Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 10th Reading
FEET are so ugly!
My feet are most definitely the ugliest and my hubby will support this statement. I have FRED FLINTSTONE FEET! Short and wide, but with cute shoes and some fun nail polish I can make these babies look good and  we have been going  to exciting places!

 When I think of Fred Flintstone, I am reminded of how fast his feet treaded under that car of his. Does anyone remember this?

He took off running!
Oh those poor feet!

In Deuteronomy 11:24 it states "Every place where the
soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours!"

I love the MOVEMENT in this verse!

God has a plan and He want the soles of our feet to travel and run. What an amazing promise that God wants to give everyone who belongs to Him. He wants us to possess things in the places that our feet tread. God wants to walk with us and take our feet into destinations we never dreamed of. However, the reality of this promise being fulfilled in lives is false. Many want to take off running and covering ground that was never intended for us to tread upon.

God is calling us today to step into NEW directions and places with our lives. He has a NEW ground for the soles of our feet to tread. As you trust in God and take a step in a NEW direction you will not know whether it's gonna be slippery mud, soft grass or warm hot sand. But we have to trust God in taking those steps!

Our feet absorb high impact and stress on a daily basis. Each time your foot strikes the ground it absorbs a shock equal to 5 x your weight. That is why a good running shoe will cushion, support and create stability as it absorbs most of the shock.

I think of Jesus as my pair of running shoes. Without Him I would not  be treading and possessing all the new things He has put into my path. I would still be stuck in the muck of life and absorbing all the stress with No cushioning , support or stability. My feet would be full of blisters, leaving me in pain.

God has a perfect shoe that fits your feet. He already knows what shock needs to be absorbed and what support you will need this week. The plans and places for your feet to tread will be directed by Him. In following this truth you will possess all the benefits on the ground you are treading upon!

I just realized last week when I was running that my shoes are not absorbing the shock the same. They feel worn out and broken down. I have ran many miles in these shoes and my husband agreed that I was in need of some NEW shoes! That night after running I discovered blisters on the soles of my feet. The cushioning has worn away.

I wonder how many of us today tread the ground of life without Jesus? How do we absorb the shocks of life without cushioning, stability and support? Our lives must be full of blisters. Yet so many choose to RUN on their own bare feet.

I am so grateful that I stopped and took a look at my blistered feet and  then allowed God to become my support and stability.

I use to judge a shoe by its cover and only wore shoes based on their looks. Well friends many running shoes are not the most HIP in style. Many times we think hanging with Jesus is not HIP but I am here to say it's much better then being covered in blisters and not able to walk!

Take a look at the ground in which you are treading? Then look at your feet. If you have sore feet covered in blisters then I would consider investing in a GOOD pair of shoes for the soles of your feet!

Jesus wants to be your SOUL mate friends!

I hope you like the NEW look of things on the BLOG! Things are still being redone so watch as it takes on a NEW look! It will be even easier for you to locate old posts because every post will be filed under one of these 4 categories: Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, Leadership Growth or Motivational Growth.

God is always working and providing wisdom in our lives so we can tread the ground He has planned for us! Maybe its time to get a NEW pair of running shoes? He does not want us to YABBA DABBA DO through life without Him!

Blessings friends!