Friday, March 11, 2011


March 11th Reading

God places God sized dreams in our hearts. He has a specific doorway for our personal destiny. When God drops this personal dream inside you, He is really showing you something good and requires you to act justly, Love with mercy and walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Last year I attended THE most worthwhile conference I have EVER gone to. "SHE SPEAKS" in North Carolina. I packed up and drove 14 hours through the hills and valleys to meet up with other speakers, writers and women's leaders from all over the United States and even Hawaii! Most every lady that I had the privilege to meet came with a God sized dream in their heart. The entire week was packed with dreamers eager to gather information in order to sharpen their God sized vision. If you came to this conference without a dream, I can promise you; you will leave with a renewed vision from God.

All the women I met, desired to encourage women with their gifts to DISCOVER THE DOORS OF THEIR DESTINY. We learned  that this desire comes from God because He has "chosen us" and has filled us with an overwhelming passion to share our faith with others.

DREAMING is the only time in which you can buy something really big and then grow into it. I would never go buy a pair of SKINNY JEANS 3 sizes bigger and desire to grow into them! That would be a girlfriends worse nightmare. This is a great visual of how God works at the She Speaks Conference. The dreams we have in our hearts may be HUGE and we need to grow into them.

This conference will help you get FAT!

I learned to have FAITH in Gods perfect plans while remaining AVAILABLE  and TRAINABLE.
I am grateful for all the tools I left with last year. The material was EXCELLENT and well spoken.

I have watched God create an amazing platform in my life this whole last year. God has confirmed my dreams and enriched with positive results. This has added so much VALUE to the lives of others. Now Gods message in me can spread like wildfire. My blog, website, business cards, speaking abilities and writing dreams have been transformed through innovative marketing strategies from Wildfire Ministries, that I met while at the conference last year.

Today in the Christian market we have so many amazing speakers and writers. I had the opportunity to meet several women from the Proverbs 31 speaking team; everyone having a specific dream and platform. Not one of them with a heart of comparing or competing!

Get your Platforms on!!

The She Speaks team and key note speakers made it very clear to my heart that we will have damaged dreams if we take ownership of the platform in which God is creating to work through us. The workshops always filled me richly and taught me to hold on to the dreams loosely because God can decide to pull things away and interrupt our plans to bring CHANGE. If we hold on to our dreams and make our platforms personal or create like anothers platform we will miss the relationship with God and the plans He has for our lives. Our platform belongs to HIM.

I desire to return this year. I have prepared all year with the tools given and I am now ready to return and propose my first book/bible study called RUN LIKE YOU MEAN IT.

I grew even bigger  after  She Speaks last year. I took all the speaking workshops and this year I would like to focus in the areas of writing.

I am grateful for all the New Platforms God has allowed to enter my life through the motivation given at this conference. The best part is that I made so many new friendships from all over and have stay connected all year long. God does amazing networking at this conference. He is at work FULL TIME!

Excellent things will be provided the whole weekend. I look forward to being renewed, stretched and strengthened so that every place the SOLES of my feet tread shall be mine. Deuteronomy 11:24

I will have SOLE FEET after this conference and with the promises of God being renewed I can hardly wait to slip my sole feet across His predestined platforms!