Monday, August 23, 2010

Timeless Tragedy in Marriage(a recorded teaching from my heart to yours)

August 23, 2010

Happy Monday friends! The kids are still home on summer break and I love it. I will have to adjust very soon to my new schedule. So for now I am enjoying my mornings. The kids are all still sleeping. They had a late night of flashlight tag in the neighborhood! Flashlight tag has become the big hit this summer.
13 kids get together and run with great fun tagging each other in the darkness with their light!  My daughter Britt said last night on the way home from the lake, "Mom, I am so excited that it is getting darker earlier, that means longer periods of flashlight tag." I am not sure I agreed. I think about the SNOW coming when it gets dark earlier!

Flashlight tag reminded me of something this morning. When I was going through some DARK times in my life and marriage.... Light was the only ray of hope to dispel the darkness. I needed to be tagged with the light of truth. In the darkness, its easy to doubt God is at work. I felt trapped at times. I feared the death of my marriage. In Psalm 18:28"My God turns my darkness into light" I will testify today that the Lord was close to my broken heart. No person lives a perfect marriage or perfect relationship. I still need today to be tagged with the light of truth and hope or my marriage will fall into darkness.

Freedom to act as one pleases is not really freedom. It is a form of bondage for you and the others close to you. In the book of Corinthians in the bible Paul was being a light to the people of Corinth. Paul was providing guidelines for decision making and sternly pointing out that what they do with their bodies affects their spiritual state. He was tagging them with the light of truth in the darkness of their situations.

Yes, Paul was speaking to believers and followers of Christ that struggled with the battleground of sexual purity.

1 Corinthians 7:18 "FLEE sexual immorality." Make it your habit to FLEE. With the Light of Hope God helps us to flee and our bodies do not become the instruments of sin.

Sin hurts you and the ones closest to you.

I would love to share a video lesson that I wrote dealing with some hurts in my life and others close to me.  The book of proverbs shares much wisdom on this subject. I pray you are tagged by light in the darkness of a situation. I know what it feels like to hurt. But stand strong and allow God to work a good work in you and those around you! He is not finished yet! Once He gets your heart it just begins!

Love you,