Friday, March 4, 2011


March 4th Reading

I apologize for the couple days I missed this week! It has been a busy week developing dreams with new destinations!
 I just want to remind you that the daily reading is ALWAYS available, if you go to my website or look on the side of the home blog page you will find the link that takes you directly to a very nive yearly schedule of Gods word! I recommend you print it off and hang it up.

I blog daily with the help of a couple great friends. We read Gods word for the day and then bring you a DEVO about what God REVEALED to us personally. I love to stretch my heart and faith as I learn from other perspectives. I would love to HEAR from you and generate a community that STIRS one another with the word that was shared. On the side of the blog you will see a link that says "HOW TO LEAVE A COMMENT" if you need help click and it will take you step by step.


I zoomed in on Mark 9:23-24 "IF YOU CAN?" said Jesus, "Everything is POSSIBLE for one who BELIEVES." Immediately the doubting father exclaimed that he did believe but asked for help to overcome some of his unbelief.

I love the dialogue going on in this context. The father needed Jesus to help him with a difficult situation  and he approached Jesus with an IF YOU CAN HELP ME?...  MIND SET.

DREAMS and DESTINY operate beyond logic, beyond reason, and the mind would say that it will NEVER happen considering all that you see.
We must believe in our heart along with a word from God that is stored into our hearts about the dream or desires. God will use that word and our faith to bring His will to pass.

Put the word of God in action, because faith without corresponding action is dead.

If you are in the midst of an extremely important situation or in the midst of a dream that seems out of reach. DO NOT GIVE UP!

Countless have seen the manifestation of GOD'S power and His miracles. Jesus said in today's reading "EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR ONE WHO BELIEVES!"

What are you believing for? Write it down on paper and put today's verse next to it, internalize the dream as it travels down into your heart.

God will dream along side your marriage problems, finances, job opportunities, ministry callings, children, sickness or troubled relationships.

I know GOD CAN and WILL work all things for good, we must BELIEVE that HE CAN!

Blessings and have a great weekend, remember I do not blog on the weekends but the reading is always available!