Wednesday, September 15, 2010


September 15th Reading
I sit here this morning desiring so bad to continue to be a FINISHER in all areas of my life! A few years ago with the encouragement of my husband I decide to take up running. The sport of running has taught me how to  become a FINISHER in many areas of life! The best feeling during a race is crossing the finish line. My longest run I finished was a 10 mile. I was committed and determined to finish that race. I may not have had the best time, but I FINISHED!

About 3 years ago my husband and I ran the Turkey Trot on thanksgiving morning. This was a 6 mile run along the Detroit river. The course had been planned and the signs along the way kept you on track. However, I did not pay attention to the signs and ended up making a turn joining me with runners that only signed up for the 3 mile race. As I looked ahead I noticed the FINISH sign. I knew it was way to soon to be at this point. I was so mad because I trained for 6 miles, right then I turned around and began running against all the other runners! I was not going to cheat myself out of 3 miles that I trained for.  It was so funny, people thought I was going the wrong way as I ran toward their sweaty faces. I backed tracked one mile and found my mistake, then continued to run the race I trained and desired to finish. I actually ran 7 miles that day not 6....

Do you have promises you made to God this past year? Do you have big desires or dreams? Are you committed to being focused or determined to see the completion of something you desire?

I can remember a time when I was desiring and believing God for my marriage and husband. We had some serious pit falls folks!

I can remember a time when I was desiring to change and heal over wounds in my life.

I can admit that today I am desiring NEW destinations because I experienced the completion of the above goals. I actually feel promoted in the dream world.

Perhaps you have dreams or desires in certain areas like eating healthier, saving money, your children, a marriage, healing in a specific area, a job, finances, ministry or a sport.

As you know its easy to write down specific words about what you desire and dream but the challenge comes down to FINISHING it and seeing the completion of what you desired. The good thing is you don't have to be a person that starts and doesn't finish.


Paul said to the Corinth church in 2 Corinthians chapter 8 "And in this I give advice: IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago, but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be completion out of what you have. For if there is FIRST a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have."

Paul understood that it is one thing to desire and another to see desire carried out. Paul made a profound statement in this verse that keeps me excited in life. He says "It is to your advantage," isn't  wonderful to know there are advantages to being a finisher? The best example of a finisher is none other then God the father. In Genesis he worked 6 days in the desire of creating the heavens and earth and the seventh day He rested. He rested because He FINISHED!

Wow! can you imagine God sitting back and admiring creation. We can also sit back and admire things in our life that have been accomplished.

They're so many people who never experience rest in their lives because they never learned to make a decision and desire something better. They stay stuck in a long cold winter season. You are not destined to have to settle for the lowest common denominator of faith. If you become a dreamer you  will see God accomplish the impossible right in front of your eyes!

 You will FINISH!

Jesus Christ was a finisher and He is the author and finisher of our faith. Allow Him to teach you to live in boldness and expectancy. He will give you small goals and tasks then help you desire to complete them by faith.

Are you ready to be a finisher?

finishing the race,