Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This morning I was reminded by God what a servant constantly needs to look like. God has been keeping a close eye on me lately. I feel that ever since He gave me more pieces to my dream puzzle, He also needed to include MUCH instruction.

I am honored that God called me out and put a passion in me to publicly speak and write so that I may share my faith and your purpose in Christ .  God has been shaping me for several years to serve him in this capacity. I am fully excited for the things ahead in 2011.
However God reminded me of something VERY important today. I hope this blesses other servants in ministry as it did for me.

Isaiah 41 is all about being a servant for the Lord. We were put on earth to make a contribution. We weren't created to just consume resources, to eat and breath and take up space! God designed you to make a difference with your life. He could have made it that the second we accepted Christ as our savior we immediately go to heaven. But He chose to leave us in the fallen world to fulfill His purposes.

God has goals and your ministry is part of His mission.

Being called by God is not for missionaries, pastors, nuns or the "holy people". It is a calling to everyone!  At the end of all of our lives we will stand before God, and he is going to evaluate how well you served. The bible tells us that each of us will have to give a personal account to God. Oh boy! God will actually be able to compare how much time and energy we spent on ourselves compared with how we invested in others.

God reminded me this morning that my calling is significant. However it is important for me personally to remember that this public ministry that God is entrusting to me is not a service to self-serve. Sometimes people in ministry or large public platforms serve to be admire, to achieve goals or get others to like them. This is NOT ministry this is manipulation. The ministry God gives us is not a service to be used as a bargaining tool with God. Real servants do not use God for their purposes. I was reminded to always stay sensitive and listen for how God wants to use me.

Thinking like a servant can be hard for me. I tend to sometimes by nature, think most about me and what God is doing in my life. I have come a long way and I tend to get excited about what God has done and is doing in my life, I can slip away from time to time and get busy in the details of the personal ministry.

Pursuing a dream does come with much business, the bible tells us so! However, we need to keep this in check. I am writing this message for me friends! Gods word tells us that He UPHOLDS his servants and put His spirit upon them. He equips us for the ministry and puts a spirit of knowledge, wisdom and discernment upon us.

Remember, you were made for a mission. No matter what you think about yourself, God is not limited by your restrictions! He puts His ordinary powers inside of you and me.

Are you more concerned with being served or finding ways of serving others?

Are you plugged into a growing, exciting church that helps you find your mission?

How to you feel when you think about the day that you will give an account to Jesus? will you be excited to see how you have done or will you be afraid to be next in line?

Its never to late friends, one step forward and God will meet you. He is so excited to take your willingness to do His will!

Peace and Grace,