Monday, April 20, 2009

Where will your inner star take you???

This past week I went on a trip with the family to Chicago! What a great place to walk around, shop and explore! My girls have been extra excited to explore in the American Girl Doll store! I must say I was very curious to see this place myself! I wanted to check out the Doll hospital, The Doll hairsalon, the you and your Doll restaurant (although we did not eat there, I voted for the cheesecake factory instead!)My girls were amazed at all the clothes and dolls before their very eyes! Two floors full of adventure!

Both of my girls brought their favorite dolls to the store. Mia and Molly. We looked around for each of their dolls. Every doll is displayed with things that make up their story! I felt like I could tell you about each doll after looking at their showcase! We did find their favorites and bought the story books that match their dolls! The books tell a significant story about that spacific dolls inner star!

As we continued on this adventure in this large store, I felt like a little kid myself! I wanted a doll too! BUT something struck me as I was riding up the escalator....... One of those Heather moments! I saw a large writing on the wall that stated "WHERE WILL YOUR INNER STAR TAKE YOU?" That phrase struck me. I then walked a few more feet and noticed a large star with writting in it that stated "AMERICAN GIRL CELEBRATES A GIRLS "INNER STAR" THE WHISPER INSIDE HER ENCOURAGES HER TO STAND TALL, REACH HIGH AND DREAM BIG"........ Now this really got my attention! As I stood next to my two little girls I realized I had the two most beautiful American Girl dolls in the whole store!

As I walked around with them reading all about the inner stars in their favorite dolls. I began to remind them about their "Inner stars" I wanted them to know that God has written a story book for their life too! What an opportunity we have as moms to remind our kids of their "INNER STARS" not only was it a reminder to my girls but for me also! I want to live daily by listening to that little whispher inside me that encourages me to stand tall, reach high and dream big! The only person I know that can whisper such direction to me is God! I pray my girls find how to listen to that inner voice! I know that is what made my star begin to shine!

When we don't have those little whispers you just begin to drift around in the current of todays world. Its only when you discover why God made you and what he wants you to do with your life. Thats when God makes sence. God is the one who shapes our dreams and our childrens dreams. When we step into the story he already wrote for us it allows our INNER STAR to shine!

I pray my girls grow up to be women who make a difference! Let us all try to move with tenacity toward the dreams God has for you! It is never to late! He is a whisper away! Nothing in this world is more important then to get Gods dream for your life. It is the very reason you exist and your purpose for living. Are you living the American Girl doll Dream according to "His" story?

My girls both left the store with a new doll that day. My youngest daughter Alivia bought a doll called "just like you doll" She told me that she is gonna let God write the story of this dolls life! I am glad I was able to INSPIRE her INNER STAR! I hope to see others looking into their showcase someday!

God Bless you friends,

p.s. remember God wrote every chapter in your book! Even the tough ones!