Monday, June 27, 2011


A time of wondering, wrestling and balancing of life’s circumstances on this fallen planet can leave one PUZZLED.

Do you find it hard to maintain perspective when what you hold dear is lost?

Can you see the outcome "only" from your departmental perspective?

Can you really live without having ALL the answers?

This morning I was reading about JOB. If you click on the date above it will bring you to all the scriptures. I HIGHLY recommend you read those today if you are puzzled with your life or circumstances today.

Job was a wonderful man that lost nearly everything he holds dear. What makes the story so troubling is WHY did a wonderful, devoted to God, well thought of guy loose it all?

Through no fault of his own he must DEAL WITH the tragedy in its deepest forms. Yet, how he deals with it provides a beautiful reminder this Monday morning.

In this life we will experience LOSS

LOSS of a loved one

LOSS of a marriage

LOSS of a job

LOSS of health

LOSS of children

LOSS of home

Tragedy is when life does not go as planned, leaving one at a LOSS.

Job maintains PERSPECTIVE during tragedy.
He knows that unless he consciously remains subject to God's authority, he will react BITTER and hopeless.


Job does ask God questions during this time of wondering, yet even in his complaints and puzzling times, he never abandons his commitment to God or his CORE VALUES.

Job continues to TRUST in the PROCESS.  Job never pretended to have all the answers and he showed us how to live with OUT having all the answers.

When all HELL broke loose for job and he lost all HOPE, he maintained PERSPECTIVE.


1. WORSHIP Job worshipped and soul searched Gods sovereignty in his life.

2. PERSPECTIVE Worship enabled Job to capture God's perspective and power.

3. HUMILITY  Perspective allowed Job to see his limited knowledge in his circumstances.

4. TEACHABILITY  Humility caused Job to hunger and seek God's insight.

5. VICTORY  Teachability led Job to gain VICTORY over his losses.

When life leaves you puzzled it's ok to wonder and question; it's doubt that God hates.
 Look at Job chapter 3 and you will see all the questioning Job spoke during the pain.

No matter how dark your circumstances may grow, we must RESIST the temptation to DOUBT GOD'S holy nature.

I want to share a workbook with those going through a puzzling time. If you get this workbook and allow God to teach you, I promise you will experience the awesome majesty of God! It is so important to STUDY to GAIN the perspective that job had.

Purchase this study today and let me know if you did!

This study will bring the presence of God in the midst of your situations and fill your mind with the BIG PICTURE
PERSPECTIVE that you need!


                                 Puzzled, not unbelieving