Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Give Your Heart to God

I like the story of Hannah. She seems so real to me. She was a woman with a desire for children. My husband and I dealt with infertility for a little bit before getting pregnant the first time. Perhaps that is why I can identify with Hannah so easily.

She had a desire in her heart and she took it to God. I imagine there are times in all of our lives where we go to God and make deals similar to Hannah. “God if you give me [insert desire here], then I will [insert pledge here]. The admirable thing about Hannah is that she actually followed through on her word. Once Samuel was at least three, Hannah took him to the house of the Lord to be dedicated to His service and to live there.

I have trouble wrapping my head around this part. Hannah gave up the child that she had desired for so long. I can’t imagine letting go in that way. However, maybe Hannah knew that this was the best choice for her son.

I once heard Lisa Terkurst from Proverbs 31 describing the first time her teenage son, new driver license in hand, pulled out of the driveway with the rest of her children in the car. She said, “I watched as the entire contents of my heart left, wrapped in a little piece of metal”. She knew that there was nothing she could do in that moment to protect her children. She was at a crossroads. She could worry for the next 20 years or she could give each of her children over to God. At that moment, she got down on her knees and surrendered to the only One who could truly do anything. She realized that worrying would not add a single moment to their lives. She knew that God had a plan and that it was her job to do the best with the time and talent she was given. She put her trust in Him completely.

I compare the two stories and realize they are not that different. Lisa did not physically drop her children off at the temple like Hannah, but both of these women put their heart into the hands of the One who is worthy of trust.

So what does this mean to us?

Perhaps you are thinking that this doesn’t really apply to you. Maybe you are a single woman without children. Maybe you are a mom with an empty nest. Maybe it is not people that you need to place in His hands, maybe it is a situation.

What are you holding on to that would be much better in His hands?

Give it to Him.

He can be trusted!

Have you made deals in the past and not kept your word?

Give it to Him.

He will forgive!

Father God, you are so worthy of my praise and my trust. I confess that I hold on to things much longer than I should. Today, I want to give you [your situation]. I know it is better in Your hands than in mine. I trust You completely with my heart. I know that You are always good and always loving. Thank you for sharing Your most precious and only Son with me and for saving me even when I did not deserve it. I love you with all my heart, Amen.