August 31st Reading
After attending the "She Speaks" conference this past July one very important thing was observed the entire weekend. This leadership team had UNITY. The sweetness and harmony was so strong that instantly Psalm 133 came to my mind "Behold, How good and pleasant it is for (sisters) to dwell together in unity"
The anointing in this place brought me to tears.
Now I am sure the southern hospitality had a little to do with the sweetness but I am convinced that the LOVE for one another was the glue that held and completed Gods work.
Colossians 3:14 "Above all things PUT ON LOVE which is the bond of perfection"
I observed such synergism in every detail of the conference. The synergism was such an energizing experience for me. The way they reacted toward one another left a strong impression in my heart. This unity has created the POWERFUL results of their ministry.
Now, I know firsthand and with experience that directing, leading and teaching in ministry is not easy. Especially with women. We are emotional creatures. Now if this does not add a little spice to the recipe of Unity I do not know what does.
However I do know that we are to not COMPETE but COMPLETE one another. Each woman on the"She Speaks" team has had a vision or certain calling brewing deep down inside her heart. It was so awesome to see their visions come to pass and God to be using them in amazing capacities! Many of the speakers and leaders gave the credit to God but then voiced the importance of their P31 family.
It was like each member of this team lived, breathed, and fought for the dreams and vision of each other. When they spoke they knew the hardships and battle it took to see the different dreams move forward. But they continued to encourage and stir the gifts in one another.
The book Colossians in the bible says to Put on Love. I witnessed the wardrobe of Love. Thoughtfulness toward one another, the delicate consideration of each detail planned by another, kindness, mercy and encouragement flowed throughout the embassy suites hotel.
Joel 2:7-8 "They run like mighty (sisters), They climb the walls like women of war, Every one marches in formation and they do not break ranks. They do not push one another, everyone marches in his own column
Yes, they marched in UNITY!
If you are serving in a ministry ask yourself... What am I bringing to this team?
Do you bring your... deep dreams and desires, knowledge, experience, methods that may be applicable and needed, thoughtfulness, consideration of God working a work in others and most important LOVE?
Leave behind past offences, hard nosed opinions(these can kill a dreamer), bad attitudes, jealousy and pride.
Remember not to compete but COMPLETE and pull each others DREAMS into the whole big picture!
Blessings and love,
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Life's Path
August 30th Reading
So many times I have been told I am rude, or maybe even abrasive. Most times it does not change my view of myself. It is hard to move past obstacles in your life, especially since new ones always make their way into your life. It is never ending!
My childhood was of great stress and hardship, but it was not as bad as others, nor was it as good as some others. There was no sexual abuse, for that I am blessed. There was physical abuse and some emotional/verbal/mental abuse, for that I am not so grateful, but it has taught me to be humble. We were not poor, we were not rich, but we were comfortable. My own blood family was my biggest obstacle. It always seemed that no matter what was done, it was never good enough. In this family you can try as hard as you can and yet still fail in their eyes. It can make you give up before you ever really get started.
Psalm 129:2 Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.
What was not typical was that at 16, I found out that my mother was raped and that is how I was conceived. That was a deal breaker for me. That was my way to become rebellious, and ultimately angry. I had a personal relationship with God, but it really had no baring on how I acted in life. I knew that my whole foundation had been completely knocked off of its rocker! How could my Grandpa, as I was his little chickadee, be my birth father??? That was completely insane to me! Again, my blood family had done nothing to help my mother and certainly had not done anything to help me. I carried this baggage through life.
You can only imagine the rebellion that took place when this information entered into my life. I didn't become a drug addict, an alcoholic or nothing like that. I stayed as far away from my family as possible. I ran far and made my own life this is how I coped.
Outside of Gods hope my life remained chaotic and I reacted rude, hateful, abrasive, and anything else mean you could think of. It is very hard not to carry my baggage through life. The first step for me in returning back to the Lord was to understand..........
Psalm 130:5 "Wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His WORD I find Hope."
My life was overwhelming and I felt like I was drowning. I needed God to give me HOPE and help me learn to Love and then allow that LOVE to flow through me. I had so much junk I was jammed with negative emotion.
You never know when a certain experience will help you deal with another one, but you have to be so careful of what you carry over in life. When I turned to God due to certain events that I have experienced He was able to give me true contentment and security. He weaned me from my struggles.
Psalm 131:2 "Surely I have quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me."
A child that is weaned no longer struggles for for milk when held near the mothers breast, but is satisfied and content.
Is what your carry going to be helpful or be a hindrance?
Today ladies, try to find someone that really needs encouragement, maybe someone that you have put down either in your mind or to their face. Try to make them realize that they are important to God and that they have value. You never really know the path someone has come down in their life. They may be holding it all together with one little string that is starting to fray. I believe it is so important to encourage other ladies. Those of us that have been brought up with easy lives, PRAISE GOD! However, not all of us have had that luxury. We all have to humble and know that God is working on ALL of us. Just because you don't think someone else is worthy means nothing, our worthiness is determined by God! I am forever grateful for that, who knows where I would be without Him! I am so thankful that God can use a wretch like me. See if you can be a blessing to someone else, you don't have to spend money on them, shower them with a few nice words. Do this for someone that you have never done this for before. It will be pleasing to the Lord.
I am honored and thankful to share weekly bits and pieces of my story through Gods word. My testimony is ongoing and I have so much to share on what God has done. I have real struggles and have made many wrong turns but I found forgiveness in the Lord. Jesus always taught through parables (stories) I pray my story can be offered as a lesson of hope.
Remember to encourage and not discourage,
So many times I have been told I am rude, or maybe even abrasive. Most times it does not change my view of myself. It is hard to move past obstacles in your life, especially since new ones always make their way into your life. It is never ending!
My childhood was of great stress and hardship, but it was not as bad as others, nor was it as good as some others. There was no sexual abuse, for that I am blessed. There was physical abuse and some emotional/verbal/mental abuse, for that I am not so grateful, but it has taught me to be humble. We were not poor, we were not rich, but we were comfortable. My own blood family was my biggest obstacle. It always seemed that no matter what was done, it was never good enough. In this family you can try as hard as you can and yet still fail in their eyes. It can make you give up before you ever really get started.
Psalm 129:2 Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.
What was not typical was that at 16, I found out that my mother was raped and that is how I was conceived. That was a deal breaker for me. That was my way to become rebellious, and ultimately angry. I had a personal relationship with God, but it really had no baring on how I acted in life. I knew that my whole foundation had been completely knocked off of its rocker! How could my Grandpa, as I was his little chickadee, be my birth father??? That was completely insane to me! Again, my blood family had done nothing to help my mother and certainly had not done anything to help me. I carried this baggage through life.
You can only imagine the rebellion that took place when this information entered into my life. I didn't become a drug addict, an alcoholic or nothing like that. I stayed as far away from my family as possible. I ran far and made my own life this is how I coped.
Outside of Gods hope my life remained chaotic and I reacted rude, hateful, abrasive, and anything else mean you could think of. It is very hard not to carry my baggage through life. The first step for me in returning back to the Lord was to understand..........
Psalm 130:5 "Wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His WORD I find Hope."
My life was overwhelming and I felt like I was drowning. I needed God to give me HOPE and help me learn to Love and then allow that LOVE to flow through me. I had so much junk I was jammed with negative emotion.
You never know when a certain experience will help you deal with another one, but you have to be so careful of what you carry over in life. When I turned to God due to certain events that I have experienced He was able to give me true contentment and security. He weaned me from my struggles.
Psalm 131:2 "Surely I have quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me."
A child that is weaned no longer struggles for for milk when held near the mothers breast, but is satisfied and content.
Is what your carry going to be helpful or be a hindrance?
Today ladies, try to find someone that really needs encouragement, maybe someone that you have put down either in your mind or to their face. Try to make them realize that they are important to God and that they have value. You never really know the path someone has come down in their life. They may be holding it all together with one little string that is starting to fray. I believe it is so important to encourage other ladies. Those of us that have been brought up with easy lives, PRAISE GOD! However, not all of us have had that luxury. We all have to humble and know that God is working on ALL of us. Just because you don't think someone else is worthy means nothing, our worthiness is determined by God! I am forever grateful for that, who knows where I would be without Him! I am so thankful that God can use a wretch like me. See if you can be a blessing to someone else, you don't have to spend money on them, shower them with a few nice words. Do this for someone that you have never done this for before. It will be pleasing to the Lord.
I am honored and thankful to share weekly bits and pieces of my story through Gods word. My testimony is ongoing and I have so much to share on what God has done. I have real struggles and have made many wrong turns but I found forgiveness in the Lord. Jesus always taught through parables (stories) I pray my story can be offered as a lesson of hope.
Remember to encourage and not discourage,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Drawing on God's Strength
August 28th Reading
Yesterday morning Benjamin, my 13 year old son, and I headed over to his school for registration. We prayed in the car before we went in that God will put him in the path of new friends. We just moved this past year and Ben will be starting 8th grade in a new school. This can be tough on a teenager. Ben had so many friends in his last school and was very comfortable. However, he has learned at a young age that sometimes we have to adjust our life to move where God is at work. This is Ben's third move since the 1st grade! My husband and I promised he would graduate from this school. We have a deep peace that we will not be pulling up our tent stakes and moving again!
I love the sense of new adventure I am so glad that part of me rubbed off on Ben. He does well with adjusting and fitting right in! Plus he knows mom is praying for favor and friendships. We prayed that morning in our car that God would direct Ben into every friendship and we agreed God was on his side.
We entered the school office to sign some papers, and suddenly a lady appears on my right needing to speak to the main secretary. I went along filling out some paper work and could not help to over hear the conversation. My heart felt like it stopped beating and a lump swelled in my throat when I heard that she needed to change some paperwork because Cody's mom just passed away in July.
Ben was standing right with me and a silence fell in the room for a second. I know God did not put me next to that Aunt on mistake. I began to talk to her and ask how everything was going. Her world and Cody's life has changed drastically in the last month. I felt so hurt for them both and I know my son was pondering in his heart the piercing words that fell in that office.
Psalm 124:8 "Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 125:1 "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved."
I prayed for Cody's family this morning. I want them to experience the strength and assurance that God has for his people in difficult times. I pray if they do not already trust in the Lord, that God will seek to bring them to His side so that He may reveal himself as a STRONG and MIGHTY mountain.
Life will bring unexpected challenges. God created us from the beginning to draw our trust from Him. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. Absolutely Nothing in the world can fill that void. Our strength will only come from the Lord.
Where are you finding strength today? Allow God to draw you to His side so that He may begin to reveal Himself to you.
Is God putting someone in your pathway today? Let them know Gods help is like a mighty mountain and He will provide them with the strength and assurance they need.
Trusting in Him,
I love the sense of new adventure I am so glad that part of me rubbed off on Ben. He does well with adjusting and fitting right in! Plus he knows mom is praying for favor and friendships. We prayed that morning in our car that God would direct Ben into every friendship and we agreed God was on his side.
We entered the school office to sign some papers, and suddenly a lady appears on my right needing to speak to the main secretary. I went along filling out some paper work and could not help to over hear the conversation. My heart felt like it stopped beating and a lump swelled in my throat when I heard that she needed to change some paperwork because Cody's mom just passed away in July.
Ben was standing right with me and a silence fell in the room for a second. I know God did not put me next to that Aunt on mistake. I began to talk to her and ask how everything was going. Her world and Cody's life has changed drastically in the last month. I felt so hurt for them both and I know my son was pondering in his heart the piercing words that fell in that office.
Psalm 124:8 "Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 125:1 "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved."
I prayed for Cody's family this morning. I want them to experience the strength and assurance that God has for his people in difficult times. I pray if they do not already trust in the Lord, that God will seek to bring them to His side so that He may reveal himself as a STRONG and MIGHTY mountain.
Life will bring unexpected challenges. God created us from the beginning to draw our trust from Him. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. Absolutely Nothing in the world can fill that void. Our strength will only come from the Lord.
Where are you finding strength today? Allow God to draw you to His side so that He may begin to reveal Himself to you.
Is God putting someone in your pathway today? Let them know Gods help is like a mighty mountain and He will provide them with the strength and assurance they need.
Trusting in Him,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Why me?
August 27th Reading
Hello again Ladies! It is once again, the great Kari! Ha, just kidding, it is just plain ole Kari! I hope this Friday finds you in great condition. This last week has been something else for me, one can only hope it wasn't that way for everyone.
Do you ever wonder, why me? That was me this week, as hard as I tried to do right and be right, the devil kept sticking me in the side with a board or tree trunk, not a simple stick. I can be pretty sure that nothing has come easily in my life, my Grandma says it gives me character, Heather says it has given me humor, I say blah! Seriously though, my life has taught me many things about my being stubborn and defiant. It really gets you no where in life.
Why can we not just realize that God is there ALL THE TIME? I seem to be pretty dense in knowing that if my mouth (trap) shuts, God will pick up the pieces and put it back together. Psalm 121:2 says "My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." However, it is hard to get past the fact the most of my life has been dealing with people who dwell in chaos, confusion and anger. My family is not the only one in the world that is dysfunctional, but this much is true, we have our own fair share of dysfunction.
Me, well I am a product of step family incest. My mother was raped by her step father and I was the product of that incident. Being raised in that situation was difficult to say the least. My Grandmother had married this man and had 4 children with him and therefore my aunts are also my half sisters. Psalms 120:6 "Too long have I lived among those who hate peace." Much of my family bounced back and forth from hating my mother to hating my biological father, doesn't make much difference to a child caught in the middle of it all. I had no trust.
I have had to look for God's love, mercy and forgiveness many times in my life and I have learned to TRUST Him. Life gets tough and we make rash decisions and they can be the wrong ones. The hardest thing to remember at ALL times is that God is with us ALL the time, all we have to do is ask Him to help us get through. Never forget that God is always at our side and that He will protect us night and day, regardless of the situation. He will work it out for the good. He has a plan for us to help others that lack faith and trust in the same situation I have touched. The Lord loves us and will never forsake us.
Psalms 121:5-8 "The LORD watches over you the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
God puts us into various situations and strengthens our character if we allow Him, it also tests your faith. We have all heard the verse, Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" and knowing that would it not be far wiser for us to sew good things?
For a long time only anger and resentment were in my life, and because of that, it was all that my life consisted of. I have learned the hard way, that in order to receive good things (blessings) you must plant good things. That does not mean that life will always be great if we always do great things. Life is a daily struggle, living for God is a daily struggle, actually a minute by minute struggle. However, if we choose to do this, we will be blessed for it. We must live by the law of Christ, and we must do His works, wherever He wants us too. I realize that for right now, my biggest work is in my own family. That does not mean I can not help out elsewhere, but my main focus must be making sure my family is adequately equipped to handle life. Once that task is achieved, I won't be asking why me? I will be saying the Lord has blessed me.
Try to think of something that you could turn over to God to let him handle. Something that you need help on, but you really do not know how to handle. It could be a troubled child, a troubled marriage, friendship needing repair, financial help, a loved one that is sick, a huge loss that keeps you feeling sick at heart. When you turn it over to God to handle, you must have faith, real faith that He is going to handle it.
I have had to turn something over to Him this week, it has worn me down greatly this week. Just like Heather stated yesterday, God will help you adjust your life. He is right next to you waiting for you to ask.
Why me, yes me,
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Two Girls and a Truck
August 26th Reading
This past July was quite the adventure. I was given an opportunity to attend a women's conference "She Speaks" in North Carolina. I had this great idea stirring in me that a road trip with my girlfriend would be more exciting then sitting in a plane for a couple short hours! I guess that's my adventurous spirit. However, I do not do well sitting for long periods of time. 13 hours of travel seemed impossible but I was willing because I wanted to explore the little off the wall towns, view the mountains, stop in odd restaurants and eat a Baltimore crab cake on the Inner Harbor which Jeana wanted no part of. We stopped off to visit my sweet Aunt Ruthi, checked out the rest areas and met people along the way. We even ate at the CHEESECAKE factory in Baltimore but we took our cheesecake to go for a snack on the road.
My girlfriend Jeana and I both like to we exchanged a lot of words in that 13 hours! We even played a game called "chat pack" it contains a 156 questions guaranteed to get creative juices flowing and fun conversation going. Here's a few snap shots of our road trip!
This road trip including all the stops that made this trip adventurous would not have been possible without the GPS! The Global Positioning System and Map Quest. It provided at all times a reliable location, time and weather, traffic jams and specific navigation the entire way. Now unfortunately my phone navigation was not the best we found that out when it had us heading toward a field of grass! So you must have an up to date dependable navigation system because they all do not work and may not be reliable. So we had back up plans that kept us re- routing when needed. We had a navigation system that helped us make the decision needed and directed every turn.
Today's daily reading was in Psalm 119. This is the longest chapter in the whole bible. The promise contained in the entire passage is about Gods word and how it will revive and bring your life back on track! Its a GPS system. Gods Positioning System.
Sometimes we end up down the wrong roads in life. I know I can admit to this. I remember spinning my tires down the same road making a huge sinful rut and I got stuck in my own tracks! Getting stuck caused me to cling to the dust in the road. The dust was the state of depression from all my wrong turns.
However I have such a strong, stubborn will that I felt adequate enough to deal with the problems I created. I made some costly decisions in life especially during my college years. Many that affected me in deep ways. I was perishing in my own affliction. I deeply wanted to get back on track but had no direction. I am now going to jump through about 15 years of life but I can relate my change to ONE thing....
Gods Positioning System. I had to make a decision to delight in His word, precepts, law and commands. I realized the God did not create His word to put me on a leash like a dog but it was to set me free and bring life and health into my life again.
The word of God is wise, full of judgement, knowledge and understanding. It provides sound, reliable directions. God is the only one that knows your specific curves in life. He through the word can notify you of traffic jams, wrong turns, the weather ahead and your best and shortest route.
God will accomplish more in 6 months through a person relying on His GPS then we could do in 60 years!
The key is you can no longer depend on a religion, culture or tradition, your past experiences or the experience of others to be accurate of Gods will and path for your life.
1 Corinthians 8:1 "And if anyone thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing as he ought to know."
Be careful where you get your directions from in life. Psalm 119 tells you the only knowledge and intellect comes from Gods word! The word of God is the secret of successful living. You will be amazed at the benefits He promises to those who take time to read.
The Curves in life are the struggling with loss of husband or child, the emotional trauma of a broken marriage, the rut of sin and temptation, the confusion of why your child is suffering and sick, the anger at autism and other developmental disabilities, cancer, low self esteem and the disappointments of others that continue to let you down in life. All these curves will leave you broke down on the side of the road. I have witnessed all of these if not experienced them personally in my life and family.
God does not intend to have you broke down on the side of the road. He is saying RE ROUTING. He desires to lead you in your next turn and will be reliable the whole journey. Your destination will not be at all what you thought. I am amazed at the direction God has me heading. Let go and let God my sweet friends!
I challenge you to start today and read psalm 119. You can do it! Every time you see the word "I" insert your name and make it personal.I promise that God will come along and help you adjust your life. God is always working around you.
Remember your road trip was designed already by God to be adventurous "a life of a different kind" You will not experience that life without Gods Positioning System!
Please leave a comment at the bottom of this post and let me know if you will take this challenge, I want to pray specifically for you.
You may also email me personally at
Trusting my GPS,
This past July was quite the adventure. I was given an opportunity to attend a women's conference "She Speaks" in North Carolina. I had this great idea stirring in me that a road trip with my girlfriend would be more exciting then sitting in a plane for a couple short hours! I guess that's my adventurous spirit. However, I do not do well sitting for long periods of time. 13 hours of travel seemed impossible but I was willing because I wanted to explore the little off the wall towns, view the mountains, stop in odd restaurants and eat a Baltimore crab cake on the Inner Harbor which Jeana wanted no part of. We stopped off to visit my sweet Aunt Ruthi, checked out the rest areas and met people along the way. We even ate at the CHEESECAKE factory in Baltimore but we took our cheesecake to go for a snack on the road.
My girlfriend Jeana and I both like to we exchanged a lot of words in that 13 hours! We even played a game called "chat pack" it contains a 156 questions guaranteed to get creative juices flowing and fun conversation going. Here's a few snap shots of our road trip!
Today's daily reading was in Psalm 119. This is the longest chapter in the whole bible. The promise contained in the entire passage is about Gods word and how it will revive and bring your life back on track! Its a GPS system. Gods Positioning System.
Sometimes we end up down the wrong roads in life. I know I can admit to this. I remember spinning my tires down the same road making a huge sinful rut and I got stuck in my own tracks! Getting stuck caused me to cling to the dust in the road. The dust was the state of depression from all my wrong turns.
However I have such a strong, stubborn will that I felt adequate enough to deal with the problems I created. I made some costly decisions in life especially during my college years. Many that affected me in deep ways. I was perishing in my own affliction. I deeply wanted to get back on track but had no direction. I am now going to jump through about 15 years of life but I can relate my change to ONE thing....
Gods Positioning System. I had to make a decision to delight in His word, precepts, law and commands. I realized the God did not create His word to put me on a leash like a dog but it was to set me free and bring life and health into my life again.
The word of God is wise, full of judgement, knowledge and understanding. It provides sound, reliable directions. God is the only one that knows your specific curves in life. He through the word can notify you of traffic jams, wrong turns, the weather ahead and your best and shortest route.
God will accomplish more in 6 months through a person relying on His GPS then we could do in 60 years!
The key is you can no longer depend on a religion, culture or tradition, your past experiences or the experience of others to be accurate of Gods will and path for your life.
1 Corinthians 8:1 "And if anyone thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing as he ought to know."
Be careful where you get your directions from in life. Psalm 119 tells you the only knowledge and intellect comes from Gods word! The word of God is the secret of successful living. You will be amazed at the benefits He promises to those who take time to read.
The Curves in life are the struggling with loss of husband or child, the emotional trauma of a broken marriage, the rut of sin and temptation, the confusion of why your child is suffering and sick, the anger at autism and other developmental disabilities, cancer, low self esteem and the disappointments of others that continue to let you down in life. All these curves will leave you broke down on the side of the road. I have witnessed all of these if not experienced them personally in my life and family.
God does not intend to have you broke down on the side of the road. He is saying RE ROUTING. He desires to lead you in your next turn and will be reliable the whole journey. Your destination will not be at all what you thought. I am amazed at the direction God has me heading. Let go and let God my sweet friends!
I challenge you to start today and read psalm 119. You can do it! Every time you see the word "I" insert your name and make it personal.I promise that God will come along and help you adjust your life. God is always working around you.
Remember your road trip was designed already by God to be adventurous "a life of a different kind" You will not experience that life without Gods Positioning System!
Please leave a comment at the bottom of this post and let me know if you will take this challenge, I want to pray specifically for you.
You may also email me personally at
Trusting my GPS,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
O wife, can you SAVE your husband?
August 25th Reading
Is your marriage struggling today? Is your husband running in the wrong direction? Do the words affair, pornography, abuse of a certain kind and loneliness leave you sitting in shock, anger and hurt?
I know that husbands not running with Christ can make a marriage miserable, but God is giving you an opportunity to learn how to love unconditionally. The key is to model Christ and love Him, this will do a supernatural work in your husband. God will bring a blessing due to your faithfulness.
I was drawn to Christs unconditional love for my personal life through our marriage struggles. His unconditional love for me and my wrongs motivated me to climb some mountains steep mountains.
Every time I see this picture of my husband Dan and I took on July 4th, I laugh because my hubby has his hand across his heart as if he is standing to honor the flag, but no flag was in site. Dan must have been feeling the desire to celebrate freedom at that time! This picture was perfect for today's post because Dan and I have discovered freedom together and stand today with our hands over our hearts saying "Thank you God for helping us."
About 2 years into our marriage everything began to fall apart. I began to really look at my life. I remember sitting on my bed weeping in Keego Harbor, Michigan and saying "This is not what I wanted for my life" I had personal struggles and so did my husband. We both brought our baggage into the marriage. The burdens we both had individually weighed on each other and created pain and tension. The best way to avoid the pain was to run from it. We both ran in dangerous directions, hurting each other more.
My husbands mother was a strong Jesus lover! She pointed the direction out to where I needed to run. My husband was pointed in the right direction from his mama when he was in high school. However he made a choice to run in the opposite direction when he left home after school.
I remember the year I ran into Jesus. Not a religion but a true, real, live friend. He heard my cries in that Keego Harbor bedroom and he brought people along my path to point me to places I would find Him even more!
I was then motivated to have a better marriage and not walk away from the marriage.It was not easy but that was my desire. I only had desire friends, everything else was shattered around me.
Proverbs 13:12 "HOPE deferred(shattered) makes the heart sick BUT when a DESIRE comes, it is a tree of life."
It starts with only a DESIRE of what should and could be. This desire was the key that lead my husband and I running into the right direction. A desire to find truth.
1 Corinthians 7: 13-16
Today's verses say "For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?"vs13
"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband."vs15-16
We may not see the impact on a daily basis what our witness has on others, especially those we live with since we see them everyday. But only through obedience and living a faithful testimony, will God work a wondrous work in your days.
Do you have the DESIRE to run in the right direction with God? Your desire could be the beginning of a new marriage.
When your running in the right direction your attitude and emotions change.
God will use your conduct to convict(prick at your husbands heart) and your hubby will see his wrong far better than you POINTING IT OUT! Let God convict him and he will change.
I am so glad God did not wake me everyday and POINT out my wrongs. I would feel smothered.
Your conduct should be opposite of your old life. Your conduct needs to be Christ-like. You should handle the problem opposite of what he expects. Example: If your husband does something stupid and he expects you to react the way you always do by screaming at him, then give him grace and mercy (not getting what he deserves and favor). These actions will convict and draw him to his senses.
Proverbs 12:14 "An EXCELLENT wife is a crown for her husband, But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones"
When the wrong is exposed and it crushes your heart, please through Christ ladies give support and love. I know this will be so hard but JUST DO IT!
The word NIKE in Greek means Victory or Conquering. So remember in your battle cry that with Christ you will have victory! Some days the run will seem impossible but do not give up. (You may need additional support and life care) I know many woman that had to separate from their loved ones for some time during the battle cry. God knows how to direct you. In some cases the husband may never return to the Lord and God will lead you in your way. The importance is making the decision God wants. We tend to make our life long decisions based on the emotion of the moment. If you are struggling in this area I want to pray for you. I understand the pain. I will pray for God to open doors for you so you can learn about the desire I have been talking about and then make the right decisions for you and your family! God has people positioned for you TODAY! Do not stay on your PRIVATE ISLAND.
Like everything in life, marriage is a huge spiritual battle but in Christ and through Christ you will see amazing things!
Avoid a foolish ignorant dispute it will only generate strife.
Be gentle and patient to the opposition
Believe big for your husband.
Believing Big,
Is your marriage struggling today? Is your husband running in the wrong direction? Do the words affair, pornography, abuse of a certain kind and loneliness leave you sitting in shock, anger and hurt?
I know that husbands not running with Christ can make a marriage miserable, but God is giving you an opportunity to learn how to love unconditionally. The key is to model Christ and love Him, this will do a supernatural work in your husband. God will bring a blessing due to your faithfulness.
I was drawn to Christs unconditional love for my personal life through our marriage struggles. His unconditional love for me and my wrongs motivated me to climb some mountains steep mountains.
Every time I see this picture of my husband Dan and I took on July 4th, I laugh because my hubby has his hand across his heart as if he is standing to honor the flag, but no flag was in site. Dan must have been feeling the desire to celebrate freedom at that time! This picture was perfect for today's post because Dan and I have discovered freedom together and stand today with our hands over our hearts saying "Thank you God for helping us."
About 2 years into our marriage everything began to fall apart. I began to really look at my life. I remember sitting on my bed weeping in Keego Harbor, Michigan and saying "This is not what I wanted for my life" I had personal struggles and so did my husband. We both brought our baggage into the marriage. The burdens we both had individually weighed on each other and created pain and tension. The best way to avoid the pain was to run from it. We both ran in dangerous directions, hurting each other more.
My husbands mother was a strong Jesus lover! She pointed the direction out to where I needed to run. My husband was pointed in the right direction from his mama when he was in high school. However he made a choice to run in the opposite direction when he left home after school.
I remember the year I ran into Jesus. Not a religion but a true, real, live friend. He heard my cries in that Keego Harbor bedroom and he brought people along my path to point me to places I would find Him even more!
I was then motivated to have a better marriage and not walk away from the marriage.It was not easy but that was my desire. I only had desire friends, everything else was shattered around me.
Proverbs 13:12 "HOPE deferred(shattered) makes the heart sick BUT when a DESIRE comes, it is a tree of life."
It starts with only a DESIRE of what should and could be. This desire was the key that lead my husband and I running into the right direction. A desire to find truth.
1 Corinthians 7: 13-16
Today's verses say "For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?"vs13
"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband."vs15-16
We may not see the impact on a daily basis what our witness has on others, especially those we live with since we see them everyday. But only through obedience and living a faithful testimony, will God work a wondrous work in your days.
Do you have the DESIRE to run in the right direction with God? Your desire could be the beginning of a new marriage.
When your running in the right direction your attitude and emotions change.
God will use your conduct to convict(prick at your husbands heart) and your hubby will see his wrong far better than you POINTING IT OUT! Let God convict him and he will change.
I am so glad God did not wake me everyday and POINT out my wrongs. I would feel smothered.
Your conduct should be opposite of your old life. Your conduct needs to be Christ-like. You should handle the problem opposite of what he expects. Example: If your husband does something stupid and he expects you to react the way you always do by screaming at him, then give him grace and mercy (not getting what he deserves and favor). These actions will convict and draw him to his senses.
Proverbs 12:14 "An EXCELLENT wife is a crown for her husband, But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones"
When the wrong is exposed and it crushes your heart, please through Christ ladies give support and love. I know this will be so hard but JUST DO IT!
The word NIKE in Greek means Victory or Conquering. So remember in your battle cry that with Christ you will have victory! Some days the run will seem impossible but do not give up. (You may need additional support and life care) I know many woman that had to separate from their loved ones for some time during the battle cry. God knows how to direct you. In some cases the husband may never return to the Lord and God will lead you in your way. The importance is making the decision God wants. We tend to make our life long decisions based on the emotion of the moment. If you are struggling in this area I want to pray for you. I understand the pain. I will pray for God to open doors for you so you can learn about the desire I have been talking about and then make the right decisions for you and your family! God has people positioned for you TODAY! Do not stay on your PRIVATE ISLAND.
Like everything in life, marriage is a huge spiritual battle but in Christ and through Christ you will see amazing things!
Avoid a foolish ignorant dispute it will only generate strife.
Be gentle and patient to the opposition
Believe big for your husband.
Believing Big,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Women to Women (have a SEX-cessful marriage)
August 24, 2010
OK I know this is an odd post! This post may not be for everyone but I feel it is very important and tends to be a touchy topic that needs to be brought to the surface so God can shine some light on it. Remember women who seek God want to know Him and seek Him in every area of their lives, including sexual relations!
As I was doing today's reading in 1 Corinthians 7 Paul was teaching me about important principals in marriage and the Lords command in keeping your marriage vows. Paul stresses over and over to satisfy and protect your spouse. I know this is a touchy subject so I am just sharing my failures and weaknesses. God reminded and encouraged me today.
In 1 Corinthians 7:5 it reads "Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time." The word deprive literally means do not rob one another. Yes Paul is referring to the romance area ladies!
Satisfy and protect your spouse.
I fail here many times. I am always tired, busy and often not driven in the romance area at the end of a long day with kids and other activities. I still love my spouse to pieces but am I truly satisfying him? The answer is No. He is created with a different sex drive then me. I need to understand my spouses manhood! LOL
I would love to share a blog and article from (click here for the link) This article lays it all out ladies. I would also like to share a book that has been very helpful in my marriage in the area of sizzling romance.
Intimate Issues by Dillow and Pintus. This book is amazing and will bring the sizzle back into your marriage in many ways! It also will add new spice.
I like this book especially because many women have been a victim of sexual abuse and it seems impossible to get past the pain. This book has areas to help you see the truth and receive Gods healing. Dear friend, hold back no longer.. allow God to begin to heal you. God wants you to enjoy sex in your marriage bed.
I am grateful for Paul and his reminder today to SATISFY and PROTECT my husband.
Proverbs 5:15-19 "Drink from your own well, be faithful and true to your wife,....let your manhood be a blessing, rejoice in the wife of your youth. Let her charms and tender embrace, SATISFY you. Let her love alone fill you with delight."
Ask yourself how you are doing in this area? I am asking God today to help me become a Godly and more sensuous wife.
If you need more resources in this area please email me and I will help meet that need!
Thanks and blessings
OK I know this is an odd post! This post may not be for everyone but I feel it is very important and tends to be a touchy topic that needs to be brought to the surface so God can shine some light on it. Remember women who seek God want to know Him and seek Him in every area of their lives, including sexual relations!
As I was doing today's reading in 1 Corinthians 7 Paul was teaching me about important principals in marriage and the Lords command in keeping your marriage vows. Paul stresses over and over to satisfy and protect your spouse. I know this is a touchy subject so I am just sharing my failures and weaknesses. God reminded and encouraged me today.
In 1 Corinthians 7:5 it reads "Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time." The word deprive literally means do not rob one another. Yes Paul is referring to the romance area ladies!
Satisfy and protect your spouse.
I fail here many times. I am always tired, busy and often not driven in the romance area at the end of a long day with kids and other activities. I still love my spouse to pieces but am I truly satisfying him? The answer is No. He is created with a different sex drive then me. I need to understand my spouses manhood! LOL
I would love to share a blog and article from (click here for the link) This article lays it all out ladies. I would also like to share a book that has been very helpful in my marriage in the area of sizzling romance.
Intimate Issues by Dillow and Pintus. This book is amazing and will bring the sizzle back into your marriage in many ways! It also will add new spice.
I like this book especially because many women have been a victim of sexual abuse and it seems impossible to get past the pain. This book has areas to help you see the truth and receive Gods healing. Dear friend, hold back no longer.. allow God to begin to heal you. God wants you to enjoy sex in your marriage bed.
I am grateful for Paul and his reminder today to SATISFY and PROTECT my husband.
Proverbs 5:15-19 "Drink from your own well, be faithful and true to your wife,....let your manhood be a blessing, rejoice in the wife of your youth. Let her charms and tender embrace, SATISFY you. Let her love alone fill you with delight."
Ask yourself how you are doing in this area? I am asking God today to help me become a Godly and more sensuous wife.
If you need more resources in this area please email me and I will help meet that need!
Thanks and blessings
Monday, August 23, 2010
Timeless Tragedy in Marriage(a recorded teaching from my heart to yours)
August 23, 2010
Happy Monday friends! The kids are still home on summer break and I love it. I will have to adjust very soon to my new schedule. So for now I am enjoying my mornings. The kids are all still sleeping. They had a late night of flashlight tag in the neighborhood! Flashlight tag has become the big hit this summer.
13 kids get together and run with great fun tagging each other in the darkness with their light! My daughter Britt said last night on the way home from the lake, "Mom, I am so excited that it is getting darker earlier, that means longer periods of flashlight tag." I am not sure I agreed. I think about the SNOW coming when it gets dark earlier!
Flashlight tag reminded me of something this morning. When I was going through some DARK times in my life and marriage.... Light was the only ray of hope to dispel the darkness. I needed to be tagged with the light of truth. In the darkness, its easy to doubt God is at work. I felt trapped at times. I feared the death of my marriage. In Psalm 18:28"My God turns my darkness into light" I will testify today that the Lord was close to my broken heart. No person lives a perfect marriage or perfect relationship. I still need today to be tagged with the light of truth and hope or my marriage will fall into darkness.
Freedom to act as one pleases is not really freedom. It is a form of bondage for you and the others close to you. In the book of Corinthians in the bible Paul was being a light to the people of Corinth. Paul was providing guidelines for decision making and sternly pointing out that what they do with their bodies affects their spiritual state. He was tagging them with the light of truth in the darkness of their situations.
Yes, Paul was speaking to believers and followers of Christ that struggled with the battleground of sexual purity.
1 Corinthians 7:18 "FLEE sexual immorality." Make it your habit to FLEE. With the Light of Hope God helps us to flee and our bodies do not become the instruments of sin.
Sin hurts you and the ones closest to you.
I would love to share a video lesson that I wrote dealing with some hurts in my life and others close to me. The book of proverbs shares much wisdom on this subject. I pray you are tagged by light in the darkness of a situation. I know what it feels like to hurt. But stand strong and allow God to work a good work in you and those around you! He is not finished yet! Once He gets your heart it just begins!
Love you,
Happy Monday friends! The kids are still home on summer break and I love it. I will have to adjust very soon to my new schedule. So for now I am enjoying my mornings. The kids are all still sleeping. They had a late night of flashlight tag in the neighborhood! Flashlight tag has become the big hit this summer.
13 kids get together and run with great fun tagging each other in the darkness with their light! My daughter Britt said last night on the way home from the lake, "Mom, I am so excited that it is getting darker earlier, that means longer periods of flashlight tag." I am not sure I agreed. I think about the SNOW coming when it gets dark earlier!
Flashlight tag reminded me of something this morning. When I was going through some DARK times in my life and marriage.... Light was the only ray of hope to dispel the darkness. I needed to be tagged with the light of truth. In the darkness, its easy to doubt God is at work. I felt trapped at times. I feared the death of my marriage. In Psalm 18:28"My God turns my darkness into light" I will testify today that the Lord was close to my broken heart. No person lives a perfect marriage or perfect relationship. I still need today to be tagged with the light of truth and hope or my marriage will fall into darkness.
Freedom to act as one pleases is not really freedom. It is a form of bondage for you and the others close to you. In the book of Corinthians in the bible Paul was being a light to the people of Corinth. Paul was providing guidelines for decision making and sternly pointing out that what they do with their bodies affects their spiritual state. He was tagging them with the light of truth in the darkness of their situations.
Yes, Paul was speaking to believers and followers of Christ that struggled with the battleground of sexual purity.
1 Corinthians 7:18 "FLEE sexual immorality." Make it your habit to FLEE. With the Light of Hope God helps us to flee and our bodies do not become the instruments of sin.
Sin hurts you and the ones closest to you.
I would love to share a video lesson that I wrote dealing with some hurts in my life and others close to me. The book of proverbs shares much wisdom on this subject. I pray you are tagged by light in the darkness of a situation. I know what it feels like to hurt. But stand strong and allow God to work a good work in you and those around you! He is not finished yet! Once He gets your heart it just begins!
Love you,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
What's the REAL problem?
August 21, 2010
Before I share an awesome word with you about today's reading I would like to draw attention to a great website that I use on this blog. Clair and Brooke Darling a mother and daughter team bless me because they do an excellent job at managing the Word Daily website. This site honors God and inspires many people.
At the beginning of every daily post on this blog you will see today's date. If you click on that date it will automatically send you to Gods word for that day (the bible at your finger tips). My writing has inspired through the reading and devotion time I had that morning in the Word. I would love to challenge you to read along side me. I would love for you to stop by and visit their site. Thank you Brooke and Clair for managing/stewarding this site. I know you will be rewarded by your owner!
Today's passage that jumped out to me was 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2 "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful."
A steward is like a manager. A manager always represents his owner. A manager is responsible to the owner and lastly the manager is rewarded by his owner.
As women we manage SO MUCH! We manage households, children, husbands, relationships of all kinds, our health, jobs outside the home, self employed businesses, and much more!
I struggled huge in managing all this in my life and then FAILED. I was not rewarded, I was broken and discouraged because I could not manage it all! I tried to manage so much INDEPENDENTLY. Ignoring Gods principle for living because I did not have time or made fun of others that followed God so sweetly. I wanted to do my own thing regardless. Yes, I am stubborn by nature! The bible calls this attitude SIN. Wow, sins not a word that comes up in our girlfriend lunches or shopping sprees! At least it was not the topic of my conversations!
Sin breaks our relationship with the God who created us. When our relationship is off or not acknowledged it will cause problems in EVERY area of our lives. Marriage, Careers, Relationships, Emotional and physical health and finances. When we fall into problems we often try many different ways of coping before we turn to God.
Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way that seems right to a man (woman), but in the end it leads to death"
Friends, I cannot stress the importance of not being an INDEPENDENT manager of your life. I realized this when I decided to be dependent on God. He began to be my owner and I learned through His word, friends, the church and other divine connections how to manage the things He gave me in life.
I desired to want to represent Him. I realized I was responsible to Him and lastly the rewards and blessings of discovering and experiencing Him are overwhelming. The rewards have been multiplied into my family!
Are you an INDEPENDENT manager or do you manage through your DEPENDENCE on God?
Allow God to manage your life today!
I want to thank Brad Powell the Pastor of Northridge church in Plymouth, Mi. for pointing out the importance of independent verses dependent living! A good pastor will help you manage what God wants you to learn!
If you have any prayers or questions in regards to anything I shared, I want you to know I care for you and I am here to help. Please email me personally at
Dependent on Him,
Before I share an awesome word with you about today's reading I would like to draw attention to a great website that I use on this blog. Clair and Brooke Darling a mother and daughter team bless me because they do an excellent job at managing the Word Daily website. This site honors God and inspires many people.
At the beginning of every daily post on this blog you will see today's date. If you click on that date it will automatically send you to Gods word for that day (the bible at your finger tips). My writing has inspired through the reading and devotion time I had that morning in the Word. I would love to challenge you to read along side me. I would love for you to stop by and visit their site. Thank you Brooke and Clair for managing/stewarding this site. I know you will be rewarded by your owner!
Today's passage that jumped out to me was 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2 "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful."
A steward is like a manager. A manager always represents his owner. A manager is responsible to the owner and lastly the manager is rewarded by his owner.
As women we manage SO MUCH! We manage households, children, husbands, relationships of all kinds, our health, jobs outside the home, self employed businesses, and much more!
I struggled huge in managing all this in my life and then FAILED. I was not rewarded, I was broken and discouraged because I could not manage it all! I tried to manage so much INDEPENDENTLY. Ignoring Gods principle for living because I did not have time or made fun of others that followed God so sweetly. I wanted to do my own thing regardless. Yes, I am stubborn by nature! The bible calls this attitude SIN. Wow, sins not a word that comes up in our girlfriend lunches or shopping sprees! At least it was not the topic of my conversations!
Sin breaks our relationship with the God who created us. When our relationship is off or not acknowledged it will cause problems in EVERY area of our lives. Marriage, Careers, Relationships, Emotional and physical health and finances. When we fall into problems we often try many different ways of coping before we turn to God.
Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way that seems right to a man (woman), but in the end it leads to death"
Friends, I cannot stress the importance of not being an INDEPENDENT manager of your life. I realized this when I decided to be dependent on God. He began to be my owner and I learned through His word, friends, the church and other divine connections how to manage the things He gave me in life.
I desired to want to represent Him. I realized I was responsible to Him and lastly the rewards and blessings of discovering and experiencing Him are overwhelming. The rewards have been multiplied into my family!
Are you an INDEPENDENT manager or do you manage through your DEPENDENCE on God?
Allow God to manage your life today!
I want to thank Brad Powell the Pastor of Northridge church in Plymouth, Mi. for pointing out the importance of independent verses dependent living! A good pastor will help you manage what God wants you to learn!
If you have any prayers or questions in regards to anything I shared, I want you to know I care for you and I am here to help. Please email me personally at
Dependent on Him,
Friday, August 20, 2010
Frogs, Gnats & Flies, Oh My!
August 20th Reading
Good Morning Everyone!!!
I am pleased to be here writing again. It must be said that the devil has tried his hardest to get me off track and distracted all week long, but God has seen me and my family through. Praise God!
It is difficult trying to make sure that you are living for God and to stay focused, so many times people are not able to do it. They fall off the wagon and can not manage to find the endurance to continue forward. Not to mention, giving up is far easier, but much more costly. Psalms 106:1 tells us that God's love endures forever, so I would think that we could try to endure things on a daily basis and really only take it one day at a time. God continuously forgives us, as hard headed as we may be, He does get angry with us and He will chasten us for our misdoings, but He still loves us and will take care of us.
So many people claim to be anointed from God, but they are only harming themselves. Claiming to be something you are not will only cause God to become very upset and some unfortunate events may happen. Could you really imagine going to bed, or being in bed and then your room is full of frogs??? Psalms 105:30-31 talk about an over abundance of frogs, gnats and flies in homes and cities. It is nothing that I want to be a part of. People were ignoring God's commands and living the way they chose to, well being bombarded with frogs, gnats and flies would be an understatement of being chastened to me. I love cute little frogs, but real ones, with gnats and flies, oh no!!!
1 Corinthians 3:3 says, "For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?" Jealousy and quarreling amongst each other is unnecessary, if we are doing that then we are not working towards the same goals. God does NOT dwell in mess and confusion, we should all be doing what He has ordained for us to do. If I am to write, you are to speak and she is counsel, then that is what we should be doing. We should not be thinking we are better than one other, because maybe my message isn't for "your crowd" and your message isn't for "my crowd" so we should be where God put us and do His work there. If we are busy judging others then perhaps we have too much time on our hands and maybe there is more work we could be doing. Do not let your work suffer due to your own arrogance. Just like 1 Corinthians 3:7 says, We are but vessels for God's work, if I plant and you are the water source, God is still the one growing the plant.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15 "Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."
I challenge those of you that are already actively serving God , do you tend to compare your works to the works of others? Or are you genuinely happy that others are actively trying to get others closer to the Lord? If you think that your works are "better" than someone else, find something that you could help them make better and more pleasing to the Lord. After all we are all after the same prize, aren't we? Remember to encourage other believers and non-believers alike, do not judge and discourage.
If you are not actively serving God, get plugged in! It is almost a certainty that you are needed somewhere. Call your church home and ask where you could help out. They may be waiting on you to call right now, you may very well be the answer to a prayer for them.
Frog, gnat and fly free (for now),
Good Morning Everyone!!!
I am pleased to be here writing again. It must be said that the devil has tried his hardest to get me off track and distracted all week long, but God has seen me and my family through. Praise God!
It is difficult trying to make sure that you are living for God and to stay focused, so many times people are not able to do it. They fall off the wagon and can not manage to find the endurance to continue forward. Not to mention, giving up is far easier, but much more costly. Psalms 106:1 tells us that God's love endures forever, so I would think that we could try to endure things on a daily basis and really only take it one day at a time. God continuously forgives us, as hard headed as we may be, He does get angry with us and He will chasten us for our misdoings, but He still loves us and will take care of us.
So many people claim to be anointed from God, but they are only harming themselves. Claiming to be something you are not will only cause God to become very upset and some unfortunate events may happen. Could you really imagine going to bed, or being in bed and then your room is full of frogs??? Psalms 105:30-31 talk about an over abundance of frogs, gnats and flies in homes and cities. It is nothing that I want to be a part of. People were ignoring God's commands and living the way they chose to, well being bombarded with frogs, gnats and flies would be an understatement of being chastened to me. I love cute little frogs, but real ones, with gnats and flies, oh no!!!
1 Corinthians 3:3 says, "For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?" Jealousy and quarreling amongst each other is unnecessary, if we are doing that then we are not working towards the same goals. God does NOT dwell in mess and confusion, we should all be doing what He has ordained for us to do. If I am to write, you are to speak and she is counsel, then that is what we should be doing. We should not be thinking we are better than one other, because maybe my message isn't for "your crowd" and your message isn't for "my crowd" so we should be where God put us and do His work there. If we are busy judging others then perhaps we have too much time on our hands and maybe there is more work we could be doing. Do not let your work suffer due to your own arrogance. Just like 1 Corinthians 3:7 says, We are but vessels for God's work, if I plant and you are the water source, God is still the one growing the plant.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15 "Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."
I challenge those of you that are already actively serving God , do you tend to compare your works to the works of others? Or are you genuinely happy that others are actively trying to get others closer to the Lord? If you think that your works are "better" than someone else, find something that you could help them make better and more pleasing to the Lord. After all we are all after the same prize, aren't we? Remember to encourage other believers and non-believers alike, do not judge and discourage.
If you are not actively serving God, get plugged in! It is almost a certainty that you are needed somewhere. Call your church home and ask where you could help out. They may be waiting on you to call right now, you may very well be the answer to a prayer for them.
Frog, gnat and fly free (for now),
Thursday, August 19, 2010
August 19, 2010 Reading
After returning from an evening run together, my husband and I discovered a very odd horrible smell in the kitchen. I then noticed a gooey like substance all over the trash can lid! (sidebar) If you have kids I'm sure you find all sorts of interesting textures on the lids of your trash cans right?
Anyway... my attention was then drawn to the microwave. It was as if God just took my head and turned it right to the problem. Oh my poor microwave, it was the biggest goo mess I have ever seen folks!
My blood pressure was rising as I searched for my kiddos! My oldest son was hanging on the couch oblivious to the smell. I asked him if he knew what happened.
Mom, I was curious about what a banana would do in a microwave...... Trust me the mystery is solved . The banana heats up and oozes making a horrible mess and the stench created, will knock you over.
The joy of having children, right?
Mystery, according to the Webster dictionary is anything that remains unexplained or unknown. My sons curiosity lead him to the actions taken so he could explain the unknown!
I was reminded of the mystery of the banana today after reading 1 Corinthians 2:7 "But we speak of the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our own glory"
v.10 "God has revealed to them to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God."
The Holy spirit offers Divine wisdom to every person. God has an amazing way of helping us understand the unexplainable or unknown. He may not answer all our questions completely or the way we want but He will unfold the mystery for us in fitting ways.
The key to understanding Gods wisdom lies with the Spirit not a religion. The spirit is the link between God and humanity and this makes knowing God possible. Without the spirit things will be foolish, dull or tasteless. A good comparison would be having no taste buds on your tongue. Taste buds bring flavor into the mouth. The spirit of God is needed in your life to bring about divine flavor and revelation. Most people in the world today regard Gods wisdom as foolish. Gods wisdom is incapable of understanding without the spirit. Gods wisdom is a mystery to the unbeliever. They cannot grasp the unknown without the help of divine revelation. Through His spirit God will reveal himself to men.
Just as my son became curious about what a banana would do in the microwave, I became curious about God and some unexplained hurting questions I had in my life. I desired some things to be made understandable for me. I needed Gods wisdom when my marriage was falling apart, I needed help, and still do, raising my children, Gods forgiveness was hard to understand, I felt so undeserving. Dealing with change, managing loss, making decisions about schooling and the list goes on. I was curious about the mysteries of God. I had enough religion. I desired God!
Gods wisdom is a mystery but it is revealed through Christ and made understandable through the Holy Spirit. Gods wisdom will help you. If you put your faith in Jesus Christ, and make Him Lord and Savior of your life you will receive the mind of Christ in your heart. As you read the word of God the spirit will reveal things about your present situation. Its kinda like an elevator, you will feel God bring something from what feels like the bottom up to the top of your mind. He brings a divine perspective from your humanly distorted perspective. The most interesting things began to occur in my life. He carries the answers to your entire life! The bible began to come alive for me!
Ask God to begin to reveal the mysteries to you today.
My very first prayer in the midst of my biggest pain went something like this.....
Dear Jesus, you are my choice. I want to believe in you but do not know how it all works. I need you in my life. Please take over and forgive me for all I have done. Please lead me in the right direction. I believe in you.
I promise He will take over in the most mysterious and unique ways! He is the ONLY one that carries the answers.
It is a grand mystery but very exciting adventure,
After returning from an evening run together, my husband and I discovered a very odd horrible smell in the kitchen. I then noticed a gooey like substance all over the trash can lid! (sidebar) If you have kids I'm sure you find all sorts of interesting textures on the lids of your trash cans right?
Anyway... my attention was then drawn to the microwave. It was as if God just took my head and turned it right to the problem. Oh my poor microwave, it was the biggest goo mess I have ever seen folks!
My blood pressure was rising as I searched for my kiddos! My oldest son was hanging on the couch oblivious to the smell. I asked him if he knew what happened.
Mom, I was curious about what a banana would do in a microwave...... Trust me the mystery is solved . The banana heats up and oozes making a horrible mess and the stench created, will knock you over.
The joy of having children, right?
Mystery, according to the Webster dictionary is anything that remains unexplained or unknown. My sons curiosity lead him to the actions taken so he could explain the unknown!
I was reminded of the mystery of the banana today after reading 1 Corinthians 2:7 "But we speak of the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our own glory"
v.10 "God has revealed to them to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God."
The Holy spirit offers Divine wisdom to every person. God has an amazing way of helping us understand the unexplainable or unknown. He may not answer all our questions completely or the way we want but He will unfold the mystery for us in fitting ways.
The key to understanding Gods wisdom lies with the Spirit not a religion. The spirit is the link between God and humanity and this makes knowing God possible. Without the spirit things will be foolish, dull or tasteless. A good comparison would be having no taste buds on your tongue. Taste buds bring flavor into the mouth. The spirit of God is needed in your life to bring about divine flavor and revelation. Most people in the world today regard Gods wisdom as foolish. Gods wisdom is incapable of understanding without the spirit. Gods wisdom is a mystery to the unbeliever. They cannot grasp the unknown without the help of divine revelation. Through His spirit God will reveal himself to men.
Just as my son became curious about what a banana would do in the microwave, I became curious about God and some unexplained hurting questions I had in my life. I desired some things to be made understandable for me. I needed Gods wisdom when my marriage was falling apart, I needed help, and still do, raising my children, Gods forgiveness was hard to understand, I felt so undeserving. Dealing with change, managing loss, making decisions about schooling and the list goes on. I was curious about the mysteries of God. I had enough religion. I desired God!
Gods wisdom is a mystery but it is revealed through Christ and made understandable through the Holy Spirit. Gods wisdom will help you. If you put your faith in Jesus Christ, and make Him Lord and Savior of your life you will receive the mind of Christ in your heart. As you read the word of God the spirit will reveal things about your present situation. Its kinda like an elevator, you will feel God bring something from what feels like the bottom up to the top of your mind. He brings a divine perspective from your humanly distorted perspective. The most interesting things began to occur in my life. He carries the answers to your entire life! The bible began to come alive for me!
Ask God to begin to reveal the mysteries to you today.
My very first prayer in the midst of my biggest pain went something like this.....
Dear Jesus, you are my choice. I want to believe in you but do not know how it all works. I need you in my life. Please take over and forgive me for all I have done. Please lead me in the right direction. I believe in you.
I promise He will take over in the most mysterious and unique ways! He is the ONLY one that carries the answers.
It is a grand mystery but very exciting adventure,
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Chocolate milk and brown cows
August 18, 2010 Reading
Expecting chocolate milk from a brown cow is foolishness, just as expecting swiss cheese from a spotted cow is udder nonsense. Well I am here to admit in my younger years this is what I had figured out. I convinced myself that this is how it all worked! You can tell I was raised on a farm right? My husband is from up north in the beautiful country and I smile at myself every time I pass a cow pasture. A few years back as we drove the country side roads I shared this awesome wisdom I had about the cows with my husband, who is a very serious wise man, he just turned and looked at me in complete shock at how foolish that sounded!
I was reminded of our brief interaction today as I was reading 1 Corinthians 1:27, "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."
Nevertheless, God has called this foolish girl that believed the best chocolate milk came from the darker brown cows. A call is not based on our own wisdom or status, but on the grace of God. He chooses the weak and foolish so we find glory in HIM and not our own accomplisments, titles and status. I responded to the call on my life about 15 years ago. The call began as a personal invitation by God that drew me into a relationship with His son Jesus. The will of God then called this foolish cow confused girl to much more. My own human origin is not the sharpest in the intellect and smarts category. So I find it funny that God called me into full time ministry through speaking, writing and counseling! Would you feel safe counseling with a lady that thought chocolate milk came from brown cows? I also am very weak when it comes to grammer, spelling, punctuation and enunciation! Ask my family..... I have recently purchased some grammar books and have asked my family to call me out on all my double negatives!
Today the bible reminded me that the power comes from Him and not from us. God will use us most powerfully when we feel the least adequate.
My confidence is taking a sure beating right now. In the past several months God has called me out of my church home and hometown. He called me out of a ministry which I was passionately leading and directing. I could not understand what was happening. It was awfully hard to loose an identity and security that made me feel important to God. This is when you begin to discover who you really are.
God has recently opened new doors. These doors will lead me to a deeper wisdom,(1 Corn. 12:8). The doors I have discovered have me only standing in the entrance. Insecurities and lack of confidence have me standing in the door way buckling at the knees.
God is faithful. Even when the enemy tries to batter us and make us loose confidence in our calling. God often proves himself when we feel we have less to offer. More often than not, the will of God will involve a daring decision that seems unsafe or insane. But if you have the guts, not the smarts to move, God will meet you on the other side of the door.
I find myself telling God, "I am not able to speak perfect, my grammar stinks and I cannot write or spell well." But God reminded me again today in the word that "In Christ Jesus, you become wisdom from God." 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Everyone is called and chosen by God for a purpose. Have you began your adventure God desires for you?
Have you answered the first call to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus? Do not let whats wrong with you keep your from entering into whats right with God.
Have you been feeling like God is positioning you in front of a new opened door? Expand your horizons and allow God to do "a new thing" You will never know whats on the other side of the door until you walk through it! That is the greater calling my friend!
Go after a dream that is destined to fail without DIVINE intervention. God knows a girl like me needs Divine intervention.
By His Grace,
Expecting chocolate milk from a brown cow is foolishness, just as expecting swiss cheese from a spotted cow is udder nonsense. Well I am here to admit in my younger years this is what I had figured out. I convinced myself that this is how it all worked! You can tell I was raised on a farm right? My husband is from up north in the beautiful country and I smile at myself every time I pass a cow pasture. A few years back as we drove the country side roads I shared this awesome wisdom I had about the cows with my husband, who is a very serious wise man, he just turned and looked at me in complete shock at how foolish that sounded!
I was reminded of our brief interaction today as I was reading 1 Corinthians 1:27, "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."
Nevertheless, God has called this foolish girl that believed the best chocolate milk came from the darker brown cows. A call is not based on our own wisdom or status, but on the grace of God. He chooses the weak and foolish so we find glory in HIM and not our own accomplisments, titles and status. I responded to the call on my life about 15 years ago. The call began as a personal invitation by God that drew me into a relationship with His son Jesus. The will of God then called this foolish cow confused girl to much more. My own human origin is not the sharpest in the intellect and smarts category. So I find it funny that God called me into full time ministry through speaking, writing and counseling! Would you feel safe counseling with a lady that thought chocolate milk came from brown cows? I also am very weak when it comes to grammer, spelling, punctuation and enunciation! Ask my family..... I have recently purchased some grammar books and have asked my family to call me out on all my double negatives!
Today the bible reminded me that the power comes from Him and not from us. God will use us most powerfully when we feel the least adequate.
My confidence is taking a sure beating right now. In the past several months God has called me out of my church home and hometown. He called me out of a ministry which I was passionately leading and directing. I could not understand what was happening. It was awfully hard to loose an identity and security that made me feel important to God. This is when you begin to discover who you really are.
God has recently opened new doors. These doors will lead me to a deeper wisdom,(1 Corn. 12:8). The doors I have discovered have me only standing in the entrance. Insecurities and lack of confidence have me standing in the door way buckling at the knees.
God is faithful. Even when the enemy tries to batter us and make us loose confidence in our calling. God often proves himself when we feel we have less to offer. More often than not, the will of God will involve a daring decision that seems unsafe or insane. But if you have the guts, not the smarts to move, God will meet you on the other side of the door.
I find myself telling God, "I am not able to speak perfect, my grammar stinks and I cannot write or spell well." But God reminded me again today in the word that "In Christ Jesus, you become wisdom from God." 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Everyone is called and chosen by God for a purpose. Have you began your adventure God desires for you?
Have you answered the first call to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus? Do not let whats wrong with you keep your from entering into whats right with God.
Have you been feeling like God is positioning you in front of a new opened door? Expand your horizons and allow God to do "a new thing" You will never know whats on the other side of the door until you walk through it! That is the greater calling my friend!
Go after a dream that is destined to fail without DIVINE intervention. God knows a girl like me needs Divine intervention.
By His Grace,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Women Serving in the Church
August 17, 2010 Reading
Today is opening day for a movie called Nanny Mcphee. I am excited to see this movie with my kids. Nanny Mcphee is not the prettiest thing, but she comes packaged with her unique personality and gifts. She comes to aide and serve a struggling young mother, Mrs Green. The movie portrays much of today's realities of a broken world. The mother is trying to manage her family farm while her husband is away at war. Her kids are out of control and Mom is just plain TIRED! Nanny Mcphee uses her fun skills and uniqueness to teach lessons of cooperation to the children. She loves on them and serves the family sacrificially and with much humor.
Today as I was reading Romans 16, a woman named Phoebe was mentioned. Phoebe was a significant servant in the church of Cencherea. She helped, protected, looked after and provided for many. Phoebe's name in Greek means radiant and pure!
Women had a VERY important part in the ministry of Paul. As we find in many verses throughout Romans 16. Paul specifically mentions Phoebe and speaks highly of her and her strong leadership in the church. He introduces her to other Christians as "sister," "servant," "saint," and "helper." Paul valued her as a radiant light for Jesus.
We as women need the fellowship of Godly women to encourage us into Gods great purposes. Women have the opportunity to help other women struggling with their daily lives. God has a significant purpose for you in His church. I personally encourage you to step out and go to a women's meeting, bible study or other opportunity in your church. God never created you to stay on your personal island. Each women is hand picked by God, situated in Christ's body just as He desires. God will select the perfect place for you appropriate to your talents and gifts. We all go through experiences in life, your story is important! God will put the exact woman in your pathway that needs your aid and help. Many difficult areas of my life have been used to draw other women to the heart of God. If a woman feels inadequate for the ministry task the Lord reveals to her, she needs to only remember Jesus' words, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9).
Jesus' life began with a woman named Mary and ended at His resurrection with a woman at the tomb. The bible recalls several significant women in the new testament and Paul affirms them by name. Friend, you are significant too! Allow God to establish you according to His ways, He has a story to tell through your life. How are you allowing God to use you today?
Today is opening day for a movie called Nanny Mcphee. I am excited to see this movie with my kids. Nanny Mcphee is not the prettiest thing, but she comes packaged with her unique personality and gifts. She comes to aide and serve a struggling young mother, Mrs Green. The movie portrays much of today's realities of a broken world. The mother is trying to manage her family farm while her husband is away at war. Her kids are out of control and Mom is just plain TIRED! Nanny Mcphee uses her fun skills and uniqueness to teach lessons of cooperation to the children. She loves on them and serves the family sacrificially and with much humor.
Today as I was reading Romans 16, a woman named Phoebe was mentioned. Phoebe was a significant servant in the church of Cencherea. She helped, protected, looked after and provided for many. Phoebe's name in Greek means radiant and pure!
Women had a VERY important part in the ministry of Paul. As we find in many verses throughout Romans 16. Paul specifically mentions Phoebe and speaks highly of her and her strong leadership in the church. He introduces her to other Christians as "sister," "servant," "saint," and "helper." Paul valued her as a radiant light for Jesus.
We as women need the fellowship of Godly women to encourage us into Gods great purposes. Women have the opportunity to help other women struggling with their daily lives. God has a significant purpose for you in His church. I personally encourage you to step out and go to a women's meeting, bible study or other opportunity in your church. God never created you to stay on your personal island. Each women is hand picked by God, situated in Christ's body just as He desires. God will select the perfect place for you appropriate to your talents and gifts. We all go through experiences in life, your story is important! God will put the exact woman in your pathway that needs your aid and help. Many difficult areas of my life have been used to draw other women to the heart of God. If a woman feels inadequate for the ministry task the Lord reveals to her, she needs to only remember Jesus' words, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9).
Jesus' life began with a woman named Mary and ended at His resurrection with a woman at the tomb. The bible recalls several significant women in the new testament and Paul affirms them by name. Friend, you are significant too! Allow God to establish you according to His ways, He has a story to tell through your life. How are you allowing God to use you today?
Monday, August 16, 2010
My Foot Slipped
August 16, 2010 Reading
The morning was beautiful. A rising sun, fresh air and a sweet time chatting with my God. I remember specifically speaking to God about my need for His help this day. I truly need His divine aid daily or I end up dominated by the natural desires and stumble over my own self.
Running along I hit a bump in the road and went flying gracefully (NOT) through the air. As I was flying, I had a vision of scrapped up knees in my pretty new dress. I prepared to fall on my hands. Miraculously, I pulled myself straight back up out of the fall and landed on both feet. I know God helped me on this one folks!
As I was doing my daily reading this morning, I came across Psalm 94:18-19 If I say, "My foot slips," your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.
I could not help to recall my trip on Saturday morning. I know God caught me. He reminded me today that He wants to hold us and lead us in life. He will lead us away from stress and adversity. Trying to be what we are not is wrong. God knows what we are and what are purpose in life is to be. Without, and I stress the word "WITHOUT" seeking His word, we will slip. God is committed to us and will not forsake us as long as we are committed to Him. His love will lead us through each and every trial, so that His will is accomplished. He will catch us as we trip. His mercy and grace pulls us back up.
Friends, I need the accountability of Gods word. He enables me to act properly so my foot will not slip. However, we are not promised a smooth road with no bumbs. We will trip along the way. God is all knowing, understanding our struggles, flesh desires, weaknesses and hurts. He has equipped us individually with the resource of His word. This word speaks specific to our personal road bumps and will help us triumph completely over the falls and anxieties. His word is alive and powerful. God desires us to live a life of a different kind. An extraordinary life will not happen WITHOUT hearing His word.
Do you wish for a more graceful walk in life without tripping over your own obstacles? Remember today that God is working on you daily. He promises to hold us by the hand. His goodness is rich to the faithful.
Psalm 139:10 "Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me."
This past Saturday morning I woke early to get in a morning run. We had an afternoon wedding that day and I was excited to get all dressed up in my new dress. I thought if I worked out before I could loose a quick 5lbs or so and look fabulous in no time! Don't you wish it worked like that? Quick results!
The morning was beautiful. A rising sun, fresh air and a sweet time chatting with my God. I remember specifically speaking to God about my need for His help this day. I truly need His divine aid daily or I end up dominated by the natural desires and stumble over my own self.
Running along I hit a bump in the road and went flying gracefully (NOT) through the air. As I was flying, I had a vision of scrapped up knees in my pretty new dress. I prepared to fall on my hands. Miraculously, I pulled myself straight back up out of the fall and landed on both feet. I know God helped me on this one folks!
As I was doing my daily reading this morning, I came across Psalm 94:18-19 If I say, "My foot slips," your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.
I could not help to recall my trip on Saturday morning. I know God caught me. He reminded me today that He wants to hold us and lead us in life. He will lead us away from stress and adversity. Trying to be what we are not is wrong. God knows what we are and what are purpose in life is to be. Without, and I stress the word "WITHOUT" seeking His word, we will slip. God is committed to us and will not forsake us as long as we are committed to Him. His love will lead us through each and every trial, so that His will is accomplished. He will catch us as we trip. His mercy and grace pulls us back up.
Friends, I need the accountability of Gods word. He enables me to act properly so my foot will not slip. However, we are not promised a smooth road with no bumbs. We will trip along the way. God is all knowing, understanding our struggles, flesh desires, weaknesses and hurts. He has equipped us individually with the resource of His word. This word speaks specific to our personal road bumps and will help us triumph completely over the falls and anxieties. His word is alive and powerful. God desires us to live a life of a different kind. An extraordinary life will not happen WITHOUT hearing His word.
Do you wish for a more graceful walk in life without tripping over your own obstacles? Remember today that God is working on you daily. He promises to hold us by the hand. His goodness is rich to the faithful.
Psalm 139:10 "Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Women Online Reading Daily (WORD)
We would really LOVE for you to take a few minutes to go to the site that we get the daily reading from. Brooke and Claire Darling have spent a great deal of time to make sure women anywhere and everywhere can access the Word easily. You can click on the link "The WORD" below and go to their site, however their site link is always off to the right of the blog here.
August 15, 2010 Reading <-----Click Here
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sticks and Stones
August 14, 2010 Reading
No one will ever hear me being boastful and saying that I am a perfect example of Christ-likeness. My learning process is forever ongoing and one can only hope that the right path is the one chosen. However, we all know that the right path is not chosen all of the time.
God is quite convincing when it comes to putting the exact people needed in my life at the precise moment they will be needed. When someone is going through a hard time and they are trying to climb out of their valley or "cell" they do not need to be judged or made to feel bad. In fact that is when others that have already felt God's love and mercy should surround them and help them to see what God has in store for them. It is a beautiful thing to see someone grow and flourish in the Lord.
Romans 14:13 says "Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.."
Life is hard enough without fellow Christians that have already been down a bumpy path throwing road blocks in the way. It is very easy to judge others and think that your answers or insight is the "correct" ones. Criticism is nothing new to me, it is quite helpful, prayer and bible reading always tells me whether I need to change or continue forward.
Romans 14:4 states, "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand."
Romas 14:22 states, "Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth."
Trying to serve God is hard, the bible is a perfect set of instructions for us to use. Some people do not use it nearly enough, personally I didn't and then my life was turned upside down for awhile. Once I turned back to God, going in the right direction was much easier.
My hopes for you today is that you can use the Word today and apply it to yourself and see if you stand for what you believe in and truly try to abide by it. Of course we all fall short, but giving up is not the answer, keep plugging along. The precious word says "My Grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9.
Remember that God has a huge purpose in mind for all. Let us be reminded through today's word that we should not focus on ourselves but rather others, seeking not to present a stumbling block to their faith. A stumbling block refers to any attitude or action that causes another believer to sin or to become confused about God's character and purpose. Let us be encourager's today!
Trying to be what I believe,
No one will ever hear me being boastful and saying that I am a perfect example of Christ-likeness. My learning process is forever ongoing and one can only hope that the right path is the one chosen. However, we all know that the right path is not chosen all of the time.
God is quite convincing when it comes to putting the exact people needed in my life at the precise moment they will be needed. When someone is going through a hard time and they are trying to climb out of their valley or "cell" they do not need to be judged or made to feel bad. In fact that is when others that have already felt God's love and mercy should surround them and help them to see what God has in store for them. It is a beautiful thing to see someone grow and flourish in the Lord.
Romans 14:13 says "Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.."
Life is hard enough without fellow Christians that have already been down a bumpy path throwing road blocks in the way. It is very easy to judge others and think that your answers or insight is the "correct" ones. Criticism is nothing new to me, it is quite helpful, prayer and bible reading always tells me whether I need to change or continue forward.
Romans 14:4 states, "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand."
Romas 14:22 states, "Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth."
Trying to serve God is hard, the bible is a perfect set of instructions for us to use. Some people do not use it nearly enough, personally I didn't and then my life was turned upside down for awhile. Once I turned back to God, going in the right direction was much easier.
My hopes for you today is that you can use the Word today and apply it to yourself and see if you stand for what you believe in and truly try to abide by it. Of course we all fall short, but giving up is not the answer, keep plugging along. The precious word says "My Grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9.
Remember that God has a huge purpose in mind for all. Let us be reminded through today's word that we should not focus on ourselves but rather others, seeking not to present a stumbling block to their faith. A stumbling block refers to any attitude or action that causes another believer to sin or to become confused about God's character and purpose. Let us be encourager's today!
Trying to be what I believe,
Friday, August 13, 2010
Forgiven and Set Free
Hi everyone!
My name is Kari and I am friends with Heather, she has been my mentor for a few years now. She found me when I was in my lowest valley and provided much of the light I needed to find my way out of the darkness. God put her in my life to push, no actually shove me in the right direction. I am really hard headed to begin with, after an abundance of bad choices I found myself looking for God in all the wrong places!
By nature, I am a “fixer,” but in my journey I have figured out that I truly must let go and let God, this is hard for me. I struggle everyday with this.
Heather is convinced that I am hilarious and have words that will help someone. I love her to death, I know I would not be here if it was not for her. I do not think being a comedian is what God has in store for me. I could be wrong, I usually am, but I guess you all will have to suffer through while I am finding my path. Heather has asked me to write the devotion on Friday's. God is working something extraordinary in my life right now, just kind of in limbo while waiting for my directions in the mail…probably will be waiting for awhile though.
After reading the scripture for today, God knew this would be the perfect passages for me. These passages talk about my testimony and life. I was released from Oakland County Jail on March 23, 2009. The scriptures in Psalm 88 hit very close to home for me. I truly felt that my soul was full of trouble, certainly felt close to death. In jail it was nothing but emptiness and loneliness even though it is ram packed full of people!
Psalm 88:2-8 “Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry; For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave. I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength: Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand. Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps. Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves. Selah. Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.”
The book of Romans speaks about adhering to authority and knowing that you must do so in order to be obedient to God. Romans 13:1-2 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” I do not like to be told what to do and how to do it. Being in jail brings you to your knees, quick and in a hurry! After my tears, my self pity, and the why me period, realizing that if I can be obedient to the guards in jail like that, why can’t I be obedient to God? The world tries to control us. We do not get that if we turn ourselves over to God, then we would be much happier.
Now don’t get me wrong, life will never be hunky dory, but it can be acceptable and pleasing if we try to be satisfied with what we have and not worry about what we don’t have. I realize that my physical jail was very real and it was not fun, however not everyone is in a physical jail cell. Sometimes we are in a makeshift jail cell that we have created from our own life’s circumstances. Please know my friends, God is standing there waiting for you to call out to Him, he has the keys in his hand to let you out and set you free. It is truly awesome to see how God has changed my life and made things different. I strive to cling to what is good and hope to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I was living in shame, guilt, embarrassment, stress, and anxiety for a very long time. Even though I was away from my family for that time, I was forgiven and set free!!! I urge YOU to read the scriptures today and think of your “cell” and then call out to God and ask him to rescue you. He will hear you, He is waiting for YOU!
Forgiven and set free,
Kari Chasen
Kari Chasen
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A New Texting Code: TWF
August 12, 2010 Reading
I have become pretty good at texting these days! The idea of exchanging brief written messages back and forth is not easy for a girl like me. I have too much hot air to expel from my lungs and half the time I feel like I'm going to explode when texting. My kids do not think I am very good at exchanging "short" messages back and forth either but guess what?
NBFAB! (Not Bad for a Beginner).

NBFAB! (Not Bad for a Beginner).
For the longest time when I received ROFL on my phone I thought someone was getting sick and ralphing but they were really (Rolling On The Floor Laughing) Ok, I know its time to LOL (Laugh out Loud). My mother is even a better texter than me. Right mom?
Text messaging has become part of my daily life and I will admit, it is a great way to communicate a quick comment. So I have decided to create a new text code today because I have a quick comment that I would like to emphasize to my children in the middle of their busy lifestyles!
The text code is TWF. Now follow with me and you will discover the code.
The text code is TWF. Now follow with me and you will discover the code.
In today's bible reading, I came across a passage in my bible that I had highlighted in yellow. If something is highlighted in my bible that means I better emphasise this in my life.
Psalm 86:11 states "TEACH me your ways, O Lord; I will WALK in your Truth; Unite my heart to FEAR your name."
This one promise has taught me 3 very important value points. I hope they bring as much value to your family as they do to mine.
So you are probably wondering what that text code means right? TWF is my personal text code to emphasize an important reminder to my three precious children.....Ask God to Teach and direct them, Walk in truth and watch their lifestyle and lastly Fear the Lord with obedience and respect.
I pray for you to claim today's promise Psalm 86:11, ask God to teach you His ways, help you to walk in His truth and lastly open your heart to fear His name.
My new personal contact information will be coming soon. If you need to reach me on a personal level feel free to email me at:
TWF friends,
Psalm 86:11 states "TEACH me your ways, O Lord; I will WALK in your Truth; Unite my heart to FEAR your name."
This one promise has taught me 3 very important value points. I hope they bring as much value to your family as they do to mine.
- TEACH = God will offer us direction and instruction each day free of charge. He will show you wondrous things. But how often do we really ask God daily to teach us His ways?
- WALK= He desires us to walk in truth. This refers to our lifestyle and commitment to the Lord. In Romans 12:9 it shares "CLING to what is good." The book of Romans in the bible was written by Paul to the Christians in Rome. He wanted to instruct them how to live as Christians "CHRIST LIKE". What really grabs my attention in this context is that God used Paul to teach others how to behave. Paul had taken a 180 degree turn from where he had been. He was a Christian basher to Christian champion. When Jesus captured Paul's heart, He got all of him! The same can be true for you. No matter who you have been or what you have done, your christian life can be complete, filled with passion, purpose and power. Do you desire to walk in truth? When you begin to desire you will then cling to what is good. My first prayer was "Lord, just give me desire to walk in truth and an appetite to crave a Christ like life."
- FEAR= Proverbs 19:23 shares "The fear of the Lord leads to life" Fearing the Lord is about reverence and obedience. He does not want us to have a spirit of fear, but a sound mind. We easily become fearful when our marriages are falling apart, homes breaking down, children rebelling, temptation that is hard to overcome, loneliness, loss of loved ones and many others. However, remember my friend, He has wondrous things for your life!
So you are probably wondering what that text code means right? TWF is my personal text code to emphasize an important reminder to my three precious children.....Ask God to Teach and direct them, Walk in truth and watch their lifestyle and lastly Fear the Lord with obedience and respect.
I pray for you to claim today's promise Psalm 86:11, ask God to teach you His ways, help you to walk in His truth and lastly open your heart to fear His name.
My new personal contact information will be coming soon. If you need to reach me on a personal level feel free to email me at:
TWF friends,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Mystery of the Broken Statues
I was chuckling to myself this morning as I was recalling some of the late nights of packing my special things before our recent Big move. Oh yes, one box at a time! I specifically remember one evening taking one of the figurines off a shelf to pack away and noticed she had been attacked by a glue gun! Her broken parts had been grafted all back together in a mysteriously odd fashion.
Her right arm was glued to the left side and her head was glued on an angle and she was missing her left hand! All grafted so nicely so mom would NEVER NOTICE! Trust me I began searching down the glue gun grafter! At least they used the glue gun and not duck tape!
This favorite figurine of mine all broken and glued together reminded me of Romans 11:19-24.
Verse 19 states "the Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in." The branches in this bible text represent you and I in our broken unbelief state, we are broken off from the plan of God which was engineered for our life since birth.
I find much comfort this morning knowing that no matter how bad I have screwed up, God has taken my broken branches of shame, unbelief, ineffectiveness, doubt, rebellion, ignorance and hurt and reminded me through His promises today that when I turn my heart toward the Lord with humility, He will graft me back into the tree, which represents the plan of God!
God desires for us to be happy. God has a grafted plan full of destiny, meaning and purpose!
In yesterdays post we learned an important truth that "God is Able" to graft them in again. I also know that God is perfect in all He does. So I am most certain that He does not go crazy with His glue gone and smack the broken branches back together. Realize today, that ALL things work together for "your" good. That means that all the broken branches are engineered together perfectly for the greater plan. When the Lord does His transforming work in your life you will not sit on a shelf easily noticed that your brokenness was sloppily glued back together. No, my friends you will sit on a shelf as a perfectly grafted figurine sparkling in the beauty of grace, wisdom, knowledge and goodness for all to see. Not one speck of glue will be noticed because God is perfect and He will make us perfect in His love.
John 17:23 "I in them, and you in Me; that they may be made perfect"
Friends, believe with me today that God is faithful to do what He promises for you. Do not let the glue guns of this world try to graft you back together because you will appear broken on that shelf.
Turn your precious heart towards God and let Him begin to graft you back into His wonderful masterpiece, your brokenness will be beautiful.
Now, I have a crazy I the only mom that has come across the figurine on the shelf that looked attacked by a glue gun?
Today's Biblical Promise and Reading
Beautifully broken,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Women's Restroom Prank
I am so thrilled to launch, share and journey with you through the new and revised daily devotional BLOG.
Thank you, Kari Chasen for coming alongside me and using your gifts in marketing and computer savvy skills!
I have personally taken a sabbatical/rest from ministry......I AM BACK! After moving our family to a new hometown, relocating and adjusting in a new church home (Northridge Church, Plymouth, MI), letting go and saying goodbye to many special women that have impacted my life, lastly with much pain and hurt I had to lay down the dreams within a women's ministry called "W.O.W." where I passionately served as ministry director, teacher, speaker, counselor and friend. I needed to take some time away to realign myself with the footsteps of God and the plans and calling He has for my life.
There is a lot of EXCITING things happening around and in my life. I am ready to step out in faith not fear and say "yes" to God one fresh step at time. God is blowing new life into a past dream. I just had to be obedient to lay down some dreams because no dream is more important than Him. After all, His visions are further reaching!
I can go on about all God is doing and adjusting in my life for His purposes, however this blog is not about me! It is about you and me communicating the biblical promises for the day. In each post you will find the bible reading for the day and week at the very top of each post. I will utilize a bible promise from that days reading that stood out to me. I will then apply that particular biblical promise or promises to the REALITY of my daily life to teach, comfort and encourage others in a fun, practical and real way. I encourage you to read the daily bible reading posted after the blog entry. You can even post a comment on how you experienced God through a biblical promise that stood out to you . Maybe you just want to comment on the blog post and how it has helped you draw the necessary courage to trust God that day. Remember everyone has a good answer and will help another reader!
A typical post will look like this:
I needed to stop off to use the bathroom during a recent road trip to North Carolina. My girlfriend followed behind me as we rushed from our car into the McDonald's girls room! As I stood in front of the door the word "OMEN" jumped out at me. It sounded like a beast of a word and I was not entering! I turned to my girlfriend and said "This is for Omens" and went searching for the woman's bathroom, still confused about what an Omen was in North Carolina! I was convinced it was the janitors room or a secret storage of some sort. My best girlfriend followed my wanderings and confusion until the BIG LIGHT BULB moment hit us....the "W" in the WOMEN sign somehow disappeared. "OMEN" was all we seen, not even a triangle figure of a women was engraved in the door to help us realize it was the ladies bathroom! Friends, this only happens to two very tired girls that have been in a car far too long...brain dead!
The last few days the word OMEN has not left my mind. I was a truth seeker for many years during a point in my life. Tasting sweet and dangerous honey's in life. Always waiting for the real sign or OMEN in life and was desperate to find it anywhere. At one of my lowest points in life, I had no where else to turn and I asked God to help me. In my darkest hours I found true light to bring me where I needed to go... Directly to the heart of God!
The Webster's dictionary states that an OMEN is a sign of something about to happen. An unstoppable force of irresistible change; good or bad.
After today's reading I was reminded of Gods goodness and mercy in becoming the WOMAN He has intended for me to be. As I continued to reflect on the word OMEN I have been reminded that a "woman" who sets her heart toward God will experience His unstoppable force of goodness, riches, wisdom and knowledge. His ways are unsearchable and past finding out! The unstoppable force of an unexplainable God grabbed hold of a broken, wild, weak, disqualified woman like me and grafted me into His plans and purposes.
Romans 10: 23 states" God is able to graft them in again"
Romans 10:36 reminds us that "For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be the glory, forever"
Remember in today's biblical promise that GOD IS ABLE!
Thank God for the person you are becoming today or ask God to help you turn away from unbelief and the accusers voice and turn towards Him.
God is true to His promise,
August 9, 2010 Reading
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