home, relationships, finances and ministry desires. The way He provides for us is perfect in everyway.

Its ok to ask Him Boldly about specific areas!

Read John 4:13-14 What did Jesus promise those who DRINK from the water He gives?

Read Hebrews 4:13-16 where can you go boldly or confidently and why? what do we receive? is this how you pray?

Blessings and may God's word be ALIVE with you today!

Follow this reading plan for the rest of the week! Daily Reading Plan

Friday, March 21, 2014



Faith is the complete and utter resignation of our hearts to the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the power of God.

If we want God to just keep right on arriving, let Him bring to life, let Him give birth to what He is doing in your heart. Make the Word of God, the vision of God, the passion of God the reality of God in your heart; let it become an unstoppable force, conceived and ready for birth.

God Leaping Through Us
Today's reading was:

And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" Luke 1:41-42

When God's Word begins to be fulfilled, God begins to leap. John the Baptist did not have the mental capacity to know there was a babe in Mary's womb; His mental prowess certainly had not been developed. It was God doing the leaping in everyone.Are you allowing God to work in all capacities in your life. IF you step more into Him he will cause you to leap!

Elizabeth leaped to bless the fruit of Mary's womb.

Mary leaped to magnify God's great power.

Zechariah leaped to prophesy God's coming salvation.

Angels leaped to give glory to God for bringing peace to earth.

Shepherds leaped to proclaim a Savior King had been born.

Wise Men leaped to worship God as King in the Person of Jesus

an ever-filling arrival

Once Jesus starts coming, He wants to continue to come until He has spilled out all over your world, covering you in unmistakable blessing and wonder. You can let His arriving be to you a never-ending, ever-filling arrival.

Let Him speak deeply in your heart. Let what He speaks find a birth place in your soul, longing for, envisioning, planning around what He has birthed within. 
Then let the leaping and praising and magnifying of God fill you.
 You will find God's arrival in the Person of Jesus will be an endless, way beyond a Christmas moment arriving. 
If God is birthing a vision in you then wait in joy until God is ready to birth that vision in His time. While waiting LEAP with other about God's work. Mary and Elizabeth felt a stirring in their womb!
IS God stirring up something in you?
Ask God to stir the gifts he placed within you to serve within your church body! When you begin to serve and fellowship more in your church body God will conceive the greater vision and you will leap and share the stirring my friend! Don't miss out on this part of your journey. Take a leap of faith and get involved so you can allowed God to make alive a new thing in your life!
Allow God to conceive and birth something amazing!
Maybe it's change in your heart with a situation,
Maybe a new ministry opportunity. Possibly new healthy friends from stepping out and getting involved. Step out of your comfort zone and you will conceive something new....I promise!

Leaping with you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and so begins the season of Lent. I grew up a non-denominational Christian and had little experience with Lent. In fact, I remember working at a bookstore and wondering why, one particular evening, about a quarter of all our customers had dark crosses smeared on their foreheads. What I learned later on after gaining a few wonderful Catholic friends is that it is a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believer. It signifies mourning and repentance. Many observers spend the next 46 days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.
So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? A few reasons…

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Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and so begins the season of Lent. I grew up a non-denominational Christian and had little experience with Lent. In fact, I remember working at a bookstore and wondering why, one particular evening, about a quarter of all our customers had dark crosses smeared on their foreheads. What I learned later on after gaining a few wonderful Catholic friends is that it is a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believer. It signifies mourning and repentance. Many observers spend the next 46 days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.
So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? A few reasons…

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Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and so begins the season of Lent. I grew up a non-denominational Christian and had little experience with Lent. In fact, I remember working at a bookstore and wondering why, one particular evening, about a quarter of all our customers had dark crosses smeared on their foreheads. What I learned later on after gaining a few wonderful Catholic friends is that it is a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believer. It signifies mourning and repentance. Many observers spend the next 46 days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.
So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? A few reasons…

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Today begins the season of Lent.
I grew up in a very traditional Catholic household and I was taught to observe many religious traditions during the season of lent.  I will admit that I had little knowledge of why I did certain things, In fact I remember thinking how silly it was to wear dark crosses smeared on our foreheads for the whole day. It was a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believers forehead, it signifies mourning and repentance. Now that I understand more I appreciate the Ash Wednesday service!
 Many observers will spend the next 4o days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.

So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? or not catholic? Many feel lent is for the religious people, its not... its for us all!

I am still a bible believing Christian and thankful for my upbringing. However today I  currently attend a non denominational church not because I have anything negative to say about other religions but because I chose a change in my journey that brought me to a  place in which I understood and practiced things from my heart of understanding and not necessarily tradition or ritual.
 Again its a personal journey for each person, with that in mind this Blog entry is to share my personal reflection and observations about Lent and not to discuss religion. If your journey leads you to the relationship with Him then that is what matters!

LENT: A time to let go and become more like Christ. (I believe this is the goal in many traditional religions)  Lent is a time to prepare our hearts for Easter.
 Our sacrificing is all about formation. Kinda like Spring... Spring is all about the formation of new things coming from the ground. In the fall, nature falls away so that in the spring new things can spring from the empty places.

During Lent I fall away from worldly things so I may Fall more into Gods purposes and plans for me!

 Lent is a time for me to get real with myself and lament over my personal sins and losses. Lent allows me to refocus and reshape!
 I’m not saying that everyone should go around sad and pitiful for a month and a half, but Lent may be a good time to dig deep into your heart about your losses and your personal journey.

Lent observance is mourning. I’m not saying that everyone should go around sad and pitiful for a month and a half, but Lent may be a good time to dig deep into your heart about your losses. One of the biggest issues people don’t even realize that they have is a lack of grief. You lost a job, a spouse, a friend, or even a period of time in your life that you enjoyed is over. Did you properly grieve it? A lot of times, we walk around still carrying the weight of something we’ve

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Lent observance is mourning. I’m not saying that everyone should go around sad and pitiful for a month and a half, but Lent may be a good time to dig deep into your heart about your losses. One of the biggest issues people don’t even realize that they have is a lack of grief. You lost a job, a spouse, a friend, or even a period of time in your life that you enjoyed is over. Did you properly grieve it? A lot of times, we walk around still carrying the weight of something we’ve

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If I just walk through the tradition of just "doing" the lent ritual it has no benefits... just tradition.

Let me share a few reasons why I continue to observe this time and what it looks like for me this year

Fasting during lent develops an Iron Core. Fasting can be very hard.  It requires self-discipline and a certain strength of character. Not everyone can give up something that they love. But if you really want to see exactly what you’re made up, I challenge you to give up one luxury. Just one. Coffee, social media, cookies, swearing, wine or whatever you indulge in. It’s not only a good way to kick a bad habit, but it shows you just how tough you really are
Sacrifice is good for the soul. Many religions (in fact all of the major ones) require and/or advocate fasting. I do not do this for any religious obligation. I do this to work out more of my salvation with Christ.  You learn to depend more on Christ during this time just as Jesus relied on His father for 40 days in the wilderness. I learn to lean more into the Spirit not my religion or tradition.
No matter what you believe, Lent is a season for all of us because the idea of denying oneself to focus on something greater is part of why God created us.

Lent is not about focusing on Fish and chips on Friday and supporting the local church. I do not mean to say this in a rude way but we have to come to GRIPS with the true reason of sacrifice.
For the longest time growing up I only knew that Lent meant Fish and Chips on Friday...that was the extent.

This Lent season I again desire to refocus, reshape and relate with God and His dreams for me!

 I truly desire all God has for me but I feel I let myself and ways get in the pathway of all the NEW God has for me!  
If he took such a drastic step of sacrifice for my salvation and dreams then I believe I will give time and sacrifice  to meet him more towards the middle of my dreams!

 Can you imagine what God will reveal during this time of reflection?

We choose to give something up in order to grow closer to God. God has taught me the deeper meaning of lent along my journey and I no longer see the surface of many man made traditions.

When I see Ashes on the foreheads today I remember and celebrate that He met me where I was at, He loves me and died for me.

 Friends, when we go 40 days without something we have will have withdrawals.

 Let the spirit meet you.

Notice how much a certain thing can take over your life.
 Our "certain thing"  may be different for all.

I know what God spoke to me personally in regards to my "certain thing" so I am daring to do what God has laid on my heart and I am excited to go beyond the physical and focus on the abundance rather then the lack of what I am "giving up"

So remember Lent is that span of time that commemorated Jesus 40 day fasting and temptation in the desert and Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus Resurrection from the grave!

During this time span what people and religions do will differ from person to person and church to church.

Lent no matter what should symbolize your personal journey of reflection, repentance, refocusing, self denial and celebration.

 I have many friends that choose not to give up but to commit to doing more of something such as a set devotional time, regular prayer time or the study of a specific topic.

I love the 40 day study of Christ Journey in the wilderness. I will blog a few entries along the way in the next 40 days.

The choice to observe lent is a personal one- the whole point friends is to focus your heart and mind a little more toward Christ during the journey of Easter.
Be careful not to fast or give up in VAIN or because of guilt and requirements. I urge you to pray and ask God what He would love to do in your life and you'll be amazed at what happens and how He reveals.

I remember many years back during lent I promised to not miss one Sunday service and for that season in my life that was a sacrifice but that sacrifice changed the next season of my life.

God has plans my friends for something NEW!

Take the 40 day challenge and  observe out of desire and not for religious expectations, only then will you experience a different outcome.

Please visit my post from LAST YEAR and perhaps try this family devotion and Easter project!

Remember Lent is not about religion but your relationship with God.
What are your thoughts about Lent? How do you observe with your family? Is this a new challenge you will take with me? Share your thoughts!

Blessings friends