Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Deny Yourself

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, Peter- this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times that you even know me.” - Mark 14:30

This must have been difficult for Peter to hear and impossible to comprehend. Peter did not always know what to say, but his love and devotion to Jesus was evident. Peter was fiercely loyal to Jesus.

What must Peter be thinking?

What did the other disciples think?

If Peter who had a great love could fall, what hope did the others have?

What does this mean for me?

The Greek word used for deny, in this scripture, was aparneomai which means to affirm that one has no acquaintance or connection with someone, to disown.

As I read the scripture, it is one of those times I feel like saying, “no, Peter, don’t do it.” But then I begin to wonder, how often have I been Peter? Has God been watching saying, “no, Lynnette, don’t do it.”

I have not spoken the words, but have I conveyed the same message through my actions? Or through my lack of words? Do others know that I love Him? Do I share His message as often as I should?

One of the commentaries mentioned that Peter could not fully make the right decision because he did not have the Holy Spirit within him guiding his words and actions. Hmmm, I have the guidance of the Holy Spirit and I still make the wrong decisions sometimes.

The word apaneomai was also used in another well-known scripture. Luke 9:23-24- deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow me. Jesus tells us to deny, we just have to make sure we are denying the right things. It is so easy to be in the world and follow what the world says is right. To buy the things the world tells us will make us happy. That Jesus isn’t “cool” so we shouldn’t talk about him.

Too often, I worry more about what people will think of me, than what God will think of me. Those are not my finest moments, I let my feelings lead my words and actions. I am not denying myself, I am denying Him. The worst part is, those things that I go after do not last. My feelings lie, they cannot be trusted. Real hope and and trust is found in God alone, not in myself.

These moments of weakness are the times I need Him most. I need to deny my feelings and what I think is right, I need to seek Him and the way that He is leading me.

Lord, I praise you that you are always trustworthy and that you always show me the right way to go. Thank you for giving me the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. I confess that I don’t always follow your directions as carefully as I should. I don’t want to deny You in any way. I want to follow your perfect plan for my life and I want others to walk away from me, knowing you more. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Visit other blog entries by Lynnette at Wellspring of Living Water.