Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My Christmas Present!
I have been up early and up late the last few months pondering many things. I just seem stuck in a certain thought. The thought of Christmas and who this amazing baby Jesus really is and What He has done for my life so far. I have been trying to wrap my mind around what Mary must have thought and felt the first time she KISSED her baby Jesus, The very Face of GOD!
God then sweetly reminded me that as I ponder the past, present and future of my life, I also have had many opportunities to look upon the sweet face of baby Jesus. For His precious Face has showed up in so many situations in my personal life this past year.
I shared a message this past year to many women, this has been one of my favorite messages for 2009, It constantly rings in my mind and heart. The message was titled "HAS HOPE FOUND YOU"? As I reflect upon the Christmas story, I realize even more that HOPE was born on Christmas Morning for me! I began to think "Who in this world does not need HOPE"? HOPE was born to help us cope with families, marriages, health, finances, jobs, churches and ministries! I sure need every bit of HOPE I can get! LOL!
I have experinced HOPE "The sweet face of baby Jesus" in so many areas of my life this past year and desiring it so much more in my journey for the New Year.
Romans 8:24-25 states "For we are saved in this HOPE, but HOPE that is seen is not HOPE, for why does one still HOPE for what he sees? but if we HOPE for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance"
Christ came to help us take our eyes off of what we see everyday and bring it into a new perspective or may I say NEW focus! HOPE was born on Christmas morning, but I have just realized how many times I have celebrated Christmas "the birth of HOPE" in my personal life this year! He has had many gifts for me this year. I have opened His presence of Hope many times. Each gift was so precious to me and perfect in timing!
I wanted to share some Presents of HOPE that I received and unwrapped this year
HOPE reminded me that He will never disappoint you, HOPE encourages,
HOPE will Stop you in your tracks and Help you, HOPE will find you when you are in need, HOPE will save you, your marriage and your dreams, HOPE will send you in a NEW direction, HOPE will guide you, HOPE will help you rise again when you have been knocked down, HOPE opens your eyes to see with a new, fresh perspective, HOPE strengthens you, HOPE enables you to continue despite the struggles, HOPE stretches you, HOPE sends you past your comfort zone, HOPE helps you enter the "unknowns",(A place I will be traveling too in 2010) HOPE inspires your mind to understand what the truth really is, HOPE challenges you, HOPE teaches you how to dream, HOPE creates an opportunity thru your disappointments,HOPE opens doors for you, HOPE satisfies you!
This my friends is what we celebrate this Christmas! I pray your Christmas is full of the realization of how truely miraculous baby Jesus really is! May he fill your life with many presents of HOPE this year, He knows exactly what you need and when you need to open it! May HOPE find you in the NEW YEAR~
Merry Christmas
Love Heather
"DREAM BIG" CONFERENCE COMING UP ON JANUARY 23rd Stay tuned for more information! HOPE to see you there!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Put On your Wonder Underoos! ( aka: BIG GIRL PANTIES!) Heather Baxter
Understanding your identity in Christ is absolutely essential to your success in living the wonderful victorius life God has for you!
Learn thru my message that you are FORGIVEN, ACCEPTED, STRENGTHENED, MADE A WARRIOR and VERY SIGNIFICANT! May God bless you as you reaffirm who you are in Christ!
I share many personal things in my message about my past life! But remember God Makes all things new! I am a new creature in Christ! I am so Thankful for his Grace and forgiveness!
Have a great week friends!
Grace and Love,
MARVELOUS means supernatural! Isaiah 29:14 tells us that He will do a MARVELOUS work and a wonder! well, let me tell you, that makes me a woman of wonder..........I desire to see GOD do the supernatural things in my life.How about you?
In caroles message you will learn that "YOU ARE A WONDERFUL MASTERPIECE" She will help you connect the dots with the color and splashes of life one at a time. Sometimes we have to add color that we do not like, but we can learn to release ourselves from the PRISON OF OUR OWN PERCEPTION! I pray you desire to stick with the canvas God has created for your life!
I will post a devotional and new message all thru this week!
Have a great week friends!
Blessings and wonder,
Heather Baxter
The Woman Beneath the Cape! Speaker Annita Harless
God bless you sisters and have a great week!
Enjoy its about 45min long! grab a cup of coffee/tea and listen to this testiomony!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Lesson #3 A timeless tragedy in marriage for the divorced or promiscuous woman.
We host a small group for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls at my house on sunday nights for the junior high kids in the community and local body of The River church. It has become a big night at the Baxters home. We had close to 15 young teens in our home last night! Just imagine the FUN! Video Games, Ice Cream Bar, and a small group lesson time. The lesson themes have been "The Heart of a Champion"
We don't know many of these kids, but we do know a great God loves them and has huge plans for them in this world. I believe small group times will make an impact on each child now and in the future, especially when the winds of this world can really BLOW some negative things in their pathway. I want to see them stand strong in Christ like a Champion.
I MET A CHAMPION LAST NIGHT....... Her name is Morgan McVety! She came for the first time and sat with the other girls. I tried to get to know her as we socialized and listened to the lesson.
As the end of the evening approached I said I could give her a ride home along with a few others. As I was driving down Park St in Holly, we came past Lakeside Cemetery. She began to tell me her brother was buried way in the back. She asked if I wanted to go see him. Before I knew it I was driving along a very dark street thru lakeside cemetery. My car full of kids became very quiet, Morgan began to tell her story. She told us that her brother died last year(a year ago in september) at the age of 7 when he was playing with his best friend and He was accidentally struck in the head with a golf club. I had the biggest knot in my throat as I listened to this sweet girl. We then drove up to the most beautiful "HEART" shaped tomb stone, My car headlights lit it up beautifully. We all stepped out of the car to look at the precious pictures On the stone of little Bryce and his family. She showed me a picture of her kissing her brother. All along the bottom of the stone was his action figures from his bedroom. She said these are his favorite toys. I picked up a hammer and she began to tell me that he carried that all around to help my dad. This was a very bitter yet sweet moment.I was so happy God allowed me to Love on the BIG SISTER! She told me its been very hard for the family.
But we were reminded in tonights lesson that the issues of life can get into our heart and make it bitter and hard. We learned tonight that we need to protect our heart and FOCUS on God so he can guide, protect and comfort us even when the winds BLOW a tragic accident our way. I was greatful to help her protect her heart. She was a Champion!
I hope this blesses you and reminds you to KEEP your heart with all diligence, because out of it can spring the issues in life. God will restore, renew and repair all the aches and pains.
Blessings friends and family
Proverbs 4:23-27
Please say a prayer for Morgan and her family today!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Lesson 2 "Why Seek Wisdom?"
Hi girlfriends!
I think you will be conviced after this lesson to desire to seek more Hak mah! (wisdom) Hope you enjoy, let me know in the comment section how this has encouraged you! Lesson 3 will be up Next week. The title for next week is "Timeless Tragedy, Running Redlights with a Promiscuous Lifestyle" Have a great weekend and great week ahead!
Here is the study sheet that goes along with it, you may use this one or click on the following link to pull up the document.
Why Seek Wisdom? - A Series on Proverbs – Part 2
Heather Baxter
September 2009
1. You will stay out of trouble.
Proverbs 1:8-9 ____________________________________________________________________
Do you have friends or emotional thoughts that lure you away from good?
What is Solomon’s advice? (Proverbs 1:10)
What Steps do we take to protect ourselves? (Proverbs 1:15)
2. You will stay safe.
Since God knows how the world works, He understands how you can put yourself in danger. You can
gain skill to protect yourself and loved ones.
Proverbs 1:20-33, Wisdom is personified as a women calling out to fools in the streets offering
something greater!
What consequences do fools face? (Proverbs 1:24-32)
What reward awaits to those who heed wisdom? (Proverbs 1:33)
3. You will live longer.
Proverbs 3:1-2 ____________________________________________________________________
4. You will be respected.
Proverbs 3:3-4 ___________________________________________________________________
5. You will be blessed.
Proverbs 3:13-15 _________________________________________________________________
How valuable is wisdom to you?
Proverbs Lesson 1(Discover the author, purpose and power)
Here is the study sheet that goes along with it, you may use this one or click on the following link to pull up the document.
Discover the Author, Purpose, and Power - A Series on Proverbs – Part 1
Heather Baxter
September 2009
1. Do you really want to make WISE choices?
2. Do you really want to live well?
3. Do you want to ward off danger for yourself and loved ones?
4. Do you want to be a woman who knows what to do in life’s complex situations?
Who is the author of Proverbs? ______________
A young man was the son of King David. He took the throne at a very young age. He reigned 40 years.
About 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs are attributed to Solomon. He authored most of the book of
Proverbs and that is appropriate because he was the WISEST person in his time.
1 Kings 4:29-34 ______________________________________________________________________
Solomon’s strengths were meditation, organization of thoughts, planning and negotiation.
Except for Moses, Solomon wrote most of the Old Testament. He wrote the following:
Song of Solomon in his youth.
Proverbs in his mature years and at the height of his power.
Ecclesiastes in his later years as he reflected on life and experiences.
He was a very real person that did not feel up to the task of being a king!
KEY VERSE: 1 Kings 3:9 _____________________________________________________________
Look at how God answered Solomon 1 Kings 4:29-30 _________________________________________
KEY PRI(CIPAL: God gives wisdom to those who ask!
KEY WORDS (in the book of Proverbs): Wisdom and Fear
The Hebrew word for wisdom is hok-mah. The meaning of this word is the ability to have a skill and do
something well.
PSALMS 107:23-27 describes the skills of sailors in a violent storm.
EXODUS 28:3 explains the skilled men that can make garments.
The study of Proverbs was written to make us wise and skilled so we may handle in the best way
whatever comes our way!
EXAMPLE: Driving a car on a road trip we would need the skill of driving a car. Speed, reaction to a
situation, alert, judgment, looking all around, blind spots, we try to do our best no matter what.
A. Know the detours and how to respond.
B. Understand the road signs.
HOK-MAH/WISDOM starts with a right relationship with the creator our God!
PROVERBS 1:7 ______________________________________________________________________
The fear of the Lord is:
Reverence to God.
Respect in getting to KNOW Him.
A love for the things of God.
A desire to learn.
An AWWWW not an anxiety of the wrath of God!
5. Does it matter if you “walk in God’s ways”?
6. What is the relationship between obedience and wisdom?
7. In what areas of your life do you need to listen to God in order to gain wisdom?
As you navigate thru Proverbs, you’ll encounter four different kinds of people. These groupings may
help you understand people and their varying responses to God’s instructions.
1) SIMPLETONS: ignorant people who need to be taught.
2) FOOLS: impulsive, unbalanced people who resist God’s instruction and hate discipline.
3) MOCKERS: wicked, scoffers, evil people who ridicule God’s wisdom.
4) WISE: upright, humble and righteous people who seek Gods instruction and display skill.
PROVERBS has 31 chapters. This means you have a chapter for each day of the month!
Proverbs has 3 sections:
SECTION ONE: Chapters 1-9
• Implore us to soften our heart and get ready.
• Are we willing to sit and be taught (Proverbs 1:8)?
• Get ready for Hok-mah!
SECTION TWO: Chapters 10-29
• “Little Rascals” - are little quick riddles with principles that will get into your lives.
• Remember these are principals and not promises!
• Be careful on how we handle God’s word.
• Hebrews memorized the book of Proverbs by topics. (Examples: patience, love those we
dislike, portrait of perfection, words that matter.)
SECTION THREE: Chapters 30-31
• Portrait of perfection: King Lemuel’s mother/Agur
Friday, September 18, 2009
GIRLFRIENDS, DO YOU WANT HAK MAH? (new online bible study for 7 weeks!)
Hey girlfriends!
I have been pondering an idea for the past 6 months and finally acting on this thought!
I have so many close friends that desire to take a bible study but just feel so pressured by life that finding the time to get "out" and into a bible study is next to impossible. Time management is a real issue and not everyones schedule can fit into everything on a certain day. If we factor in Kids, Work, maybe College for some of my young girlfriends, homework, Pets, car pooling, childrens sport schedules to their nap and bed time routines, our husbands, ministry schedules if you are involved in this area and we can go on with a bucket load of "stuff". The bottom line is we all have things that can allow our mind to run rampant!
In the midst of our busy day we all have to make choices!!!!!! Do you want to make the BEST choice possible in all you do and say? Do you want to have skill in being WISE! I do! I make way to many mistakes and some have COST ME! The word WISDOM in greek is "HOK MAH" it means to have the skill and ability to do something very well. We all face important decisions daily. Do we want to know what to do in lifes complex situations? Do we want to handle whatever comes our way the BEST we know how to? God wants us to be WISE WOMEN and be skilled in our everyday living! Girlfriends one of our wacky emotions can really throw us off into making some crazy choices! We all do it! Or am I the only one??? LOL!
In this 7 week study you will learn about WISDOM and why "she" is caaling out to us everyday. Wisdom will help you stay out of trouble (i need this, lol) It will keep you safe, You will even live longer, You will be respected and most importantly you will be Blessed and HAPPY! Proverbs 3:13 "Happy is the man (girlfriend), that finds wisdom"
I am excited to bring online studies to your home for the first time. I am new at this so I am sure it will only get sharper as we all grow. I am thankful for Mike Fox, Lori S and Monique R for making this happen.
Every lesson you will be able to download. I want for you to have the opportunity to fill in blanks and take notes as you listen. God has a word for you and when you write things down it gets stored better! A new lesson will be up each week. I will post the lesson on the WOW website and also on my blog!
I really would love to hear from you on my blog. PLEASE leave a comment and let me know how you like this. We can discuss the lesson together. Post a helpful verse or hint. Post a challenge you are facing, an honest admission or an encouragement to me! Lets Chat! I grow from all my girlfriends! Thanks for keeping me accountable!
growing in Hak mah with you,
Heather Baxter
Monday, August 24, 2009
The CRIM was held this past saturday in Flint, mi. It was a challenging race/run that covered 10 miles. My hubby has ran this for the past 3 years. After last years race he "began" to encourage me daily to try running. I finally gave in after months of listening to him! I made it only 1/2 way around the block and crashed in my front yard! I was so out of shape! The next day came and he encouraged me again. He helped me set reasonable and achievable goals. He reminded me that DISCIPLINE and CONSISTANCY was the key in TRIANING and meeting the goals. My first goal was to go a little further then my block without running out of breath and also to begin enjoying running.
Everyday he was consistant in encouraging me to "get up" and go a little further. The daily or every other day discipline was the key in going the distance. After a few months I was running 3-4 miles. I began enjoying running with a purpose. A year ago TODAY I started learning and training on how to run. I ran with ENDURANCE the 10 mile crim with my husband this past weekend. My hubby has trained me on HOW TO RUN WITH ENDURANCE, DISCIPLINE and CONSISTANCY. Because of him, I ran my first 10 miles! "I amazed myself friends"
During the run I glanced at a shirt on a runner in front of me and it stated"FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS TRAIN ALONE" boy did that bless me. I would not even be in this race if it was not for my husbands encouraging spirit. He was a true friend, trainer and motivator. I did not learn to run alone!
Running is a great picture of the christian in the "race of life."I am greatful to watch women in the ministry God has called me to serve in, train and endure thru Christ the race that is set before each them. Everyones race is very differant and the course can be tough at times! It is easy to loose focus and give up! But TRAINERS/FRIENDS keep encouraging you to RUN AND ENDURE PATIENTLY! It was inspiring to listen as I was running, the cheers and chants coming from other runners. One lady cheered as we were running UPHILL "Don't let this Hill get a hold of you, you get a hold of it" I had chills in my legs and her words had power and they pushed me up that hill!
Victory is achievable for us all ladies! it is not about how quick we finish but its the fire of God in you that will push you across the finish line! Running is 90% mental!!! What I speak and believe determines how I will finish my race! another trainer and friend of mine Annita Harless taught me that above statement.
Ladies this is why I am so greatful for all the bible studies that will be offered this fall . As we TRAIN we learn how to run with ENDURANCE the race that is set before us! check out the wow website and click on the newsletter and you will find many classes that may help you in your training! www.hiswow.net You will also meet great friends to encourage you in your race!
let me know if you have any questions or a hard time finding information! We have locations in 4 differant areas! ladies come from all over to train together! ALL WELCOME ANYTIME!
leave me a comment friends!
Oh by the way....... Trainers always push you to the next goal, my husband wants me to run a 1/2 marathon 13 miles in october! I said "I can't!!!" didn't I say running was 90% mental!
I guess "I CAN" I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me Phillipians 4:13
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The summer is ticking away day by day! Lots of great fun and many memories being made with my crazy family! We spent the night at my dads house last night. I woke up extremely early this morning, before a single person even rolled over to catch another few hours of sleep!
As I was making some coffee I spotted my dads Bible on a nearby table and noticed a piece of paper hanging out of it. I opened the bible to the piece of paper and was blessed to read a note I wrote to my dad a few years ago. It stated......
Reading a little of this book each day has changed my life! As you read Exciting things will happen! Make time dad, 10 minutes a day and you will see! Do not miss out dad!
When God thinks of you dad, I bet He sees your compassion, devotion to others and your tenderness. But He is also looking for your eagerness to read His word!
I pray great things will be in store for you in 2005! I love you so much dad!
A great place to start is the Book of John or Psalms!
Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge
BUT fools despise wisdom and instruction"
Love, Heather
I then looked at the inside cover of the Bible and noticed a note from my son Ben. It said.......
Pa Pa,
This is the BEST book! Read a tiny each day and watch how Real God becomes in your life
Love, Ben
I was blessed this morning by these little notes and God reminded me of Psalm 1:1-3 It talks about how BLESSED the man is who delights in the law of the Lord! It explains to us that we will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. That brings forth its fruit in season. Whose leaf shall not wither; And whatever he does SHALL PROSPER!
God does want to reveal great things to us and He wants to prosper us in GREAT ways. We often MISS it and wither because we have not spent time in His word. I have been guilty of being to busy. But I have also experienced the withering seasons because of my business! I have discovered the stress of life is not worth it!
I have also heard many friends tell me "The Bible thing is not for me" well, the Lord tells us in His word that in this world we will all have troubles and tribulations. ALL of us will experience hard times. But He is waiting to be our sheild and hear our voice! Its all in psalms chapter one!
If you desire to turn to Him during your withering season I promise you will realize how personal God wants to be in your life and how he can take our withering times and prosper us in great ways! We will be less likely to say "Its not my thing" but you may be convinced He is "Your ALL in ALL"
I was so excited to let my Dad know how real my God is! I am that excited to share this note again with you in a personal way!
Enjoy the summer friends! I am off to the Plymouth Art in the Park!
The fall bible studies are being put together at all locations great stuff is coming!
Also Our Fall Ladies Large Event with great speakers the theme is "Wonder Women who are Wonderfully made" does anyone remember wonder women and or Linda carter???( I will keep you posted on more info VERY SOON, Its Gonna be a WONDERFUL weekend!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
For all my gardening friends, I think you'll like this fact that I found out. I looked up the botanical name for this flower and discovered it's called "Helio anthas" But the best part is "HELIO" in greek means "SON" did ya catch that friends? SON not SUN.
Hebrews 12:2 states "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" A sunflower is known for following the sun day and night. By harvest time it resembles the golden glory of the SUN! It takes on all the details and shape of the sun. That truely amazes me!
I planted my sunflower seeds this week to remind me as they grow to KEEP MY EYES FIXED on the "SON" Jesus Christ! I desire to live the story he wrote for my life. After all He is the author and knows the ending better then I do! I desire to take on His Golden Glory.
Isaiah 61:11"For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes things that are "SOWN" in it to spring forth, so the Lord will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations" A sunflower can never Bud forth unless the Seed is first sown. What seeds have we sown in the things of Christ so we can begin to grow, bud and spring forth?
Galations 6:7 " For whatever a man "woman" sows, that she will also reap"
Its never to late to sow! God will cause great things to bud forth in your family, personal life, job, children and so much more
Happy Growing
Monday, April 20, 2009
Where will your inner star take you???
Both of my girls brought their favorite dolls to the store. Mia and Molly. We looked around for each of their dolls. Every doll is displayed with things that make up their story! I felt like I could tell you about each doll after looking at their showcase! We did find their favorites and bought the story books that match their dolls! The books tell a significant story about that spacific dolls inner star!
As we continued on this adventure in this large store, I felt like a little kid myself! I wanted a doll too! BUT something struck me as I was riding up the escalator....... One of those Heather moments! I saw a large writing on the wall that stated "WHERE WILL YOUR INNER STAR TAKE YOU?" That phrase struck me. I then walked a few more feet and noticed a large star with writting in it that stated "AMERICAN GIRL CELEBRATES A GIRLS "INNER STAR" THE WHISPER INSIDE HER ENCOURAGES HER TO STAND TALL, REACH HIGH AND DREAM BIG"........ Now this really got my attention! As I stood next to my two little girls I realized I had the two most beautiful American Girl dolls in the whole store!
As I walked around with them reading all about the inner stars in their favorite dolls. I began to remind them about their "Inner stars" I wanted them to know that God has written a story book for their life too! What an opportunity we have as moms to remind our kids of their "INNER STARS" not only was it a reminder to my girls but for me also! I want to live daily by listening to that little whispher inside me that encourages me to stand tall, reach high and dream big! The only person I know that can whisper such direction to me is God! I pray my girls find how to listen to that inner voice! I know that is what made my star begin to shine!
When we don't have those little whispers you just begin to drift around in the current of todays world. Its only when you discover why God made you and what he wants you to do with your life. Thats when God makes sence. God is the one who shapes our dreams and our childrens dreams. When we step into the story he already wrote for us it allows our INNER STAR to shine!
I pray my girls grow up to be women who make a difference! Let us all try to move with tenacity toward the dreams God has for you! It is never to late! He is a whisper away! Nothing in this world is more important then to get Gods dream for your life. It is the very reason you exist and your purpose for living. Are you living the American Girl doll Dream according to "His" story?
My girls both left the store with a new doll that day. My youngest daughter Alivia bought a doll called "just like you doll" She told me that she is gonna let God write the story of this dolls life! I am glad I was able to INSPIRE her INNER STAR! I hope to see others looking into their showcase someday!
God Bless you friends,
p.s. remember God wrote every chapter in your book! Even the tough ones!
Monday, April 13, 2009
It is Finished! Good Friday
I have been pondering this past week why such a painful and heart wrenching day would be called "Good" friday. As I was reflecting and teaching from a passage in the bible all this week, it became more clear to me why it is truely a "Good" friday.John 19:28-30"After this, Jesus knowing all things were now ACCOMPLISHED, that scripture might be fulfilled, said, "I thirst!" Now a vessel full with sour wine was sitting there; they filled a sponge with sour wine. Put it on hyssop, and put ot to his mouth. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said. "IT IS FINISHED!" and bowing his head, He gave up His spirit."
Have you ever came to a point in life when you said "I am Finished!"Finished with the headache of a marriage, loss of job or not finding a job, a never ending health problem, a family or friend relationship that is ended or the loss of a loved one. I know we will all experience sour and painful situations in our lives. These times really leave us feeling thirsty, empty, dried out and weak. It is true that on Good friday Jesus felt the same pain and hurts you and I do. Life can bring on some very challenging situations, that make us want to say "I am finished and I cannot go on any longer."
I looked up the word finished in my hebrew/greek dictionary to get the perspective of Jesus language. It was stunning to me that when Jesus said "It is FINISHED" he was saying IT is ACCOMPLISHED!". So in the middle of his painful, sour and thirsting situation He was saying something was Accomplished!
As I refelected on my past this week I was reminded of a very hrad time I had in my marriage in which I said, "I am FINISHED". I was not thinking at this time that something was being accomplished! It was over in my mind. I also met with many women in the past few months that are in various trials that make them say "I am Finished!"
What a great reminder today that God is taking or Bad situations and turning them into Good! That is why it is GOOD Friday! Jesus Stepped into our finished and desperate situations to bring us HOPE and Life abundant. Take a look at the first sentence in the passage above. It states that Jesus knows "ALL" things. This means that He understands our entire situation. He went to the cross to Work it out for us and make all things GOOD! He is the only one that can ACCOMPLISH something for us in our needy situations. When saten tries to FINISH us off with fear, anxiety, worry, doubt and shame. Jesus steps in and Accomplishes what Satan thiks He is finishing in our lives! It states in the bible that we do not need to be afraid or dismayed and to remember that the battle is not yours but Gods.
I am so thankful that God did a real work in my marriage. What was dead he brought back to life! He took my good friday and accomplished amazing things in my life. My sour and thirsting situation was given HOPE! I believe the Lord wants to accomplish so much for us all. They Key is to recoggnize what He did for all of us today. He wants to do exceedingly and abundantly more then you can ask or think in your life. (Ephesians 3:20).
Take a look at the cross today and realize that Jesue died for your Destiny! He has Direction and a Destination for you! Ask Him and he will lead and guide you in the most personal way! He is so Good!
Remember that when we think it is finished, He is stating "It is getting Accomplished" He works all things together for good!
I hope you have a blessed "GOOD" friday and that this inspried you to dream big with God! He has Big Dreams for you! May you have a Happy easter too!
Heather Baxter
please check up the spring/summer updated WOW(women of the Word) website: www.hiswow.net
I also am starting a Blog. I will be writing a few times a week to encourage you as God encourages me. Please check it out and let me know you stopped by!
Thanks and love ya all!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

I handed everyone an OREO and asked them what was the Best part of an OREO? Most all agreed it was the yummy cream filled center. I think its fun to carefully scrape it out with your teeth without breaking the wafer while watching a good flick.
OPPORTUNITY God is always working around us desiring to draw us to himself. He positions many opportunities around us so we can join Him.
RESPOND Everyday we make choices. We respond to opportunities good and bad. The devil is ALWAYS distracting you from God given direction with "his" dazzling opportunities. Pay close attention to your surroundings, the Lord is always at work around us and so is that sneaky devil.
EXPERIENCE God wants us to Experience Him personally in our lives. God wants you to have excitement, adventure, thrill and more. remember, this is the yummy part of the oreo that we referred to as the purposes and plans of God! Have you personally tasted and seen that the Lord is so good? This is relationship and not a religion.
OBEDIENCE This is key. We need to choose Christ Daily and then he begins to bring us into the blueprint he has already written for us! That is the best place to be. Any other place equals STRESS! so remember this great verse...... Deuteronomy 30:19 "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses, therefore CHOOSE life, that both you and your family may LIVE!
Now may you always remember how God is at work around you when you eat an OREO! He wants us to experience the yummiest stuff in our life. God bless you and don't eat to many oreo's!
Heather Baxter
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Set Free

As SPRING gets closer and closer each day I find myself working outside cleaning up from the LONG winter months. I love the beginning days of spring. As I was raking yesterday in the great 64 degree weather I could see the new GREEN grass under the dead. The winter season seemed much longer this year with much colder temperatures and the many obstacles laid before us with our economy. I know for some friends and family it has been so very tough and trying.
As I finished raking I began to clean out and refill all my bird feeders! I always look forward to the lovely songs the birds bring to my home on spring mornings. As I looked inside our LARGE bird feeder I noticed one of my feather friends had got his head STUCK up inside the feeder and suffocated and died. I could only imagine how he was struggling to get out, I wish I could have set him free. But this little bird reminded me of how the things in our winter seasons can really suffocate us unto death. We can really get our minds stuck on the problems and struggle so much in the pain, hurts, fear, worry and anxiety. In one of my small groups this week a women stated "It is so hard to keep moving when the day seems so COLD and LIFES issues seem to suffocate me" ...... So when I saw that little bird STUCK and all LIFE TAKEN FROM HIM it reminded me again of how can get trapped like this bird.
But as I continued to observe the spring and little bit of NEW growth behind the dead of the cold winter months I was reminded of a favorite bible verse of mine. Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I WILL do a new thing: NOW it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness." This promise from God reminds us that know matter how cold and suffocating your winter months may be, nothing is impossible with God. He wants to make a "NEW" way in your cold times. He would never want us to suffocate in the pain and confusion of life. He will SPRING FORTH something new. John 8:32 states " and ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free!"
I am so glad that I desired to get to know truth. Truth has set me free from sin and lifes pain. We cannot break free by our own strength. Thats is why he is called SAVIOR! Do you know him? Because he wants to bring SPRING TIME to your winter months! I challenge you to get to know Him more this spring and watch what he is desiring to spring forth in your life! God bless you friends and family and may the coming of spring remind you of the LIFE you find in Jesus Christ!
Heather Baxter
email me my friends any time if I can be a blessing I will try