Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What is the driving force in your life?

Golfing is one of my favorite sports, I enjoy the pressure and challenge of driving the ball in the right direction and trying to get to my destination in a reasonable amount of time! Now, when I golf with my husband he is more interested in finding every ones lost balls and this makes him feel like a winner at the end of our game! I get so irritated as he is golfing balls out of the woods or ponds. I am driven to finish the game and KEEP MOVING! The funniest thing happened about 2 years back on a beautiful fall day. We just finished the eighth hole and came along a path that went up a slight hill. The tee off for the ninth hole was toward the bottom of this hill so we could not see the destination until we teed off then proceeded to drive up the hill and hopefully notice the ball.  To our surprise when we came over the hill we seen about 100 golf balls and I panicked because I wanted to find MY PERSONAL BALL! My husband thought he hit the jackpot. It looked incredible at the top of the hill, a ton of white balls on a beautiful green. However, when we approached the first ball we finally realized it was cotton balls! OK that was a good joke I must say!

Anyway, I hope this made you chuckle this morning.

Our life is like a golf ball and we need to get that ball moving in the direction of our destiny. In the game the golfer wants to try his best to direct the ball closer to the hole. The golfer is DRIVEN to master his game.

Everyone's life is DRIVEN by something. You could be driven by a problem, a pressure or a deadline. You may be driven by a painful memory, fear or an addiction.

When we are driven by guilt, the mind is manipulating your memory and allowing the past to control your future. I have experienced this and God has taught me how to have a fresh start. God's purpose is not limited to your past, He will do amazing things with the rest of your life, He specializes in giving fresh starts. I love playing golf with friends that allow me to throw down a new ball if I get lost in the woods and not count it against my score! My own rules in golf, ha!  God does the same thing in the game of life.

When we are driven by anger we direct our life into the pond of bitterness. It is hard to find perfect peace in this mucky world but when we learn to keep our mind focused on Christ, He will release the pain through forgiveness. God finds us in the deepest swamps and lift us out and gives us a fresh start. He wants us to live life with a new purpose and this is the path to peace. I am grateful everyday that I can give my frustrations and anxieties over to God so that He may strengthen me for the days game.

When we are driven by fear we allow a traumatic experience to hold us back from venturing out. This is a personal prison that keeps you from Gods best. I am so grateful to have had the front seat in watching God work in so many lives this past year. We all have stories and God has allowed me to sit with many women and listen to their stories. I find it to be the highest honor to be able to help them place their life back on path and take some more swings. As we focus together on Christ the ball of life begins to move and head in the right direction. No longer being driven by the traumatic experience but drawing strength and playing a new game.

We are all driven by something, A woman's past will either make her bitter or make her better. Your past will give you permission to walk into places you've never dreamed you'd enter and it can change your entire Game in life. Of course I did not seek out the bad choices or pain that I encountered, but the past did not need to control my future. When the discovery of Gods purposes and dreams became a huge reality in my life I have been driven with passion to swing towards my predestined destiny. Daily I have to work on my swings but every swing brings me closer towards Gods will for my life!

What would your family and friends say the DRIVING FORCE is in your life? I encourage you to self examine and really ponder this question.

God loves you so much and He is jealous for you. I pray that you will allow God to drive your life and then I promise you will experience HOLE IN ONE moments.

Today's bible reading:
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts You.

Keep your eye on  Jesus and discover the "new" course  He has for you   

Keep swinging sisters,