Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and so begins the season of Lent. I grew up a non-denominational Christian and had little experience with Lent. In fact, I remember working at a bookstore and wondering why, one particular evening, about a quarter of all our customers had dark crosses smeared on their foreheads. What I learned later on after gaining a few wonderful Catholic friends is that it is a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believer. It signifies mourning and repentance. Many observers spend the next 46 days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.
So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? A few reasons…

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Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and so begins the season of Lent. I grew up a non-denominational Christian and had little experience with Lent. In fact, I remember working at a bookstore and wondering why, one particular evening, about a quarter of all our customers had dark crosses smeared on their foreheads. What I learned later on after gaining a few wonderful Catholic friends is that it is a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believer. It signifies mourning and repentance. Many observers spend the next 46 days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.
So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? A few reasons…

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Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and so begins the season of Lent. I grew up a non-denominational Christian and had little experience with Lent. In fact, I remember working at a bookstore and wondering why, one particular evening, about a quarter of all our customers had dark crosses smeared on their foreheads. What I learned later on after gaining a few wonderful Catholic friends is that it is a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believer. It signifies mourning and repentance. Many observers spend the next 46 days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.
So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? A few reasons…

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Today begins the season of Lent.
I grew up in a very traditional Catholic household and I was taught to observe many religious traditions during the season of lent.  I will admit that I had little knowledge of why I did certain things, In fact I remember thinking how silly it was to wear dark crosses smeared on our foreheads for the whole day. It was a ritual of Ash Wednesday mass in which ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are marked on the believers forehead, it signifies mourning and repentance. Now that I understand more I appreciate the Ash Wednesday service!
 Many observers will spend the next 4o days until Easter Sunday fasting and praying.

So enough with the history lesson… Why observe this holiday if you’re not religious? or not catholic? Many feel lent is for the religious people, its not... its for us all!

I am still a bible believing Christian and thankful for my upbringing. However today I  currently attend a non denominational church not because I have anything negative to say about other religions but because I chose a change in my journey that brought me to a  place in which I understood and practiced things from my heart of understanding and not necessarily tradition or ritual.
 Again its a personal journey for each person, with that in mind this Blog entry is to share my personal reflection and observations about Lent and not to discuss religion. If your journey leads you to the relationship with Him then that is what matters!

LENT: A time to let go and become more like Christ. (I believe this is the goal in many traditional religions)  Lent is a time to prepare our hearts for Easter.
 Our sacrificing is all about formation. Kinda like Spring... Spring is all about the formation of new things coming from the ground. In the fall, nature falls away so that in the spring new things can spring from the empty places.

During Lent I fall away from worldly things so I may Fall more into Gods purposes and plans for me!

 Lent is a time for me to get real with myself and lament over my personal sins and losses. Lent allows me to refocus and reshape!
 I’m not saying that everyone should go around sad and pitiful for a month and a half, but Lent may be a good time to dig deep into your heart about your losses and your personal journey.

Lent observance is mourning. I’m not saying that everyone should go around sad and pitiful for a month and a half, but Lent may be a good time to dig deep into your heart about your losses. One of the biggest issues people don’t even realize that they have is a lack of grief. You lost a job, a spouse, a friend, or even a period of time in your life that you enjoyed is over. Did you properly grieve it? A lot of times, we walk around still carrying the weight of something we’ve

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Lent observance is mourning. I’m not saying that everyone should go around sad and pitiful for a month and a half, but Lent may be a good time to dig deep into your heart about your losses. One of the biggest issues people don’t even realize that they have is a lack of grief. You lost a job, a spouse, a friend, or even a period of time in your life that you enjoyed is over. Did you properly grieve it? A lot of times, we walk around still carrying the weight of something we’ve

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If I just walk through the tradition of just "doing" the lent ritual it has no benefits... just tradition.

Let me share a few reasons why I continue to observe this time and what it looks like for me this year

Fasting during lent develops an Iron Core. Fasting can be very hard.  It requires self-discipline and a certain strength of character. Not everyone can give up something that they love. But if you really want to see exactly what you’re made up, I challenge you to give up one luxury. Just one. Coffee, social media, cookies, swearing, wine or whatever you indulge in. It’s not only a good way to kick a bad habit, but it shows you just how tough you really are
Sacrifice is good for the soul. Many religions (in fact all of the major ones) require and/or advocate fasting. I do not do this for any religious obligation. I do this to work out more of my salvation with Christ.  You learn to depend more on Christ during this time just as Jesus relied on His father for 40 days in the wilderness. I learn to lean more into the Spirit not my religion or tradition.
No matter what you believe, Lent is a season for all of us because the idea of denying oneself to focus on something greater is part of why God created us.

Lent is not about focusing on Fish and chips on Friday and supporting the local church. I do not mean to say this in a rude way but we have to come to GRIPS with the true reason of sacrifice.
For the longest time growing up I only knew that Lent meant Fish and Chips on Friday...that was the extent.

This Lent season I again desire to refocus, reshape and relate with God and His dreams for me!

 I truly desire all God has for me but I feel I let myself and ways get in the pathway of all the NEW God has for me!  
If he took such a drastic step of sacrifice for my salvation and dreams then I believe I will give time and sacrifice  to meet him more towards the middle of my dreams!

 Can you imagine what God will reveal during this time of reflection?

We choose to give something up in order to grow closer to God. God has taught me the deeper meaning of lent along my journey and I no longer see the surface of many man made traditions.

When I see Ashes on the foreheads today I remember and celebrate that He met me where I was at, He loves me and died for me.

 Friends, when we go 40 days without something we have will have withdrawals.

 Let the spirit meet you.

Notice how much a certain thing can take over your life.
 Our "certain thing"  may be different for all.

I know what God spoke to me personally in regards to my "certain thing" so I am daring to do what God has laid on my heart and I am excited to go beyond the physical and focus on the abundance rather then the lack of what I am "giving up"

So remember Lent is that span of time that commemorated Jesus 40 day fasting and temptation in the desert and Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus Resurrection from the grave!

During this time span what people and religions do will differ from person to person and church to church.

Lent no matter what should symbolize your personal journey of reflection, repentance, refocusing, self denial and celebration.

 I have many friends that choose not to give up but to commit to doing more of something such as a set devotional time, regular prayer time or the study of a specific topic.

I love the 40 day study of Christ Journey in the wilderness. I will blog a few entries along the way in the next 40 days.

The choice to observe lent is a personal one- the whole point friends is to focus your heart and mind a little more toward Christ during the journey of Easter.
Be careful not to fast or give up in VAIN or because of guilt and requirements. I urge you to pray and ask God what He would love to do in your life and you'll be amazed at what happens and how He reveals.

I remember many years back during lent I promised to not miss one Sunday service and for that season in my life that was a sacrifice but that sacrifice changed the next season of my life.

God has plans my friends for something NEW!

Take the 40 day challenge and  observe out of desire and not for religious expectations, only then will you experience a different outcome.

Please visit my post from LAST YEAR and perhaps try this family devotion and Easter project!

Remember Lent is not about religion but your relationship with God.
What are your thoughts about Lent? How do you observe with your family? Is this a new challenge you will take with me? Share your thoughts!

Blessings friends