Friday, March 21, 2014



Faith is the complete and utter resignation of our hearts to the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the power of God.

If we want God to just keep right on arriving, let Him bring to life, let Him give birth to what He is doing in your heart. Make the Word of God, the vision of God, the passion of God the reality of God in your heart; let it become an unstoppable force, conceived and ready for birth.

God Leaping Through Us
Today's reading was:

And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" Luke 1:41-42

When God's Word begins to be fulfilled, God begins to leap. John the Baptist did not have the mental capacity to know there was a babe in Mary's womb; His mental prowess certainly had not been developed. It was God doing the leaping in everyone.Are you allowing God to work in all capacities in your life. IF you step more into Him he will cause you to leap!

Elizabeth leaped to bless the fruit of Mary's womb.

Mary leaped to magnify God's great power.

Zechariah leaped to prophesy God's coming salvation.

Angels leaped to give glory to God for bringing peace to earth.

Shepherds leaped to proclaim a Savior King had been born.

Wise Men leaped to worship God as King in the Person of Jesus

an ever-filling arrival

Once Jesus starts coming, He wants to continue to come until He has spilled out all over your world, covering you in unmistakable blessing and wonder. You can let His arriving be to you a never-ending, ever-filling arrival.

Let Him speak deeply in your heart. Let what He speaks find a birth place in your soul, longing for, envisioning, planning around what He has birthed within. 
Then let the leaping and praising and magnifying of God fill you.
 You will find God's arrival in the Person of Jesus will be an endless, way beyond a Christmas moment arriving. 
If God is birthing a vision in you then wait in joy until God is ready to birth that vision in His time. While waiting LEAP with other about God's work. Mary and Elizabeth felt a stirring in their womb!
IS God stirring up something in you?
Ask God to stir the gifts he placed within you to serve within your church body! When you begin to serve and fellowship more in your church body God will conceive the greater vision and you will leap and share the stirring my friend! Don't miss out on this part of your journey. Take a leap of faith and get involved so you can allowed God to make alive a new thing in your life!
Allow God to conceive and birth something amazing!
Maybe it's change in your heart with a situation,
Maybe a new ministry opportunity. Possibly new healthy friends from stepping out and getting involved. Step out of your comfort zone and you will conceive something new....I promise!

Leaping with you!