27 But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus
A secure leader is very important in the shaping of ones calling.
When you sit under leadership in a business, church ministry or program that cannot or will not empower others it will create barriers within the organization and within your personal calling.
God wants to maximize your potential and He uses others to empower you!
Theodore Roosevelt realized and explained"the best executive is one who has the sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and the self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it."
It is so important to be around leaders that EMPOWER others by helping them feel valuable as they develop.
BARNABAS in today's reading was definitely a LID LIFTER type person. It seems as though he let no opportunity escape to add value to others. His greatest contribution was in terms of empowerment!
Barnaba's looked for opportunities to bring people before other leaders to help then make a connection and strengthen their credibility.
In the book of ACTS you see that he empowered Paul to reach his potential.
Barnabas pretty much endorsed Paul so that he was then able to move freely throughout Jerusalem, teaching the people the truth of scripture.
God had a specific role destined for Paul and he chose Barnabas to invest and empower Paul to become his BEST!
Empowering people takes a personal investment. It requires energy and time. But it's worth the price. If we take time to empower others we will have the privilege of seeing someone move up to a higher level. And as an added bonus, when you empower others you create power for your own organization.
I am thankful today for Secure leaders that God has placed in my pathway. Leaders that are more concerned in empowering others. A big thank you to Pastor Dave Ferranti for believing in my next steps as Barnabas did with Paul.
I have Big DREAMS...
I encourage my readers to dream big too!
However, it is very important to be around secure leaders that embrace and empower those dreams.
Do you need a lift on your dreams today? Pray for God to bring others into your pathway to influence your potential.
Are you a secure leader? If so... then take time and INVEST and INSPIRE a young leader to achieve things never thought possible.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Are you sure about that?
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Painting by LaDonna West |
Saul was the bad guy. In the movies, Saul would be the one wearing the black hat and riding the dark horse... er... donkey. The disciples knew about Saul, his reputation and the list of atrocities he had committed against Jesus’ followers. So, when the Lord spoke to Ananias (one of Saul’s targets) and told him to go and help Saul, you can sense the fear and concern in his voice. “Are you sure about that?” Ananias asked. But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name.” (Acts 9:15)
I know there have been times when I acted just like Ananias. “Are you sure about that God?” As if I was bringing something to His attention that He had somehow overlooked or forgotten. But of course He hasn’t. I do not see things the same way that He does. It is not my responsibility to question. Like Ananias, it is my job to obey.
What Ananias didn’t comprehend, was grace. God planned to use Saul’s past to demonstrate His amazing grace. As human’s it is not always easy for us to see that or understand it. Sometimes it seems easier to hold on to anger and judgement rather than extend forgiveness. But God does not do that, ever. If we are truly sorry for the wrong we have committed, God is faithful to forgive. Nothing we do is beyond His grace.
But, God takes it a step further than forgiveness. Saul did terrible things in opposition to Jesus, but God used Saul’s mistakes to bring others to salvation. From the pit, God chose Saul. Even before he was saved, God picked Saul and gave him the words and the ability to bring people to Jesus. God will forgive us and then use our mistakes for His glory.
There is nothing you have done that He cannot use. You may be wondering how. The how is not up to us. We are only responsible for the what. So what do we need to do?
Confess our mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Receive and believe in His forgiveness.
Obey His next steps.
Trust that He will be with you through it all. He did not bring you this far to leave you now.
Thank you God for teaching me about Your character. It is comforting to know that the mistakes I make are not final. Thank you for turning my sins into something beautiful that brings You glory. In Jesus name, Amen.
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Visit Lynnette's Blog |
Monday, June 27, 2011
A time of wondering, wrestling and balancing of life’s circumstances on this fallen planet can leave one PUZZLED.
Do you find it hard to maintain perspective when what you hold dear is lost?
Can you see the outcome "only" from your departmental perspective?
Can you really live without having ALL the answers?
This morning I was reading about JOB. If you click on the date above it will bring you to all the scriptures. I HIGHLY recommend you read those today if you are puzzled with your life or circumstances today.
Job was a wonderful man that lost nearly everything he holds dear. What makes the story so troubling is WHY did a wonderful, devoted to God, well thought of guy loose it all?
Through no fault of his own he must DEAL WITH the tragedy in its deepest forms. Yet, how he deals with it provides a beautiful reminder this Monday morning.
In this life we will experience LOSS
LOSS of a loved one
LOSS of a marriage
LOSS of a job
LOSS of health
LOSS of children
LOSS of home
Tragedy is when life does not go as planned, leaving one at a LOSS.
Job maintains PERSPECTIVE during tragedy.
He knows that unless he consciously remains subject to God's authority, he will react BITTER and hopeless.
Job does ask God questions during this time of wondering, yet even in his complaints and puzzling times, he never abandons his commitment to God or his CORE VALUES.
Job continues to TRUST in the PROCESS. Job never pretended to have all the answers and he showed us how to live with OUT having all the answers.
When all HELL broke loose for job and he lost all HOPE, he maintained PERSPECTIVE.
1. WORSHIP Job worshipped and soul searched Gods sovereignty in his life.
2. PERSPECTIVE Worship enabled Job to capture God's perspective and power.
3. HUMILITY Perspective allowed Job to see his limited knowledge in his circumstances.
4. TEACHABILITY Humility caused Job to hunger and seek God's insight.
5. VICTORY Teachability led Job to gain VICTORY over his losses.
When life leaves you puzzled it's ok to wonder and question; it's doubt that God hates.
Look at Job chapter 3 and you will see all the questioning Job spoke during the pain.
No matter how dark your circumstances may grow, we must RESIST the temptation to DOUBT GOD'S holy nature.
I want to share a workbook with those going through a puzzling time. If you get this workbook and allow God to teach you, I promise you will experience the awesome majesty of God! It is so important to STUDY to GAIN the perspective that job had.
Purchase this study today and let me know if you did!
This study will bring the presence of God in the midst of your situations and fill your mind with the BIG PICTURE
PERSPECTIVE that you need!
Puzzled, not unbelieving
Thursday, June 23, 2011
C O M M I T M E N T moves past the mind and emotions and goes stright to the will.
Life gets challenging for me and I have a hard time staying committed, if you feel the same then I promise you will be given great tools today to stay focused!
In today's reading in the book of Acts we see STEPHENS commitment in his words and attitudes.
Stephen had the presence of God in his life, based his commitment on biblical foundation, he saw error in past thinking, spotted resistance, kept his eye on Jesus, the truth and maintained perspective!
I want to be more like Stephen because he was determined to experience the WILL of God for his life and displays an unwavering commitment no matter what!
The "WILL" of man is like a cart pulled by two horses. Their names are MIND and EMOTIONS. You must get both horses moving in the same direction to move the cart forward. COMMITMENT results when your mind and emotions move forward, whatever the cost!
I have been examining my commitment in certain areas the past few weeks. Let me share a few
Examining my commitment to running and exercise goals
Examining my commitment to marriage and my spouse no matter what!
Examining my commitment to ministry dreams
Examining my commitment to Godly parenting
Examining my commitment to a Godly lifestyle
I truly desire to understand and stay on the path of Gods plans for my life...
But often my mind and emotions can begin to go in many other directions.
Am I the only one?
I have several friends come to ask me all kinds of questions like...
What is Gods plans for me? How do I even get moving forward in the plans?
I wonder who God has for me as a mate and when I will find him?
What will I be when I get older?
What is going to happen with our finances?
My husband was just diagnosed with cancer what will the outcome be?
I hope to find the perfect job?
Our marriage is struggling and not sure that I can continue on
I lost my job
I believe our answers will come together when we focus on the mind and emotions, our two horses!
We have to train these horses my friends!
Now as we all know horses are very strong animals, yet very trainable.
So in the same way is our minds.
1 peter 1:13 it tells us to gird up our minds. We have to discipline our minds by taking all loosely flowing thoughts, speculations and opinions and train them to be in the same MIND which was in Christ Jesus.
Many times a HORSE must be harnessed with bit and bridle controlling the horse to move forward. It is used to put pressure points on specific areas of the horse so the direction of the horse can be controlled. The horse then moves in a forward direction as the rider pulls on the reigns!
I am so in need of the bit and bridle to train my mind!
One pressure point is in the mouth and it helps the horse to stay moving with control in a forward motion. The word of God to me is a huge pressure point to keep me moving forward.
I feel the reigns tugging at my heart and adjusting me accordingly, so I stay moving forward with HIS thoughts and plans. The bridle on my head, another pressure point helps me stay focused.
I am often lead in different directions from family, friends, old habits, attitudes, emotions and more.
Just as a horse can get SPOOKED so can we!
Things come in our pathway daily that make us question life sometimes, we can have that fight and flight mentality too! BUT WITH GOD pulling on our reigns we regain control!
We need to trust the rider of our life.
A horse learns to gain trust in their rider . Just as we need to gain trust in the plans God has for us. Many just need to understand that God really has a great plan no matter how messed up life may be.
Stay COMMITTED and trust your rider! If we cannot begin to trust and grow in a relationship with Jesus our rider and owner, we will never move forward into the DREAMS God has for our lives!
Do you desire to move forward into Gods great purposes?
The questions on the pathway of life that we don't understand will SPOOK us but remember to train your minds to trust the owner!
Ephesians 4:23 "be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the NEW man which was created according to God."
Let me share 6 principles for developing commitment
1. Commitment starts in the heart
Look deep inside and examine where your heart is committed
2. Commitment is TESTED by action
Talk is cheap and action is expensive
3. Commitment opens the door for accomplishment
Once you commit yourself, all kinds of resources and help will come your way to help you succeed!
4. Commitment can be measured
Look over the day a see how you stayed committed
5. Commitment enables you to make decisions and SET BOUNDARIES
Gods word will help with decisions and boundaries.
6. Commitment flourishes with public accountability
Go public with your commitments, then you will have incentive to follow through.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
In the right MOMENT, incredible things can happen!
Winston Churchill described it like this. "There comes a special moment in every one's life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he seizes it, will fulfill his mission---a mission for which he finds greatness. It is his finest hour."
The right action at the right time will bring success!
What is keeping you from moving forward?
In today's reading we learn that Esther had to seize her moment or else.....
Sometimes in life we have to rise above the normal and take RISKS, If you do not take RISKS, you will not ever rise to the occasion.
This motivates me! God will accomplish His purposes even if I sit on the sidelines. It's not necessarily the giftedness of the person that gets Gods attention. I believe it's the willingness to MOVE WHEN and WHERE HE INDICATES!
If you sit back and do nothing, you could lose the CHANCE for the right thing! Sometimes doing the right thing at the right time can be risky! Seize that moment.
If you fail to act on what seems risky, yet right you may miss out on God's purpose for your life. You will never accomplish your mission by remaining idle or in your comfort zone.
What Paralyses you?
Regardless, you will succeed in your calling and purpose only by making one timely decision after another. They will bring you to your moment!
The last year has been filled with NEW OPPORTUNITIES for me. When God moved our family it was a huge risk alone. However, God's mission for my life will and does involve RISKS and CHANGE.
This year I have found riped opportunities that have actually been NEW, FRESH windows of better opportunity.
It has taken COURAGE to RISK, REACH and put myself out on the line to seize the opportunity. My heart so desires the bigger and better dreams. I have confidence in the future God has for me. However, I know it will not show up in a package at my front door. I need to seize the moments and find those ripe opportunities that create risk but place me in my defined destiny!
I can name a few big opportunities on my calendar for the summer/fall
1.Book proposals and meetings with publishers for a study/workbook called "Run Like You Mean It."
2.A huge Pastors and ministry leadership/networking conference in August.
3. The opportunity to speak and teach on the book of Nehemiah this fall. (precept upon precept) for the women's bible studies at Northridge! So Excited, humbled and honored!
I will seize these opportunities trusting God!
What opportunities or new risks are you taking?
Step out on the line this week and seize an opportunity.
In the right MOMENT, incredible things can happen!
Winston Churchill described it like this. "There comes a special moment in every one's life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he seizes it, will fulfill his mission---a mission for which he finds greatness. It is his finest hour."
The right action at the right time will bring success!
What is keeping you from moving forward?
In today's reading we learn that Esther had to seize her moment or else.....
Sometimes in life we have to rise above the normal and take RISKS, If you do not take RISKS, you will not ever rise to the occasion.
This motivates me! God will accomplish His purposes even if I sit on the sidelines. It's not necessarily the giftedness of the person that gets Gods attention. I believe it's the willingness to MOVE WHEN and WHERE HE INDICATES!
If you sit back and do nothing, you could lose the CHANCE for the right thing! Sometimes doing the right thing at the right time can be risky! Seize that moment.
If you fail to act on what seems risky, yet right you may miss out on God's purpose for your life. You will never accomplish your mission by remaining idle or in your comfort zone.
What Paralyses you?
Regardless, you will succeed in your calling and purpose only by making one timely decision after another. They will bring you to your moment!
The last year has been filled with NEW OPPORTUNITIES for me. When God moved our family it was a huge risk alone. However, God's mission for my life will and does involve RISKS and CHANGE.
This year I have found riped opportunities that have actually been NEW, FRESH windows of better opportunity.
It has taken COURAGE to RISK, REACH and put myself out on the line to seize the opportunity. My heart so desires the bigger and better dreams. I have confidence in the future God has for me. However, I know it will not show up in a package at my front door. I need to seize the moments and find those ripe opportunities that create risk but place me in my defined destiny!
I can name a few big opportunities on my calendar for the summer/fall
1.Book proposals and meetings with publishers for a study/workbook called "Run Like You Mean It."
2.A huge Pastors and ministry leadership/networking conference in August.
3. The opportunity to speak and teach on the book of Nehemiah this fall. (precept upon precept) for the women's bible studies at Northridge! So Excited, humbled and honored!
I will seize these opportunities trusting God!
What opportunities or new risks are you taking?
Step out on the line this week and seize an opportunity.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Happy Monday friends!
Thank you so much for the several emails this past week in regards to last weeks BLOG POSTS on the study of NEHEMIAH and God sized VISIONS.
If you are visiting for the first time today, I encourage you to read a few of last weeks blogs.
CLICK HERE and this will take you to the first blog from last weeks series!
I wanted to share a book with you today and a short video that will continue to encourage and move your heart. If my past blogs activated your faith then this is your next step to continue to inspire and ask God for the impossible or even reconnect you with God for the very first time.
A statement from Steven Furtick...
"A few weeks ago I gave you a sneak peak into Sun Stand Still and the movement that I’m praying it creates. As I said then, this is about much more than a book. This is ultimately about God raising up a generation that will dare to ask God for the impossible and act in audacious faith for His glory."
Also I challenge you to ponder this question as you read...
Do you have a church that is stirring you and challenging you to rise above the mundane living?
Embrace faith-filled audacity today and learn from Steven that the God who accomplished the impossible through the great hero's of faith in the bible desires to do the same through us today!
Enjoy this short video!
Incredible moves of God are depicted in the book. But more than just recounting events in other people’s lives, this book will challenge you to witness the sun stand still in your own life. I believe our story hints at a God-sized transformation that is available to every follower of Christ
I encourage you today to get this book for you pool side summer reading!
"The words on the pages will not go down like ambien," says Steven.
" I intend to incite a riot in your mind, trip your breakers and turn out the lights in your favorite hiding places of insecurity and fear. Then flip the switch back on so that God's truth can illuminate the Divine destiny that may have been lying dormant inside you for years."
WOW...Just saying!
He will reconnect you with your God sized purpose and potential.
For more information on resources, upcoming Sun Stand Still prayer experiences, or on the book itself, check out the official Sun Stand Still website.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Today's verse that spoke directly to the hardships of yesterday! WOW God is so Good!
“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God. “Now therefore, our God, the great God, mighty and awesome, who keeps his covenant of love, do not let all this hardship seem trifling in your eyes—the hardship that has come on us, on our kings and leaders, on our priests and prophets, on our ancestors and all your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria until today. In all that has happened to us, you have remained righteous; you have acted faithfully, while we acted wickedly.” (Nehemiah 9:31-33 NIV)
Yesterday evening I had to go for a little ride in my car to clear my mind. Usually I go running but I already had a good run in that day and had no energy left to move.
I was tired, stressed and overwhelmed by a few circumstances.
We all have hardships and not a person is going to live this life without experiencing a few trifling situations.
I have been tested more then ever lately because my dreams for God have become bigger. I believe God is allowing Mr. Satan to mess with with me to test my faith and firm foundation.
In times of hardship I get away from the circumstance. I need to take my mind to a place that I can regroup. As I drove in my car I asked God to...
"Help me to experience you in the expected and the unexpected. Help me to let go of control allowing your space to live in and through me. I love you and thank you that you are so near to me. You are a gentlemen waiting on me so that you can show me your love. I desire for you to have space in my heart, soul, and mind so that you can be revealed to others through my actions. I thank you for the gift of this day, and praise you for your working in my life. You are an awesome and almighty God. There is no God like you."
This was not easy friends, but mandatory. I began to weep differently as I turned my focus away from the hardship and began to PRAISE GOD for everything!
I have so much to be thankful and it was funny to watch my specific tears revolving around the negative began to change directions. I had tears of thankfulness.
This was so odd...
Only God can change the direction of our tear falling feelings!
Today I was reminded again as I opened the Word of God to not allow hardships to be trifling to the eye but remember how Great and awesome God is! Click above and view how Nehemiah rose above his trifling hardships...
Nehemiah was a big dreamer but did not forget that his GOD was bigger then the problem.
Rise above today friends,
ok I know my curious friends will wonder what was the trifling hardship?
Well here it goes... MONEY!
We do very well however their are always many needs that I have and my husband may not view them the same. He is the leveler in the family. Without him we would be seriously broke! But sometimes he stresses alot about money and He does not have t
This week alone we have 2 birthdays, fathers day, weddings, parties and more! let me tell you....It was a little stressful!
When Stress, money and marriage mix it can be trifling!
This morning before my husband left for work he reminded me how much he loved me, he embraced me tightly. This was a kiss from God my friends.
Life is hard but don't miss the places in which God embraces!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Several, years ago I was sitting in the balcony at my previous church home waiting for my pastor to bring the Sunday message. Pastor Jim was a tool in which God used to help me learn how to DREAM.
As I trace the story backwards I remember a very significant moment in which the course of my future was about to change!
One simple message on an ordinary Sunday made my life forever extraordinary.
The message of course came from the book of NEHEMIAH. If you click on the above reading it will bring you to the reading for today. I highly encourage you to read yesterdays post, click here to read as it will heart beat with today's devo.
In this message I was taught to model Nehemiah. He was a man that could not imagine sitting still in the midst of pain. When he heard the wall of Jerusalem lay in shambles, he created a vision of what could and should be.
Let me share some tips from this Sunday message to develop the dreamer in you!
D ETERMINE you must be determined to want some
thing better that you cannot control. This becomes your vision. You determine the problem, the solution, the reason something must be done and the reason something must be done NOW!
Remember: For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His GOOD pleasures. Philippians 2:13
R EALIGN you must have a plan so you can play out your part while you wait for the vision to unfold. Goals and plans keep us focused and determined. We then can daily realign with the optimism in the midst of realism.
(a starting plan is prepared for you at the bottom of today's post)
Rely on God, Respect the opposition, Reinforce the weak points, Reassure the people, Refuse to quit, Renew strength continually
E STABLISH your position in the midst of your circumstances, then prepare to accomplish the vision. God is using your circumstance to establish and prepare you for something bigger.
Difficult, Painful and Frustrating times are not wasted times!
A CCOUNTABILITY you must have accountability with others that are like minded to the goals. They will inspire your dream.
Do you belong to a team of like minded supporters?
I love my bible study group and small groups....simply amazing and inspiring!
MULTIPLY you are a model that will multiply the work of God in your life. God has created every single person to be a dream catcher. Allow others to learn to dream through you.
Establishing a VISION is very important.
Today we see that Nehemiah's vision is what helped him stay focused when destractors tormented and did everything possible to interfere with the future.
Nehemiah's character countered every assault and he stood strong on the Godly vision.
In life we will have destractors but God will help you in the midst of the unfolding vision. God wants to provide you with a new strategy for victory. The secret is to outlast your critics and stay committed to the DREAM.
Start with these few questions and watch what God will do.
It is not the experience and knowledge of God that will help you, it starts with the PASSION and DESIRE to know God and the dreams he has for you! God will then fill you with all the knowledge.
* State the existing problem
*What is your proposed solution
*Image with your mind a clear picture of what could and should be
*write down a list of adjectives that describe what could and should be
*Now begin forming sentences that describe your preferred future.
To speak your own imagination , you may want to start with the phrase, I IMAGINE...
I Imagine a family that...
I imagine a company that...
I imagine a marriage in which...
I imagine a church where...
I imagine my child...
I imagine my finances...
I suggest also you get the book called VISIONEERING by Andy Stanley. It will be life altering!
Start ESTABLISHING your DREAM today!
Let me know if you are going to run with the above thoughts and write then down. I would love to hear your thoughts on Visions and Dreams. I want to pray for you!
Leave a comment below or send me a personal email at heather@hbministries.com
God has a blueprint for developing and maintaining your vision.
I dare you to tap into His plan.
It will change your life.
It did mine.
Blessings Today
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Have you ever had a vision for something in which you could see the whole picture before it even happens?
Kinda like planning a trip for the family... you see the whole trip in your mind before the ship leaves the dock or the plane hits the air!
Do you know someone who navigates their VISION well? What I mean is do you know a person that can steer their ship and chart their course well?
After many burdens I became a woman of VISION
I have a clear picture in my mind for several different areas of my life. I spend a lot of time and work internalizing my visions. Without careful planning and navigation the vision may never come to pass. Keep reading and I will expose my secret!
When anyone plans a trip/vacation away much planning goes into the process so that the trip is organized with planned priorities from the beginning till the end.
I believe with all my heart that if we take a certain area of our life that seems to be a burden and create a clear picture/vision of what it could and should be then we will see God rebuild what looks ruined.
In the next few days we are going to journey through the book of NEHEMIAH. This is my FAVORITE book in the whole bible.
Nehemiah taught me about the word vision and dreams. He taught me to identify my
specific problem and then cast a vision of what I think it could and should be!
A VISION changed my future
A VISION moved me
A VISION is now forming me to move into Gods greater purposes... still today!
I have a clear picture of my desires in ministry for the upcoming years.
God needs us to create a vision.
He uses the vision to help us navigate toward toward the destiny He has planned for our lives. The VISION helps detour us through the pain and into the rebuilding process
Nehemiah navigated well. He could see clearly a vision for a burden. He had a mental picture for the solution. Nehemiah new what could and should be rebuilt and why. He refused to give up to the enemy's plans.
Nehemiah declared a VISION!
The enemy has a plan to KILL your marriage, SMASH your self worth, STEAL your children, SPIT in your face, MANIPULATE your future and overwhelm you with life.
Sometimes life deals us difficult situations that may be life altering. We need to learn to balance optimism and realism, intuition and planning, faith and fact. These secrets will help you be effective as you navigate the vision.
Nehemiah could see past the pain. He was also able to see more then others because he created a positive vision. I love that Nehemiah did not let others bring him down and away from his vision. The vision kept him FOCUSED~
God wants to step in today and help us formulate strategies to move us into our preferred future.
The first step we learn from today's reading was that NEHEMIAH PRAYED FIRST! Nehemiah 1:4
When Nehemiah seen the burden, he began to pray. Something happens when we pray...
1. Prayer internalizes the burden and deepens our NEED for help
2. prayer insists that we quiet our hearts and wait, slowing us down to turn toward God.
3. Prayer begins the VISIONS, enabling us to see what God wants to do!
4. Prayer initiates the VISION and creates MOMENTUM (read yesterdays post from Lynnette on "MOMENTUM".)
Look at Nehemiah's prayer below:
Make this prayer specific to your situation.
Nehemiah was praying for the people of Israel. You can be praying for your children, spouse, ministry, job, finances or whatever the burden may be.
For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Then I said:
“LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 6 let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. 7 We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.
8 “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, 9 but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’ (the vision God has for you)
10 “They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand. 11 Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.”
God wants to help you my friend!
I hope today you will pray and begin to PENCIL a VISION on a piece of paper. Take your burden and move in forward motion today.
STARTING IN FALL, SEPTEMBER 13th for 7 weeks I will be doing a STUDY on NEHEMIAH and it will be available through my website. I will be making more announcements toward the end of the summer. I encourage you to subscribe to my blog by filling out some quick info on the right hand side. This will send you daily updates and keep you informed! You do not want to miss this 7 week study... It will CHANGE your life!
Have you ever had a vision for something in which you could see the whole picture before it even happens?
Kinda like planning a trip for the family... you see the whole trip in your mind before the ship leaves the dock or the plane hits the air!
Do you know someone who navigates their VISION well? What I mean is do you know a person that can steer their ship and chart their course well?
After many burdens I became a woman of VISION
I have a clear picture in my mind for several different areas of my life. I spend a lot of time and work internalizing my visions. Without careful planning and navigation the vision may never come to pass. Keep reading and I will expose my secret!
When anyone plans a trip/vacation away much planning goes into the process so that the trip is organized with planned priorities from the beginning till the end.
I believe with all my heart that if we take a certain area of our life that seems to be a burden and create a clear picture/vision of what it could and should be then we will see God rebuild what looks ruined.
In the next few days we are going to journey through the book of NEHEMIAH. This is my FAVORITE book in the whole bible.
Nehemiah taught me about the word vision and dreams. He taught me to identify my
specific problem and then cast a vision of what I think it could and should be!
A VISION changed my future
A VISION moved me
A VISION is now forming me to move into Gods greater purposes... still today!
I have a clear picture of my desires in ministry for the upcoming years.
God needs us to create a vision.
He uses the vision to help us navigate toward toward the destiny He has planned for our lives. The VISION helps detour us through the pain and into the rebuilding process
Nehemiah navigated well. He could see clearly a vision for a burden. He had a mental picture for the solution. Nehemiah new what could and should be rebuilt and why. He refused to give up to the enemy's plans.
Nehemiah declared a VISION!
The enemy has a plan to KILL your marriage, SMASH your self worth, STEAL your children, SPIT in your face, MANIPULATE your future and overwhelm you with life.
Sometimes life deals us difficult situations that may be life altering. We need to learn to balance optimism and realism, intuition and planning, faith and fact. These secrets will help you be effective as you navigate the vision.
Nehemiah could see past the pain. He was also able to see more then others because he created a positive vision. I love that Nehemiah did not let others bring him down and away from his vision. The vision kept him FOCUSED~
God wants to step in today and help us formulate strategies to move us into our preferred future.
The first step we learn from today's reading was that NEHEMIAH PRAYED FIRST! Nehemiah 1:4
When Nehemiah seen the burden, he began to pray. Something happens when we pray...
1. Prayer internalizes the burden and deepens our NEED for help
2. prayer insists that we quiet our hearts and wait, slowing us down to turn toward God.
3. Prayer begins the VISIONS, enabling us to see what God wants to do!
4. Prayer initiates the VISION and creates MOMENTUM (read yesterdays post from Lynnette on "MOMENTUM".)
Look at Nehemiah's prayer below:
Make this prayer specific to your situation.
Nehemiah was praying for the people of Israel. You can be praying for your children, spouse, ministry, job, finances or whatever the burden may be.
For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Then I said:
“LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 6 let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. 7 We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.
8 “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, 9 but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’ (the vision God has for you)
10 “They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand. 11 Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.”
God wants to help you my friend!
I hope today you will pray and begin to PENCIL a VISION on a piece of paper. Take your burden and move in forward motion today.
STARTING IN FALL, SEPTEMBER 13th for 7 weeks I will be doing a STUDY on NEHEMIAH and it will be available through my website. I will be making more announcements toward the end of the summer. I encourage you to subscribe to my blog by filling out some quick info on the right hand side. This will send you daily updates and keep you informed! You do not want to miss this 7 week study... It will CHANGE your life!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

As I was doing my Bible study and praying this week, I began thinking about momentum. I’m not sure why God called it to my attention, but I wrote the word at the top of my page and kept going.
I have been reading the Old Testament and I am currently moving from 2 Chronicles into the book of Ezra. I can’t help noticing the repetition. Each time the writer introduces the new king, we are given his name and whether he did good or evil in the Lord’s sight. At one point, I wanted to start keeping score and I even began cheering when someone pleased the Lord. It seemed like the victories were too short lived, however. A king would come in, rebuild the temple, tear down the high places (pagan shrines), repent for the evil everyone had committed and make sacrifices to the Lord. Then, just as things were moving in the right direction, he would die, his son would take over and return to the wickedness his father had worked so hard to combat.
Why does this happen?
I think it is human nature, we get so comfortable where we are, that we forget that we have to keep moving, we have to keep striving for more. It is easy to become complacent. The problem is that complacency doesn’t mean we are pausing and standing still, it actually means we are moving backwards. In the times we are satisfied with our surroundings or achievements, it is easy for pride to sneak in. Pride tells us we are good enough, that we don’t need anyone or anything. This is an opportunity for bad habits and sin to develop.
I began thinking about my life, are there times or places that I have become complacent, comfortable, or impatient?
Bible Study.
Church attendance.
We have finally made it to the last week of school. Monday morning, the kids and I sat at the table eating breakfast and talking about all the fun activities of the week. It seemed like we had been sitting there an unusually long time when I realized the kitchen clock had stopped. We went from enjoying our breakfast to full out craze! We were running, grabbing school stuff and I was shouting, “let’s go! Let’s go!” I took a minute to wind the clock, reset the time and start the pendulum before running out the door. I didn’t want to get caught by that silly clock again.
After getting the kids to school, I came home to clean up the mess we had left behind. I realized that the clock was still not working. I was concerned because it is an antique, hence the winding, and it is costly to repair. I opened up the pendulum case and pushed it to get it started again. Apparently, in my haste to get everyone to school, I had not pushed the pendulum strongly enough. The momentum wasn’t there to keep it going and the clock stopped.
That is the way I am with good habits that I want to establish (like exercise). I get started, but don’t stay committed. I don’t give it enough of a push to get the momentum going and it dies out. It is the same with faith. It is not enough to do things a few times and then decide it is good enough. We must keep going, keep striving for more, keep learning and keep it fun! We need to stick with it even before we see the results. The pendulum always moves before the hands! We need to have faith that God is working and that the results will come in His time.
What situation needs your attention to get the momentum going?
Father God, thank you for teaching us through your Word and through life. Please speak to us and show us where we need momentum in our lives. Thank you for providing everything we need to live a life of victory. In Jesus name, Amen.
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Visit Lynnette at her blog. |
Friday, June 10, 2011
I want to be a WINNER in the RACE that I am running. I often sit and COMPARE myself with others that are achieving victory in all areas of life. Marriage, family, ministry, friendships and promotions.
What does it take to be a WINNER?
The alternative to winning is unacceptable to me, I will figure out what must be done to achieve VICTORY and go after the dreams with everything at my disposal.
I want to practice VICTORY in my failed moments.
Anything less then success in Gods kingdom is unacceptable. I have no plan B. I will Fight the Fight.
Do you feel my passion for WINNING?
I must keep this passion fueled because the truth is most days I feel like I FAILED.
WINNING is an inside job. The person or team that achieves victory is the one that first WINS its internal battles.
I have many INTERNAL BATTLES and must learn to achieve these personal victories so that I may RUN the RACE for my DREAMS and finish well.
Satan is very mindful of my dreams and has created some powerful schemes!
How do I seek VICTORY over SELF?
Consider with me how JOSIAH in today's Gods treading conquered himself...2 Chronicles 34:3-35:19
We must be willing to learn and be open for change. Many Times we can get defensive with Gods word. Allow yourself to be open to God, He will do the work needed in your life. CHANGE always takes you to the next level with God.
Josiah courageously swept the country clean of idols after being confronted with Gods truth.
We cannot Go with God and Stay the same. God will help you remove the obstacles that are causing you
to fail.
Victory carries a personal cost. What are you giving up to go deeper with God? Friends, jobs, relationships or traditions? This list is personal to the individual.
After Josiah found the book of the law (bible) He realized after reading... that his KEY was repentance. He genuinely repented of his own sins. What was your KEY you found that when turned it opened new doors with God?
My personal Key was Forgiveness and guilt
Stay committed and train regardless of the rejection and failures. I have realized that I cannot do it all. I need God daily to make up the difference. Never give up, God is always at work around you. Get into a training group at your church. Friends do not let Friends train alone!
I want to WIN, how about you?
Do you ever hurt enough and need a breakthrough? When you hurt it's considered breakthrough timing!
The best way to have a breakthrough is to create a vision in your mind. This is called your BREAKTHROUGH VISION. What could and should be in the midst of your situation.
Now you just gave God something to work with! It's ok to become Vulnerable, Humble and Ttransparent.
May God open your eyes today to His truth. I pray He blesses, encourages, exhorts and accomplishes much in your life! You will WIN when you find the ONE TRUE WAY!
I want to be a WINNER in the RACE that I am running. I often sit and COMPARE myself with others that are achieving victory in all areas of life. Marriage, family, ministry, friendships and promotions.
What does it take to be a WINNER?
The alternative to winning is unacceptable to me, I will figure out what must be done to achieve VICTORY and go after the dreams with everything at my disposal.
I want to practice VICTORY in my failed moments.
Anything less then success in Gods kingdom is unacceptable. I have no plan B. I will Fight the Fight.
Do you feel my passion for WINNING?
I must keep this passion fueled because the truth is most days I feel like I FAILED.
WINNING is an inside job. The person or team that achieves victory is the one that first WINS its internal battles.
I have many INTERNAL BATTLES and must learn to achieve these personal victories so that I may RUN the RACE for my DREAMS and finish well.
Satan is very mindful of my dreams and has created some powerful schemes!
How do I seek VICTORY over SELF?
Consider with me how JOSIAH in today's Gods treading conquered himself...2 Chronicles 34:3-35:19
We must be willing to learn and be open for change. Many Times we can get defensive with Gods word. Allow yourself to be open to God, He will do the work needed in your life. CHANGE always takes you to the next level with God.
Josiah courageously swept the country clean of idols after being confronted with Gods truth.
We cannot Go with God and Stay the same. God will help you remove the obstacles that are causing you
to fail.
Victory carries a personal cost. What are you giving up to go deeper with God? Friends, jobs, relationships or traditions? This list is personal to the individual.
After Josiah found the book of the law (bible) He realized after reading... that his KEY was repentance. He genuinely repented of his own sins. What was your KEY you found that when turned it opened new doors with God?
My personal Key was Forgiveness and guilt
Stay committed and train regardless of the rejection and failures. I have realized that I cannot do it all. I need God daily to make up the difference. Never give up, God is always at work around you. Get into a training group at your church. Friends do not let Friends train alone!
I want to WIN, how about you?
Do you ever hurt enough and need a breakthrough? When you hurt it's considered breakthrough timing!
The best way to have a breakthrough is to create a vision in your mind. This is called your BREAKTHROUGH VISION. What could and should be in the midst of your situation.
Now you just gave God something to work with! It's ok to become Vulnerable, Humble and Ttransparent.
May God open your eyes today to His truth. I pray He blesses, encourages, exhorts and accomplishes much in your life! You will WIN when you find the ONE TRUE WAY!
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