Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Woman Beneath the Cape! Speaker Annita Harless

Being a Wonder Woman does not mean we are expected to lead a perfect life. Life can weigh us down so quickly and lead us to very discouraging days. On these days we do not feel wonderful or fearfully and wonderfully made.We feel stripped and robbed. We have a hard time giving control over to God and "Letting go and letting God." Annita shares her personal testimony in the middle of her message about growing up in a home that she tried desperately to control but it left her more out of control! We as woman tend wear our Cape well and hide all our bondage, fear and anger under that cape. We keep everything hidden and create an illusion of perfectionism. The Lord is always seeking after us waiting for us to surrender our capes. He then begins to clothe us in His cape of righteousness and strength! He helps us leap over walls of anger and hurt. Psalm 18:20 says "And by my God Have I leaped over a wall" Friends, allow God to fill you with His super powers. Take the cape of self pride off, It will not get you over any of those big walls! May you be renewed through Annita's story and her faith!
God bless you sisters and have a great week!
Enjoy its about 45min long! grab a cup of coffee/tea and listen to this testiomony!