Wednesday, October 27, 2010


October 27th Reading

OK I had to laugh at myself this morning because my goofy mistake reminded me of today's devotional!
I was making oatmeal this morning and I was in a hurry and  had to microwave my oats. Now I know some people cringe at the thought of using a microwave....especially my dad, it's a sin to heat anything in the microwave within his presence.
Well, I put the oats in for 3 minutes and upon my return the "little" scoop of oatmeal was rising up all around the microwave. The warmth of the microwave spun my oatmeal around until it was running over, swelling in size and bubbling with heat!

That little scoop of oatmeal reminded me of my beginning journey in Faith.

I want to share a couple factors that touched my life unknowingly and pushed me towards my door to destiny. That "little" scoop of oatmeal(my faith) is now running over , bubbling with joy and swelling in the spirit!  OK, I know I am getting a little silly but hey I am a visual so bare with me friends!

What couple factors touched my life?

Have you ever received a letter or card from a friend that encouraged you to live a continued "consistent" Christ centered life in the midst of difficulties, trials or change?

Have you ever received a letter or a card from a friend that just wanted to remind you of a "clear message"  that a constant, consistent good lifestyle was only possible in the strength of Christ?

Have you ever received a card from a friend reminding you that God was gonna do BIG things in your life?

I have a treasure box sitting above my office desk full of cards and letters from friends that have nurtured my faith (or bowl of oatmeal) all along my journey. These cards have helped mold my life. Each card was specific in a season and has touched my life unknowingly and has prepared me for God's call to salvation and full time ministry.

I did not grow up in a family that was grounded solid in the Word of God and kept by the Holy spirits promptings. I did grow up going to church but there's a difference. I do not blame my parents because they did the best of what they knew. When I look at my grandparents they also did not reflect a life molded in consistent, constant faith. My parents along with my personal family are learning now what a family "striving" in their purpose and holy calling from God looks like.  Still a work in progress!

My notes, letters and cards all helped me learn and then stay in pattern with a heart before God! In many of my letters my friends encouraged me in my calling from God. Its funny how friends can see things in you that you don't see!

In 1 Timothy 1:9 it states "Who has saved us and "called us" with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began."

I was exhorted as a young woman through friends and still today to continue fanning into flame the gift for ministry that the spirit imputed in me. My cards would simply remind me to stay focused and pursue my calling.

1 Timothy 1:6 "Therefore I remind you to STIR up the gift of God which was in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given you (Heather) a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and a SOUND MIND"

These are powerful words and they can come as reminders from friends. In 1 Timothy we see a relationship between the apostle Paul and a young man named Timothy. Paul would write letters from prison encouraging his friend to stand steadfast and stay committed. Paul outlined a pattern for Timothy and explained to Him from prison that sometimes ministry includes the possibility of suffering while  still the promising of something great. Paul from his jail cell remembered Gods goodness to him and he wanted to consistently remind Timothy to stay grounded and kept by the Holy Spirit and not to be easily swayed.
Timothy was stirred up in His faith to utilize the abilities and skills God has given him.

A note from a friend can enlarge and develop your calling in so many ways.

I just received a note from a friend recently reminding me that she is praying for God to do BIG things.
Her exhortation was a blessing in my time of change. Sometimes you can feel STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR DREAMS and these cards come just in time!

Are you a little scoop of oatmeal left in a bowl and feeling dry and half full with life?
Then I encourage you to step out and get involved in a local bible believing church or start in a small group within your church home. God will work through the people he places around you in life. Do not stay on your personal Island friends!

Do you know of someone you can send a note to today?
That note may be the stirring a friend needs to simply walk through her door of destiny!

Thank God today for what He is doing and will do in your walk of Faith!

Have a great day, I am off to the track to continue training for my upcoming race!