Oooh, the word sacrifice.
It is a scary word. No one likes to sacrifice anything, however we must all sacrifice something at some point. Some of us have to sacrifice more than others, some of us end up sacrificing everything. There have been quite a few times in my life where I was put in a situation that I would have to make a choice that meant that I had to sacrifice one way or the other. I absolutely loathe being forced into a corner where there is no "win" it really stinks!
What could you have sacrificed lately?
What will you be sacrificing soon?
Everyone that chooses to serve the Lord and really means it, should know that you will be sacrificing many things. For one, we will sacrifice our time. Another thing we will sacrifice is our own self indulged pride. We as humans, think we are more than what we really are. I went to a funeral yesterday of a man that I never met, but I know his daughter. The words I heard about this man were astonishing, to say the least. He seemed to have the biggest and purest heart. I am quite sure that he had to sacrifice his pride at times, his own wants or desires, his own happiness. Who does that??? I know that I don't often enough, and that is just me being real with you. I have said it before and I will say it a million times more, I am a jerk! I try very hard to be a good person, to be selfless, but there is always someone, something, some place that just works its way under your skin.
I took another big giant leap of faith today and agreed to do facilitate a small group class in January. I am so feeling like it is not time for me to do so, but apparently God needs me to do so, so out in obedience I go. I learned that it is not your ability but your availability to do God's work. My heart knows that no matter how nervous I am, how worried, how unprepared He will help me make it through. My own pretty little comfort box is split wide open on this one, however God never leaves me nor forsakes me, so I know that I will be okay. Just pray for me, will ya?
Another sacrifice that I am making is for Christmas this year. My husband and I have decided, well actually a few months ago that this year was going to be different. Our boys are pretty well grounded, they know that Christmas is not all about Santa and all that, but we feel very convicted to really instill the real reason for the season this year. In one of my WOW(Women of the Word) studies last Spring I heard a lady say that she only gives her children three presents, they are picked specifically for each child based upon their significance and personality for a resemblance to one of the gifts from the wise men.
I could not even begin to tell you who she was or what she looks like, I just know that God laid that on me to tell my husband about it. I did and he agreed that we should do the same with our boys. So this year, our boys will get three and only three presents.
They will get a gift of myrrh, frankincense and gold.
No, not literally, but they will get something that has the same meaning as those gifts had for baby Jesus.
Myrrth represents your purpose in life, my oldest son Jaelen wants to be a football player so his myrrth gift could be a football and we can talk to him on how he can serve God being a football player.
frankincense represents personal growth and personal communication with God. His frankincense gift could be a prayer journal, new bible or bible study book.
Lastly, the Gold represents your worth. For a Gold gift he may get a mp3 player, wii video games or new bike! Something that means a great deal to my son!
I have done quite a bit of studying and researching as to what those gifts mean, and got quite the wide array of answers. My pastor confirmed for me this morning that they are opinions and based on what I told him, I was okay to continue forward. I love Christmas and we enjoy buying the boys "cool" stuff.
So even though the world tells me to buy, buy, buy, my God tells me to think and then proceed. I think that this year is going to be extremely difficult financially for many families, and even though we were blessed to not have any job losses, I think that now is as good a time as any to get back to the root of the holiday. I am actually very excited about it, so the sacrifice is not as painful. If you ask me that same question in a few weeks after shopping and having to refrain, well I may have a different answer for you!
I know that this is right for our family.
I know that God is pleased that we desire to show our sons how real God is in our lives and how real He can be in theirs. Our youngest son is getting baptized the last Sunday of this month, and I am blessed. He has been asking to do so for quite some time, but I wanted to know that he really understood what he was signing his self up for. I asked him a couple weeks ago and his answer was rather complete.
I said, "Xavier, why do you want to get baptized?"
He said, "Mommmm, because I have to!"
I said, "Uh no, that is not a good reason."
He said, "I have to because that way God knows I am clean."
I said, "How does baptizing show God you are clean?"
He said, "Duh Mom! It washes all your sins off and that is all He cares about. Only you care about my stinky dirty toes."
I mean seriously, how can I even argue with that??? The boy had me! We have had many conversations about becoming saved and he has been quite aware for some time the meaning of accepting Jesus as his personal savior and knowing his sins are washed clean and he gets to start anew. His final proclamation of accepting Jesus Christ as his personal savior his a outward public announcement of being baptized. He is young so he looks at it as he is showing everyone that he has chosen God and is publicly being washed. I am so proud of him.
I have had to sacrifice many things as a mom: free time, extra money, quiet time with the hubby, a ridiculous amount of money on food feeding these two cows (I mean boys, no I mean cows), my life. However, I wouldn't change it for the world! I am so glad that God picked me to be Jaelen and Xavier's mom. They are the coolest little men in the world. Yes I may be biased, but you will NEVER prove to me otherwise. I am so proud to be their mom, they are everything to me and my husband, I do not regret one single leisure activity that I have had to pass up to be with them. They are my little men. I feel it is so important to teach them how to be good men, good husbands, good fathers, and most importantly good Christians.
I am not a perfect mother, far from even being a great mom, but I am their mom and God knew that I am the mother that they needed, so I am trying my hardest to be the best mom I can be for them.
Again I ask you, what have you sacrificed lately, what could you sacrifice and what will you be sacrificing?
I know that parents sacrifice a great deal, but are there other things that hinder you from being the best parent you could be. Our God must be first in your life, after that sacrifices must be made to be a good spouse, after that so many sacrifices must be made to be a good parent. Are you living up to God's expectations for you? Are you living up to reasonable expectations at all?
Take a minute and think of the sacrifices made for you!
Sacrificing and loving it,
p.s. based on today's reading which again is located at the top if you click on the date, I bet you thought I was going some place else with sacrifice...