Tuesday, March 22, 2011

May It Be

There are a lot of changes happening in my life right now. God is doing a new thing. It is scary and exciting. I know His plan is good. I know that He will lead me down an exciting path. I know He will not leave me. I am living by faith right now. I don’t know where we are going, but I am trusting Him!

I read about Mary today. Luke 1:26-56. There are so many thoughts that came to mind.

The angel came to Mary and said, “you are going to have a child. He will be the Son of the Most High God”. I tried to put myself into Mary’s position. I tried to imagine what she must have felt and thought in those moments and in the months leading up to the birth of her child.

In her shoes, my first reaction would have been, “why me?” She was a young girl, unmarried, but promised to Joseph, with a heart for God. Mary was not perfect, she was human. Like me, I’m sure she did her best, but found herself falling short on most days. She desired to do better, to follow the rules and to encourage others around her. God did not pick Mary because of her perfect track record. God saw Mary’s heart. God saw all that Mary could be.

My second reaction to the news would have been fear. What will others think? How can this possibly work out? How am I going to accomplish all of this in the face of ridicule and obstacles? The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God.”

Do not be afraid. God repeats those words so many times throughout scripture. In fact, the Old Testament reading for today contains those same words. Joshua 10:8, do not be afraid, I have given you victory, not one will stand against you.

God did not promise Mary or Joshua that they would not face obstacles, what He did say was that the victory was promised and the battle was already won! In the mystery of life, they knew that God would be the winner. They believed God’s Word that no matter what happened along the way, they would win.

In spite of what Mary was feeling inside, she trusted God. She did not turn around and hide. She did not say, “no thank you.” She did not give a list of the reasons that He should pick someone else. Her simple reply is amazing to me. Mary responded “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”.

How much I can learn from that response! Instead of all the reasons why not, there is one fantastic reason why. Because God said so! If it is good enough for Him, than it will be good enough for me!

Lynn Cowell of Proverbs 31 left a message on my blog recently. She wrote, “The world says, "Where there is a will there is a way". The Father says, "Where there is a heart that is desperate to follow hard after me, I can make a way." The words hit home and I have been carrying them with me ever since.

Lord, I have been praying that You would use me to further Your kingdom. I thank you, that you have heard my prayer. I am desperate to follow You, no matter where You lead. I will not be afraid because You will make the way for me. I am Your servant. May it be to me as you have said. In Jesus precious name, Amen.