Thursday, March 31, 2011





Wednesday, March 30, 2011



Allow God to move you past your experience and emotion. He will help you forget and move on!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Leave Everything

I was raised in a Christian home. I have known about Jesus my whole life. This does not make me the perfect Christian. There have been seasons in my life when I stepped away from Jesus. I went my own way. I turned from God and his leading and his guidelines. I didn’t yet comprehend how much I needed Him. I didn’t understand that His ways really were so much better than my own.

I can remember a time when I began to notice that my life was not all I wanted it to be. I finally had all the things I thought would make me happy. Sadly, I realized I was not any happier by having them. I felt empty and I did not know where to turn. I wanted more from life and so, I began seeking God with my whole heart.

Since that decision, my life has been more full of love, wonder and meaning. This does not mean that I am a perfect Christian yet. There are days when I have to push my worldly feelings aside. There are days I have to hold firmly to Him in every moment, in every conversation, in every decision. There are days when it is more difficult to follow Him and do the right thing.

This morning, God brought this simple scripture to my attention.

So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

Luke 5:11

This time, when Peter, James and John met Jesus, He filled their fishing nets to the point of breaking. Jesus blessed them abundantly in a matter of minutes. In that moment, the men caught a glimpse of the miracles that Jesus could bring into their lives. The men pulled their boat onto the shore. They left everything they knew and followed him.

It is such a simple statement, it could easily be overlooked. They left everything. They left their families, their possessions, their jobs, their beliefs about how life should be, their traditions, their plans, their security, their comfort. They left everything and followed him.

I look at my life now compared to the time before I began seeking Him with my whole heart. I am a better wife, mother and friend. Again, I am not perfect, but I am striving to be better every day.

I wonder though if there are still some things that I need to leave behind.

Am I holding on to fears?

Am I holding on to my pride or old reputation?

Am I holding on to things or possessions?

Am I holding on to old beliefs or traditions?

Am I holding on to people instead of Jesus?

Whatever we are holding on to is keeping us from fully following Jesus. We cannot carry the old things into a new life. The problem with those old fish is that they start to stink. Jesus has so much to offer us, but we need to put down the old things to make room for bigger beautiful blessings.

Heavenly Father, I know that You have great blessings planned for me. I confess that I have been holding on to some old things that don’t fit with the plan You have prepared for me. Please help me to find the old fish and get rid of them. I want to leave everything and follow Jesus. Amen.

Monday, March 28, 2011


March 28th Reading


I will announce the winner of FREE FRIDAY at the bottom of today's post!

I was thrilled to read about a woman in the bible that was so respected for her leadership ability. She was respected by men and women. Men in the military sought her help! Many recognized her gifting in leadership and followed her.

People follow those whose leadership they R E S P E C T. Deborah's leadership gifts commanded the respect of both men and women, even though very few women rose to leadership positions in her day. The Barak military commander of the northern tribes of Israel, sought her help.

I have struggled in the past with the idea of women in leadership because of the other leaders and their  influence.  I learned some great things with the help of other men and women that certainly value the calling of women into leadership positions. Today I looked at an individual God called  forward and noticed some common things that summarize why this women was RESPECTED.

Lets look at 7 qualities that moved DEBORAH forward into her God given calling. (Judges chapter 4)

1. Gaining respect from others always begins with yourself and your associates. Deborah did this, and people from all over Israel came to her to settle their disputes. If you desire to win respect of others then RESPECT others no matter what gender and have a healthy respect for yourself.

2. Exceed the expectations of others
Deborah raised the standard of living for others!

3. followers respect a leader with conviction and a willingness to join the journey.

4. Deborah believed in people accomplishing things together as a production team. When another is left out this may very well be a dream that is dismissed. How does your team work together?

5. As followers grow to like and trust a leader, they begin to follow because they want to. People came to Deborah, seeking out her influence. She was given permission to lead and that is a great experience.

6. Deborah did many things right with wisdom great wisdom. She gave others the word of the Lord that they would WIN! Under her guidance the children of Israel grew stronger and stronger against Jabin King of Canaan, until they destroyed him, (Judges 4:24) God does choose people still today to shepherd others in the journey!

7. Deborah was always furnishing a PLAN. She had strategy and vision. How could people not respect a leader of such vision?

REMEMBER the highest calling of any leader is to help others reach their potential and walk out their God given destiny. I have a passion for leadership and I also have a passion to learn Gods word and understand what Gods word says about women in leadership! God is very clear that he calls women forward and speaks vision through them. He RESPECTS women and uses them in great ways!

If you are struggling with respect from others in leadership I suggest to LET IT GO and LAY IT DOWN and then reach out to the best leader ever and allow God to direct your steps. He is a leader who will move you to a new level of change and focus to develop the leader inside of you!
A good leader will recognize the God given leader in you and will spend their lives developing Gods plan so you may help others reach their potential.


The others that posted on blog and my email please consider coming and purchasing your tickets here:

I would love to meet up with you if you decide to come out! Please let me know!

I will be video blog Wednesday and Thursday this week!

Have a great day and may the Lord stir the LEADER in you!


Friday, March 25, 2011


March 25th Reading

THANK YOU for letting me know how much you have enjoyed the live video blogs. For those just joining check the last two posts and enjoy an up close and personal devo! I had so much fun SPEAKING IT OUT!
I will do a few video blogs and a couple write ups within the week because I heard from a few this week that it's easier with their computer to just read rather then view videos. I will take ALL into consideration! Plus I know that many of you read the DAILY DEVOS from your phone standing in line at the grocery store! I just LOVE technology these days, I just wish we all had the same phones with the same gadgets! lol!


I will be giving away FREE STUFF!

Sometimes it may be tickets to a great christian concert, a free book or just some great resources that I have on hand that qualify for recycle!
For example...Next week I will be giving away a free resource on "How to understand FOREST FIRES in guy/girl relationships" This will help bring a small lesson between you and your daughter/son in the area of what is allowed when it comes to relationships.

Smokey Bear has a slogan that says "ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES"

Our young pre teen children need to be taught about the casual SPARKS that lead to forest fires! I will also be providing a "WAIT TO DATE CONTRACT" this is a tool we use in our family. I just went over this with my 5th grade daughter just last night. It provides structure for our family, clearly outlines unwanted behavior, lifts up our core family values, helps reduce tension and arguments and most importantly brings GOD the glory. This worked so well with my son who is now in 8th grade. Each year the contract may change as they grow older and become more responsible, trustworthy, displaying self control, mature and respectful to others. My husband and I UPDATE the contract when we allow a little more freedom in those areas. Contracts are nice because we all come into a binding agreement of what is expected. It allows for clear communication and great Devotional material.




She is an amazing speaker and will be at NORTHRIDGE CHURCH APRIL 1-2 This will be a LIVE SIMULCAST EVENT!

I would love for you to join me or just grab a friend and make it your weekend!

Now to my BLOG friends in INDIA and CAMEROON and other states, I know this will be hard to make! The FUTURE FREE FRIDAY'S may be for you all!  

Leave a comment in today's post and state that you DESIRE to "GO BEYOND A LIFE INTERRUPTED"  Many, Many leave comments directly to my email...If you look on the side of my blog page it directs you on HOW TO LEAVE A COMMENT under the post. I promise it's EASY!

Remember, we all experience interruptions in life but how do we GO BEYOND and experience something greater? You do not want to miss this!  

Drawing and winner will take place Monday! I will announce the winner and send you 2 free TICKETS!


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Todays WORD is amazing! Click the You Tube video below and let the word speak into your life!
 God is about to move you into New territory and you may face the challenge of "CLEARING THINGS" 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


                                            MARCH 23 READING!





Joshua had many great victory's in life, lets take a moment to study the character traits that earned Him Victory in many areas of his life.

May we learn from Joshua and be committed to doing whatever it takes to gain VICTORY!

Have a great day friends and let me know your thoughts on the VIDEO BLOG!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

May It Be

There are a lot of changes happening in my life right now. God is doing a new thing. It is scary and exciting. I know His plan is good. I know that He will lead me down an exciting path. I know He will not leave me. I am living by faith right now. I don’t know where we are going, but I am trusting Him!

I read about Mary today. Luke 1:26-56. There are so many thoughts that came to mind.

The angel came to Mary and said, “you are going to have a child. He will be the Son of the Most High God”. I tried to put myself into Mary’s position. I tried to imagine what she must have felt and thought in those moments and in the months leading up to the birth of her child.

In her shoes, my first reaction would have been, “why me?” She was a young girl, unmarried, but promised to Joseph, with a heart for God. Mary was not perfect, she was human. Like me, I’m sure she did her best, but found herself falling short on most days. She desired to do better, to follow the rules and to encourage others around her. God did not pick Mary because of her perfect track record. God saw Mary’s heart. God saw all that Mary could be.

My second reaction to the news would have been fear. What will others think? How can this possibly work out? How am I going to accomplish all of this in the face of ridicule and obstacles? The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God.”

Do not be afraid. God repeats those words so many times throughout scripture. In fact, the Old Testament reading for today contains those same words. Joshua 10:8, do not be afraid, I have given you victory, not one will stand against you.

God did not promise Mary or Joshua that they would not face obstacles, what He did say was that the victory was promised and the battle was already won! In the mystery of life, they knew that God would be the winner. They believed God’s Word that no matter what happened along the way, they would win.

In spite of what Mary was feeling inside, she trusted God. She did not turn around and hide. She did not say, “no thank you.” She did not give a list of the reasons that He should pick someone else. Her simple reply is amazing to me. Mary responded “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”.

How much I can learn from that response! Instead of all the reasons why not, there is one fantastic reason why. Because God said so! If it is good enough for Him, than it will be good enough for me!

Lynn Cowell of Proverbs 31 left a message on my blog recently. She wrote, “The world says, "Where there is a will there is a way". The Father says, "Where there is a heart that is desperate to follow hard after me, I can make a way." The words hit home and I have been carrying them with me ever since.

Lord, I have been praying that You would use me to further Your kingdom. I thank you, that you have heard my prayer. I am desperate to follow You, no matter where You lead. I will not be afraid because You will make the way for me. I am Your servant. May it be to me as you have said. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Friday, March 18, 2011


March 18th Reading

This is why I do what I do.

Why do I pursue holiness?
What drives me to stay set apart, choosing to do what is right?
Some days my flesh drives me in the wrong direction but what is the key that always brings me back into alignment?

How do I stay focused?

When I read the word of God it presents a truth on what I should and could do. But often I try to do it my own way or tend to give up part of the way.
BUT then I come back to what God spoke in His word and convince myself that He only tells me these things because He has something great... in the distance.
God wants to accomplish something great with my life.
Every short cut I take because of my rebellious short comings only CUTS the plans of God in half.

Today when I did my daily reading I was reminded that God has a bigger plan for our lives but our choices often disqualify us from the plan that stands AFAR OFF.

In Deuteronomy 32:51 I read something tragic. God says to Moses"Because you did not uphold my holiness and broke faith, you will see the land only from a distance
you will NOT ENTER the land.

The Land is a picture of the perfect plans and dreams that God has for your life. Moses stood at the top of the mountain and looked only from a distance. He could see the land and all that He was missing.

God prepared so much for Moses to experience but He chose to drift from Gods perfect will.

Moses was able to stand and see what He could have enjoyed and how he could have prospered.
 Moses understood how life his life was turning out because He chose to fail to obey completely.
Moses knew that his prosperity depended far more on a healthy spiritual condition than on any type of leadership powers or personal dreams. 


This my friends is why I strive by grace and mercy to do what is right.
I do not want to stand from afar and see the dreams God had for my life and know that I missed them because I chose to live life my own way.
 I do not want to give up because God has things in the distance for me!

Moses story enables us today to understand the importance of seeing the future from two angels.
God wants to prepare you for the future.
I pray this is a fresh inspiration and a vision casted that will strike a concern about your future.
Do you want to stand and only see from AFAR?
Do you even believe that God has big dreams for you in the distance?
I pray today that we do not take any short cuts in life but fully embrace what God has set apart for us.

Check back in next week because I will be starting VIDEO BLOGS! Many have asked if I would "speak out" my morning devos.
Check in next week for something NEW!
Blessings friends!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Deny Yourself

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, Peter- this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times that you even know me.” - Mark 14:30

This must have been difficult for Peter to hear and impossible to comprehend. Peter did not always know what to say, but his love and devotion to Jesus was evident. Peter was fiercely loyal to Jesus.

What must Peter be thinking?

What did the other disciples think?

If Peter who had a great love could fall, what hope did the others have?

What does this mean for me?

The Greek word used for deny, in this scripture, was aparneomai which means to affirm that one has no acquaintance or connection with someone, to disown.

As I read the scripture, it is one of those times I feel like saying, “no, Peter, don’t do it.” But then I begin to wonder, how often have I been Peter? Has God been watching saying, “no, Lynnette, don’t do it.”

I have not spoken the words, but have I conveyed the same message through my actions? Or through my lack of words? Do others know that I love Him? Do I share His message as often as I should?

One of the commentaries mentioned that Peter could not fully make the right decision because he did not have the Holy Spirit within him guiding his words and actions. Hmmm, I have the guidance of the Holy Spirit and I still make the wrong decisions sometimes.

The word apaneomai was also used in another well-known scripture. Luke 9:23-24- deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow me. Jesus tells us to deny, we just have to make sure we are denying the right things. It is so easy to be in the world and follow what the world says is right. To buy the things the world tells us will make us happy. That Jesus isn’t “cool” so we shouldn’t talk about him.

Too often, I worry more about what people will think of me, than what God will think of me. Those are not my finest moments, I let my feelings lead my words and actions. I am not denying myself, I am denying Him. The worst part is, those things that I go after do not last. My feelings lie, they cannot be trusted. Real hope and and trust is found in God alone, not in myself.

These moments of weakness are the times I need Him most. I need to deny my feelings and what I think is right, I need to seek Him and the way that He is leading me.

Lord, I praise you that you are always trustworthy and that you always show me the right way to go. Thank you for giving me the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. I confess that I don’t always follow your directions as carefully as I should. I don’t want to deny You in any way. I want to follow your perfect plan for my life and I want others to walk away from me, knowing you more. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Visit other blog entries by Lynnette at Wellspring of Living Water.

Monday, March 14, 2011


March 14th Reading

Oh My what a day! I always plan on getting these devotions out first thing in the morning but some days that is just not possible! So maybe this will find its way into your life for an evening time devotion.

After reading Mark chapter 14, I was reminded of the meaning of  the Alabaster box. In this chapter a woman  named Mary came in to see Jesus at the house of Simon. She walked in and went to the table with an alabaster flask in her hand. It was full of costly ointment and she began to  pour it on His head. Mary found her way to this table with boldness.The oil she used was worth more than a years wages and was very precious. Mary came to him with all that she had. She was very sensitive to the timing, it was right before the burial of Jesus.

The Alabaster flask had to be BROKEN for the release of the oil.

How does this compare to us today?

ALABASTER in Greek means a VESSEL. A vessel is something that carries something. We are all carrying something inside. If you have Christ living in you then you have a treasure in an earthen vessel that has the excellence of power and it is of God and not us. This in confirmed in 2 Corinthians 4:7.

The power of Christ works in us and many times we need to just pour out what is broken and locked up  inside of  us.
 Psalm 51:17 states "The sacrifices of God are a BROKEN SPIRIT a BROKEN and contrite heart.

God works best with a broken vessel. When we pour out our costly hurts to Jesus this is so very precious in the eyes of God. We carry so much around in our alabaster box. Alabaster is made from limestone, a very soft stone. The stone is very flexible and translucent. Limestone is also a very costly and precious, Isaiah 13:12 states "I will make a man more PRECIOUS than fine gold."

Girls we are a beautiful alabaster box. So very precious and God cares so much about what is inside of our vessel. Do not lock up your brokenness because he can see right through our vessels.

Jesus was a broken vessel and He poured out his perfect love into our hearts and minds to accomplish His goal. His brokenness was also very costly and precious.

Christ in you the HOPE and GLORY! This is the precious ointment that was poured out for us and it should be in our alabaster box.

Let His grace flow down and cover you my friend. Please allow your vessel to be broken. Pour out your hurts and allow His precious ointment (HOPE AND GLORY) to cover you today!

Make you way to Him today!


Friday, March 11, 2011


March 11th Reading

God places God sized dreams in our hearts. He has a specific doorway for our personal destiny. When God drops this personal dream inside you, He is really showing you something good and requires you to act justly, Love with mercy and walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Last year I attended THE most worthwhile conference I have EVER gone to. "SHE SPEAKS" in North Carolina. I packed up and drove 14 hours through the hills and valleys to meet up with other speakers, writers and women's leaders from all over the United States and even Hawaii! Most every lady that I had the privilege to meet came with a God sized dream in their heart. The entire week was packed with dreamers eager to gather information in order to sharpen their God sized vision. If you came to this conference without a dream, I can promise you; you will leave with a renewed vision from God.

All the women I met, desired to encourage women with their gifts to DISCOVER THE DOORS OF THEIR DESTINY. We learned  that this desire comes from God because He has "chosen us" and has filled us with an overwhelming passion to share our faith with others.

DREAMING is the only time in which you can buy something really big and then grow into it. I would never go buy a pair of SKINNY JEANS 3 sizes bigger and desire to grow into them! That would be a girlfriends worse nightmare. This is a great visual of how God works at the She Speaks Conference. The dreams we have in our hearts may be HUGE and we need to grow into them.

This conference will help you get FAT!

I learned to have FAITH in Gods perfect plans while remaining AVAILABLE  and TRAINABLE.
I am grateful for all the tools I left with last year. The material was EXCELLENT and well spoken.

I have watched God create an amazing platform in my life this whole last year. God has confirmed my dreams and enriched with positive results. This has added so much VALUE to the lives of others. Now Gods message in me can spread like wildfire. My blog, website, business cards, speaking abilities and writing dreams have been transformed through innovative marketing strategies from Wildfire Ministries, that I met while at the conference last year.

Today in the Christian market we have so many amazing speakers and writers. I had the opportunity to meet several women from the Proverbs 31 speaking team; everyone having a specific dream and platform. Not one of them with a heart of comparing or competing!

Get your Platforms on!!

The She Speaks team and key note speakers made it very clear to my heart that we will have damaged dreams if we take ownership of the platform in which God is creating to work through us. The workshops always filled me richly and taught me to hold on to the dreams loosely because God can decide to pull things away and interrupt our plans to bring CHANGE. If we hold on to our dreams and make our platforms personal or create like anothers platform we will miss the relationship with God and the plans He has for our lives. Our platform belongs to HIM.

I desire to return this year. I have prepared all year with the tools given and I am now ready to return and propose my first book/bible study called RUN LIKE YOU MEAN IT.

I grew even bigger  after  She Speaks last year. I took all the speaking workshops and this year I would like to focus in the areas of writing.

I am grateful for all the New Platforms God has allowed to enter my life through the motivation given at this conference. The best part is that I made so many new friendships from all over and have stay connected all year long. God does amazing networking at this conference. He is at work FULL TIME!

Excellent things will be provided the whole weekend. I look forward to being renewed, stretched and strengthened so that every place the SOLES of my feet tread shall be mine. Deuteronomy 11:24

I will have SOLE FEET after this conference and with the promises of God being renewed I can hardly wait to slip my sole feet across His predestined platforms!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 10th Reading
FEET are so ugly!
My feet are most definitely the ugliest and my hubby will support this statement. I have FRED FLINTSTONE FEET! Short and wide, but with cute shoes and some fun nail polish I can make these babies look good and  we have been going  to exciting places!

 When I think of Fred Flintstone, I am reminded of how fast his feet treaded under that car of his. Does anyone remember this?

He took off running!
Oh those poor feet!

In Deuteronomy 11:24 it states "Every place where the
soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours!"

I love the MOVEMENT in this verse!

God has a plan and He want the soles of our feet to travel and run. What an amazing promise that God wants to give everyone who belongs to Him. He wants us to possess things in the places that our feet tread. God wants to walk with us and take our feet into destinations we never dreamed of. However, the reality of this promise being fulfilled in lives is false. Many want to take off running and covering ground that was never intended for us to tread upon.

God is calling us today to step into NEW directions and places with our lives. He has a NEW ground for the soles of our feet to tread. As you trust in God and take a step in a NEW direction you will not know whether it's gonna be slippery mud, soft grass or warm hot sand. But we have to trust God in taking those steps!

Our feet absorb high impact and stress on a daily basis. Each time your foot strikes the ground it absorbs a shock equal to 5 x your weight. That is why a good running shoe will cushion, support and create stability as it absorbs most of the shock.

I think of Jesus as my pair of running shoes. Without Him I would not  be treading and possessing all the new things He has put into my path. I would still be stuck in the muck of life and absorbing all the stress with No cushioning , support or stability. My feet would be full of blisters, leaving me in pain.

God has a perfect shoe that fits your feet. He already knows what shock needs to be absorbed and what support you will need this week. The plans and places for your feet to tread will be directed by Him. In following this truth you will possess all the benefits on the ground you are treading upon!

I just realized last week when I was running that my shoes are not absorbing the shock the same. They feel worn out and broken down. I have ran many miles in these shoes and my husband agreed that I was in need of some NEW shoes! That night after running I discovered blisters on the soles of my feet. The cushioning has worn away.

I wonder how many of us today tread the ground of life without Jesus? How do we absorb the shocks of life without cushioning, stability and support? Our lives must be full of blisters. Yet so many choose to RUN on their own bare feet.

I am so grateful that I stopped and took a look at my blistered feet and  then allowed God to become my support and stability.

I use to judge a shoe by its cover and only wore shoes based on their looks. Well friends many running shoes are not the most HIP in style. Many times we think hanging with Jesus is not HIP but I am here to say it's much better then being covered in blisters and not able to walk!

Take a look at the ground in which you are treading? Then look at your feet. If you have sore feet covered in blisters then I would consider investing in a GOOD pair of shoes for the soles of your feet!

Jesus wants to be your SOUL mate friends!

I hope you like the NEW look of things on the BLOG! Things are still being redone so watch as it takes on a NEW look! It will be even easier for you to locate old posts because every post will be filed under one of these 4 categories: Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, Leadership Growth or Motivational Growth.

God is always working and providing wisdom in our lives so we can tread the ground He has planned for us! Maybe its time to get a NEW pair of running shoes? He does not want us to YABBA DABBA DO through life without Him!

Blessings friends! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Whithered Fig

March 8th Reading

Jesus cursing a fig tree. This story intrigued me. It is just a tree for crying out loud, what could it possibly have done to you, I wondered.

Not knowing anything about fig trees, I started there. When fig trees are in season, they grow leaves and fruit (figs) at the same time. This tree stood out from the rest of the trees because it was not the season for the trees to bloom. Against the backdrop of the other barren trees, this tree stood out, calling them. Jesus approached the tree believing that he would be treated to a fig. However, the abundance of leaves did not lead to an abundance of fruit. There was not one fig to be found. The absence of fruit was the cause of the curse.

Of course, the problem was not the literal lack of fruit, Jesus was concerned with the absence of Spiritual fruit. The people of Israel, God’s chosen people were given more opportunities than any of the other people of their time. Instead of loving God and obeying His commands, they repeatedly turned to their own ways and ideas. Their biggest mistake, was rejecting the Messiah.

The Jews and Pharisees were covered in leaves; ceremony, creed, history, doctrine, show, tradition and reputation. All of these things were for show. They lacked what was truly important, faith in God.

God says that if we are truly in Christ and He is in us, we will display the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us exactly what fruit we should bear: the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

I know we cannot be perfect all the time, sometimes we will have a bad day and not bear good fruit. God knows that and He forgives us when we confess our failures. Failure is not final, however, God forgives us and we move on. But daily, we should be living through Christ, relying on his power and his ways, striving, to grow Spiritual fruit.

If we are not bearing the fruit of the Spirit, we need to take a look and see why not.

Am I obeying the guidelines God has given us?

Am I seeking God and all His ways?

Do I trust God and all of His words?

Am I living through His power or struggling on my own?

The message at church this week was about living life through Christ. Accepting Christ does not automatically mean life is easier and we are now living just like Him. We have work to do. Daily we have to give up our fleshly desires and the ways of the world. We have to seek Him and learn His ways, so that we will become the people He created us to be. At the end of the message, the Pastor asked a question that I will carry with me for quite a while.

Are people closer to Christ by talking to you?

I have decided to make this my mission. I don’t want people to see me as a tree full of beautiful leaves that bears no fruit.

Thank you God for sending your son, Jesus, to show me the right way to live. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that teaches and guides me daily. I want to grow the fruit of the Holy Spirit, I don’t want to live without sharing your love with others. I want to live my life for your glory, so that others will be drawn to you. Amen.


Monday, March 7, 2011


What are you begging God for? It's completely fine to keep asking and seeking God about one specific thing in our life? Does that mean we are selfish in our relationship with God when we sit and pray until something happens? does that mean we are pushing God?

 After today's reading in Mark 10:44-52 I find myself wanting to build up the character of Blind Bartimaeous and understand more his encounter with Jesus. I will admit I am sitting roadside with Jesus about some personal dreams and destinations. Today's reading reminded me to BE SPECIFIC, God will answer according to His perfect plan but we still need to be specific in what we want. Let me share what I learned today.

Batimaeous did not give up but sat at the roadside in prayer. God wants us to keep seeking and asking. Many times I give up way to early because I did not get an answer quick enough. I tend to be very excited about what I want but have little patience to wait, watch and listen for God.

Will you join me in staying persistent about a specific desire without getting anxious in waiting?

He persevered despite the obstacles around him. If you read in the passage you will notice that the people had been very discouraging to him. They tried to hinder Bart from crying out in persistence.

Do you have an obstacle that hinders you from persevering? Do not focus on the here and now but allow your persevering faith bring about what you cannot see with the physical eye. Do not allow your physical eye to trick you and allow you to stumble over the obstacles!

He was VERY specific in his prayers. He told Jesus what he desired. Jesus even asked "what do you want me to do for you?" and he said "I want to see." It is important to remember we can be specific but God will answer according to His plans. Many times God has put the desires in our heart in which we are praying for!
Will you join me this week in praying for something specific?

Bartimaeous had faith and trust in Jesus that He was all knowing and was able to exceedingly and abundantly more then he could think or imagine.
Even so we need to have FAITH we will receive according to His richness and glory. Without faith its impossible to please Him. Ask God to renew your faith in Him today. Stand strong in the promises of God sweet sister!

He was thankful after He received from the Lord. He received and did not forget the benefits. He glorified God and all the people around him knew why? I need to be more thankful and content. I have to admit that I am always wanting more and forget to be thankful for the benefits already received.
I am going to thank God today for some specific things, will you join me?

Keep asking God my friend and watch for the encounter you have with Jesus!

Friday, March 4, 2011


March 4th Reading

I apologize for the couple days I missed this week! It has been a busy week developing dreams with new destinations!
 I just want to remind you that the daily reading is ALWAYS available, if you go to my website or look on the side of the home blog page you will find the link that takes you directly to a very nive yearly schedule of Gods word! I recommend you print it off and hang it up.

I blog daily with the help of a couple great friends. We read Gods word for the day and then bring you a DEVO about what God REVEALED to us personally. I love to stretch my heart and faith as I learn from other perspectives. I would love to HEAR from you and generate a community that STIRS one another with the word that was shared. On the side of the blog you will see a link that says "HOW TO LEAVE A COMMENT" if you need help click and it will take you step by step.


I zoomed in on Mark 9:23-24 "IF YOU CAN?" said Jesus, "Everything is POSSIBLE for one who BELIEVES." Immediately the doubting father exclaimed that he did believe but asked for help to overcome some of his unbelief.

I love the dialogue going on in this context. The father needed Jesus to help him with a difficult situation  and he approached Jesus with an IF YOU CAN HELP ME?...  MIND SET.

DREAMS and DESTINY operate beyond logic, beyond reason, and the mind would say that it will NEVER happen considering all that you see.
We must believe in our heart along with a word from God that is stored into our hearts about the dream or desires. God will use that word and our faith to bring His will to pass.

Put the word of God in action, because faith without corresponding action is dead.

If you are in the midst of an extremely important situation or in the midst of a dream that seems out of reach. DO NOT GIVE UP!

Countless have seen the manifestation of GOD'S power and His miracles. Jesus said in today's reading "EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR ONE WHO BELIEVES!"

What are you believing for? Write it down on paper and put today's verse next to it, internalize the dream as it travels down into your heart.

God will dream along side your marriage problems, finances, job opportunities, ministry callings, children, sickness or troubled relationships.

I know GOD CAN and WILL work all things for good, we must BELIEVE that HE CAN!

Blessings and have a great weekend, remember I do not blog on the weekends but the reading is always available!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Moses in Me

March 1st Reading

I always get sad when I read the story of Moses striking the rock to get water. The poor man has given so much to the people of Israel. He has helped them follow God through the wilderness. He has been their intercessor on so many occasions. He has listened to their complaints and whining. He has tried and he has given.

As a mom, I feel like I can identify with Moses on some level. There have been days when I just can’t take the complaints and whining any longer. “We are having chicken for dinner because that is what I made”. “No, you can’t have candy for breakfast”. “Don’t do that, it isn’t nice.” And the breaking point, “BECAUSE I SAID SO!”

I imagine Moses in the desert, wondering, “why don’t they get it?” God has shown miracle after miracle and the people are still complaining against Him, doubting Him. With the same level of drama as my seven year old daughter, I imagine the Israelites saying, “I can’t believe you brought us all this way, just to die of thirst”.

Moses once again goes to their Provider and asks for His mercy and blessings. God replies, “of course”. God instructs Moses to take the staff, go to the people and speak to the rock. But, Moses has reached his breaking point. He doesn’t go and speak to the people, he lashes out at them.

That hurts. To see myself in that breaking moment. It is tough. I can feel his regret.

God’s response, however is even more difficult for me to swallow. Moses will not be going into the Promised Land. It breaks my heart. God’s reasoning for this severe punishment? Moses had as much doubt as the people he was leading. He struck the rock because He didn’t believe in God’s voice to make it happen.

The thing that I just learned, in researching this event, is that this must have seemed like a bad reoccurring dream for Moses, Aaron and God. The place in which they are currently camped is the same place that the spies returned with a negative report of Canaan, forty years earlier. It is the same place that the children of Israel first turned their back on God and their punishment was forty years of wandering.

It was just too much for Moses. They were so close to entering the land of milk and honey, and he must have felt like they were back at square one.

Where was his intercessor? I want to know, who was willing to go to God on behalf of Moses? He had rescued so many people from the punishment they deserved and there was no one willing to speak up for him. And then, I remember, they can’t. No one could go to God for him. The veil had not been torn. No one was worthy enough to be in His presence.

Ugh, more heartbreak, and then praise!

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for making it possible for me to be in His presence. Thank you for washing away all of my breaking moments. Thank you for being my intercessor.
