Thursday, August 27, 2015

God calls us through lifes interruption's



Being free from our past lives and becoming a servant of Jesus Christ in whatever capacity God begins to shape.

Every dead area of your life is now available for further review for God's life-changing power.

Maybe a relationship in your life has fell apart
Maybe you lost your job
Maybe you made a terrible mistake
Maybe you are stuck in sin

Everything looks dead, But it's not over God is CALLING YOU!

Most of us give up on things way to soon and never consider hearing God's calling. 


So let us be clear, all of God's people partake of the one calling, a calling to holiness, hope, eternal life and the kingdom of God. And having accepted that call we then get down to the business of obeying the Word of God which includes working with our hands in whatever way possible so that we are not a burden on others and so that we will have something to share with those in need.

You Were Made By 



To Serve Him In 

A Special and Unique 

Way Within The Church 

or Within The World, But 

Not Of The World. 

God’s saving call

is a call to a


Those whom God calls,  are nobodies, from the world’s viewpoint. 
They are not wise, nor mighty, nor of noble parentage and birth; rather, they are foolish, weak, and lowly in the sight of men. Those who are called know themselves to be sinners, unworthy of God’s grace, deserving of His everlasting wrath. Yet God knows them as those whom He chose from eternity to be His people; those for whom Christ died and arose; those in whom the Spirit implants the new life of Christ; those made saints, and brought into the church of Christ. Every human being is called but not all respond.

When God calls us, He speaks to us.

 He does so, as we stand by nature in the world of sin and unbelief and ungodliness; loving the lie; and hating the law. And to us He says:

 “Come out of such ungodliness and unbelief. Stop having ungodly ambitions. Don’t strive after worldly greatness. Stop having fellowship with unbelievers. And come into the knowledge of the truth; walk in the light; and enjoy the saving fellowship of Jesus Christ, your Lord.” 

This speech of God by which He calls is really nothing else than the voice of Jesus Christ. 
Christ emphasizes this in John 10:3, calling Himself the Good Shepherd. Just as the earthly shepherd goes to the pen in which the sheep and goats of many different masters have spent the night, and calls his own by name to follow him, so does Jesus Christ call His own sheep,
with His own voice, and they come.

This call comes to us through the preaching of the gospel, as the Spirit works by that preaching to save the elect. The first four chapters of I Corinthians explain this point. God is growing us into the mysteries of God.  

Are you hearing the teaching of God's word in some fashion?

This is very important because it helps you make the inner connections.

Today God reminded me personally to remain in my same calling. God has been preparing me and I tend to get sloppy with my life and calling. I need to remain faithful and strong.

1 Corinthians 7:20 " Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called."

I pray today God spoke to you personally!

Now for a little laugh!  
I wrote this post awhile back. It ended up in a friends time hop this week and she shared what I sent her way back!
I chuckled when I looked into old posts and files this week. 
Check out this picture of me. This was the first year I started this blog. So end of 2010, not sure why I chose that bright red lipstick! 
Now this is a reason to like the app called #timehop

I had short hair but of course I knew how to make it BIG! 

Have a blessed day friends!

Saturday, August 22, 2015




This is ALSO available for those that do not have face book accounts, having a face book business page acts like a website in a sense.

Dear friends and family,

I created an organization page on face book.  This will eventually become the main dashboard in which I will share stories, post/ host events and connect with a network of like minded people.
 I have many friends and family that may not want to see all my posts every single day about how great my JESUS is.
 I want to respect and organize better. I appreciate all my friends and family. 
I want to continue to engage and post regularly but on my personal page I do not want to push away friends or family that may not be interested in my thread of daily thoughts. So before you delete me from your friends list, I will respect your feelings. However, I will still post about how great my God is but I want overwhelm you daily! 

 If you go over and LIKE my new face book page you will get updates in your news feed on all my daily teachings and more.
 Like I said, I will post on the business page more then my personal page.

 Also hop on over to INSTAGRAM :HeatherBaxter1
or SKIP on over to PINTEREST: Heather Baxter 
These places are FUN!

Sometimes we need to take a break,  clean up and prioritize our social media platforms. I love that God has given us great tools to create community but to many becomes a real time waster for me.

 I plan to grow my community on this NEW page.

Many people today do not have a face book account and having a business page allows those friends to interact.

Hope to see your LIKES today on face book! 
Look for this picture

Friday, August 21, 2015


2 KINGS 3:16 2 Kings 3
16 and he said, “This is what the Lord says: I will fill this valley with pools of water.
17 For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink.
18 This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord; he will also deliver Moab into your hands.
19 You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town. You will cut down every good tree, stop up all the springs, and ruin every good field with stones.”
20 The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was—water flowing from the direction of Edom! And the land was filled with water.

Dig a ditch so God can fill it!  

That is a clear lesson from this passage. 

 Our God specializes in FILLING things which are EMPTY

 Small Groups and or Bible studies are so important friends because we empty ourselves of the cares of this world, and make room for God to fill us! 

Your personal devotions are times when you are "digging a ditch" for God to fill. Like digging ditches, bible study, prayer or ministry can be hard work and for some new territory. As you dig, the ditch looks empty. By faith and obedience God will eventually fill your ditch with the water you need for your circumstance!

 We empty ourselves of the flesh and then the Spirit comes to life like a rushing river, filling the valley of our souls!  And God gets all the glory when He uses emptiness to fulfill His will in overflowing ways!

Are you in a crisis that has left you dry? Are you facing any battles? Are you thirsty for JUST more!

Then Get digging friends we must prepare for God to bless! 


Lesson from the word:

After seeking a word from the Lord, Elisha commanded that ditches be dug in the dry valley in preparation for the miracle that God would give.

 Early the next morning water poured in from the east and the ditches were all filled to overflowing.

               What can be learned from this miracle?

First, sometimes God requires us to make preparation for receiving a miracle/blessing. 

 Second, making preparation may not be easy. Bible study can take time.They had to dig ditches in a bone-dry valley.

 Third, God may ask you to do some thing that you consider beneath your ability. Elite fighting men were asked to become common ditch diggers.

Finally, as in many other miracles, the miracle was limited to the depth of the preparation.

 The water filled every ditch that had been dug. God is not limited by us, but there are times that He will go no further than we are willing to go.

*What small thing is God asking of you in preparation for him to fill?
* Does it seem too hard? 
*Have you thought it beneath your status to do as He has    asked? 
*Have you stopped digging too soon?
*Listen! Is that the sound of rushing water?

 Pick up your shovel and dig your ditch.
 Joy comes in the morning along with the victory!

Pick up that shovel friends and Join a study this fall! 

If you live in my area please check out my home church Northridge

If you are interested in joining an online bible study that I will be leading this fall with my new release workbook study called RUN please contact me today.
 Online classes start SEPT 28 REGISTER TODAY

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Abortion is ugly


Today I want to take a minute to share a personal road block in my life.
Remember our life is a journey and many times we find ourselves off course.
I take full responsibility for my actions back in my college days. I do not blame anyone for my past sin or mistakes. But what I DO know is God has taken all my SHAME and replaced with HONOR! 

A runners toe is called a black toenail because of its UGLY appearance. This is so common among runners and first noticed as bleeding under the toenail. The healing comes when the blood under the toe works its way out--and while the healing takes place, the area under the toenail is the perfect environment for infection if not cared for properly.
Like stated on the page below, a runners toe is cause by repeated pressure and constant friction. When enough damage occurs the toenail turns black and falls off.! 

The PRESSURES of this life and possibly our past mistakes can cause an irritation in our personal journey causing us to back off,  possibly turn black and cold due to the bleeding in our soul and eventually we fall off the path God intended for us to run. 
Remember the healing of a runner toes comes when the blood under the toe works it way out. 

I would like to take a moment and share a personal story that comes from a GREAT place of pain in my past.
I only share my past today because I care about other women today that are allowing their past to bleed under the surface due to repeated pressure and constant friction! Friends, the enemy knows how to keep the past bleeding in your soul.
This is a true running story friends
My black toe nail fell off, infection was cleared and a NEW nail was born! 
The new toe nail is clean, healthy and beautiful!

What a parallel right?

I love that God teaches me with crazy visuals!

When I was training for the Chicago marathon I had to take a few weeks off  for my black toe nail to heal. It was a very gross/ugly time but during this time I was reminded of my ugly past and this is how the lesson came about.

Take a moment today and open your bibles to ISAIAH 61;3-4,7  this verse is also listed below from page 145 of the Run study.
 This verse reminds us that instead of our shame Gods people through healing will receive a double portion! 
This verse promises us that Gods splendor will be noticed in our lives and we will have a crown of beauty instead of a heap of black ashes. God is all about rebuilding, renewing and restoring! 
Take a moment today and save this verse on your phone, make it your screen saver or write it on an index card and remind yourself of what God intends to do with those ashes! 

Below you will see my story. I am going to let you read from the pages of the book. 

I felt God couldn’t love me now friends, I was desperate.

 My bitterness toward God numbed my conscience and helped pave the way for rejecting many of my personal convictions. I had a stone cold heart.
Life at one time became a wild party full of temporary moments of  college happiness. The deeper I sank into this lifestyle, the more desperate I felt. 
 It wasn’t long before I found myself sitting in an abortion clinic up at MSU realizing I’d made a terrible mess of my life.
Not once but twice
My life had no sense of purpose or direction. I was a looser in college with no hope.
I decided to live the next five years in complete denial.
Well, the denial was the bleeding, friction and constant pressure of the black toenail! 
My desire to "feel" good and "forget" caught up with me.

I tried for so long to:
DENY the facts 
DENY the impact
DENY the act

 Page 145 of the study will explain in more detail how we all tend to deny our personal ashes.
Pages 147-149 will teach you how to take the steps toward receiving your crown of beauty! 

The steps are listed in the pages below. God wants to allow the past to fall off. However we need to remember the past and the act and bring it out of the darkness and covered by his light and blood.

FEELINGS are unreliable
 the action steps I share will help you gain freedom and forgiveness. 

Truth will change your heart! 

Our stories take on a new meaning in Christ! 

I love this verse:
2 Corinthians 5:17 
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; the old is gone, the NEW has come!

The old toe nail is gone and the NEW grows back! 

Take a deep breath with me! 
I know we can become weary in our daily runs.
 I pray the passage in ISAIAH encourages you today. 
Remember If you take the "I" our of RUIN you are left with RUN! 
Lets get rid of our "I" today, which is our focus on our own selves instead of RUNNING with Jesus! 

He wants to bring a whole NEW HOPE and a NEW FUTURE! 

Again, I pray you take my story with grace. It has been hard recently publishing a book and having friends and family see my past but my heart is for many to understand His splendor and grace! so I am not afraid to share and grateful for my calling to work with women on a daily basis! 

Take time today and RUN

If you're interested in more lessons and further applications please grab a copy of RUN today. If you click the link on the right you can grab a FREE E book today.
Otherwise email me today for a discounted copy of RUN

Sunday, August 16, 2015



 (click the subscribe button to the right)
I am sorry  for last Weeks post, many had problems with the promo code.



Winning the spiritual Race does not depend upon how fast you Run; it is determined by how you Run. There is a right way and wrong way to Run. Having an organized Training plan is your only chance to make it to the Finish Line. This book study will become a personal Training manual. Run will give you instructions and resources that will equip you to win the Race. The Christian life is often described as a Race – one designed by God. In it, we are called to fulfill His purposes for us. We need to be in spiritual shape. Trying to run a marathon is very different from Training to run a marathon. Let’s get fit – we can’t quit when the going gets rough. We can go through all the religious stunts, but unless there is a desire to Train to be like Jesus, few make it and many fall to defeat. A great factor in success is consistency. We may start out in front, leading, but if we do not stay consistent, we become entangled in the affairs of this life. God has called you to Run the Race set before you! Fall on your knees through this study and embrace your Race! It’s possible to Run the entire Race, and even cross the Finish Line, only to realize you have been disqualified because you did not Run in such a way. Life is not a game with no lasting consequences. The way we Run has eternal consequences. Lace up, friend; you have a Race to win!


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I speak to my people continually. You can find Me in each moment when you have the eyes that desire to see and ears to hear. 

The Run study my friends is designed to help you with:


The study/journal is to help each person sharpen their spiritual eyesight and hearing. In other words discover your race plan and His presence within each mile. He wants our lives to increase not just in opportunity but more importantly in maturity. 

 Whenever growth comes it will create a STRETCH in our lives. 

When we learn to RUN in such a way we create stretch. 
The stretch exposes what often is hidden. Allow God to stretch you because then you are increasingly released to become the one He created you to be. 

Start stretching today so you can allow Him to pull and stimulate His presence in your life. He will meet you during your present mile, He will lift you off the side of the road and place you back in the race. He wants you to find your security in knowing Him. 

Today I encourage you friends to RUN towards God.

 Below is a sweet text I received from a friend that took a step just by having the desire to get back in the race. The desire alone stirred the presence of God to show up in her current mile. Honestly, she was on the side of the road during this mile. God gently picked her up and placed her back on the track.

 I am honored that God chose to use RUN to speak to her and help her back on her feet. God has a divinely prepared track and that is called, Gods will for your life
We do not make up our own route to run. We do not find our own way to the finish line. God has a prepared track and race chosen for you to run. Before you even entered the race, before you were even born--God planned the path you should take. With infinite wisdom He laid it all out.

Jeremiah 1:5 " Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you: I have appointed you a prophet to the nations"

We run a sense of destiny. Everywhere we run, we arrive by divine appointment. A sovereign reason, a divine purpose. For everything that happens in our lives God has prepared beforehand. 

Today friends you are running into a day specifically designed by God. 

Thanks Stella for sharing your Run with us. I am so excited to hear how God lifted you and put you back on track! 
I had to screen shot so a few sentences will repeat! 

If you're interested in your second chance or feel that you need help getting back on track then maybe God will speak and stretch you through the RUN book study. 
On the right of today's blog at the top you will see the Run book. Click and order a copy today. Please email me if you took this step so that I can pray as God begins to place you back in your race! I would love to come alongside your miles! 

Run in such a way,

Thursday, July 16, 2015

How to Run your race while grieving the loss of a child (you tube 20min teaching included)

Today's post is powerful!

Thank you Jen for Teaching us how to endure during one of life's hardest miles, a family tragedy.
 Together we can get up close and personal in the RUN workbook as we zoom in on Jen's story. 
Jen's story will teach us a solid training tip on how to run during the hardest mile.

Her mile marker can be found on page 130-133 in the book.
If you do not have the book you still will be encouraged in a powerful way! This is for everyone.

TIP # 2


Please look for the link below for today's powerful, reality shaking truth. 

Thanks again for all those celebrating RUNS release with me! I will post this weekend all the pictures and smiles so we can share in each others excitement to start running Gods race.

If you have a copy of Run please grab your book, I have a few teaching tips for you to jot down today as we look at a training tip to help us run that race well. If you do not have a copy of Run, ORDER A COPY TODAY or just sit back with a cup of tea or coffee and listen, then decide if you want to Run your race better! 

Heather Baxter Online Teaching for today  ok, this is funny,  my husband just  said "its a 22 minute teaching? WOW, thats a TV show without commercials!"  I promise they will not be all this long.

Main Teaching point: To Run with Endurance in the race set before us we must let the power and love of  God ENDURE within our lives. Endure means to under go, go through, live through, encounter and experience. 
God promises will help you endure! 

1 Peter 1:25 
 All people are like grass, and all their glory is like flowers of the field, the grass withers and the flowers fall But the Word of the Lord ENDURES forever
Thanks for joining me in today's teaching! 


Jen, I love you! Keep running. I know it can be hard but together we will encourage and push each other into Gods presence. Thank you for sharing and teaching us about Gods faithfulness.