Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Leave Everything

I was raised in a Christian home. I have known about Jesus my whole life. This does not make me the perfect Christian. There have been seasons in my life when I stepped away from Jesus. I went my own way. I turned from God and his leading and his guidelines. I didn’t yet comprehend how much I needed Him. I didn’t understand that His ways really were so much better than my own.

I can remember a time when I began to notice that my life was not all I wanted it to be. I finally had all the things I thought would make me happy. Sadly, I realized I was not any happier by having them. I felt empty and I did not know where to turn. I wanted more from life and so, I began seeking God with my whole heart.

Since that decision, my life has been more full of love, wonder and meaning. This does not mean that I am a perfect Christian yet. There are days when I have to push my worldly feelings aside. There are days I have to hold firmly to Him in every moment, in every conversation, in every decision. There are days when it is more difficult to follow Him and do the right thing.

This morning, God brought this simple scripture to my attention.

So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

Luke 5:11

This time, when Peter, James and John met Jesus, He filled their fishing nets to the point of breaking. Jesus blessed them abundantly in a matter of minutes. In that moment, the men caught a glimpse of the miracles that Jesus could bring into their lives. The men pulled their boat onto the shore. They left everything they knew and followed him.

It is such a simple statement, it could easily be overlooked. They left everything. They left their families, their possessions, their jobs, their beliefs about how life should be, their traditions, their plans, their security, their comfort. They left everything and followed him.

I look at my life now compared to the time before I began seeking Him with my whole heart. I am a better wife, mother and friend. Again, I am not perfect, but I am striving to be better every day.

I wonder though if there are still some things that I need to leave behind.

Am I holding on to fears?

Am I holding on to my pride or old reputation?

Am I holding on to things or possessions?

Am I holding on to old beliefs or traditions?

Am I holding on to people instead of Jesus?

Whatever we are holding on to is keeping us from fully following Jesus. We cannot carry the old things into a new life. The problem with those old fish is that they start to stink. Jesus has so much to offer us, but we need to put down the old things to make room for bigger beautiful blessings.

Heavenly Father, I know that You have great blessings planned for me. I confess that I have been holding on to some old things that don’t fit with the plan You have prepared for me. Please help me to find the old fish and get rid of them. I want to leave everything and follow Jesus. Amen.