Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Praise Him!

November 16th Reading

On the radio this morning, I happened to catch a few minutes of the Joyce Meyer broadcast. There was one thing that really stuck out for me. She said we need to fill our spirit. I have heard these words before, but what does it really mean? She went on to explain, that we fill our spirit when we read the word of God. When our spirit is full, we react better to life. When something bad, maybe I should say, when life happens and our spirit is full, we have better responses, use kinder words and we act out of love. When life happens, and our spirit is empty, our flesh speaks loudly! These are the times when we say hurtful things, lose our temper or we are just plain grumpy.

Everyday life is draining! I don’t always find it easy to act the way that I know God wants me to act. There are days that my patience dwindles, everything upsets and irritates me. These are the days that I need God the most! These are the times I need to stop whatever I am doing and turn to Him. Often, these are the hardest times to reach out to Him. I think it is possible that I let myself get so empty that there is nothing left. It is scary how quickly our flesh takes over: you don’t really need God. How is that really going to help you? What has He done for you lately?

The longer that I walk with Him and the more I know about Him, the easier it is for me to recognize these “empty times” in myself and even in my kids. I see the signs. Actually, I usually hear the signs before I see them and I have found a few ways to fight back against the darkness that can so easily take over.

Like every household, our morning routine is pretty rushed. I have one child who happily bounces out of bed and another who would love to sleep until about nine a.m. everyday. One or the other eventually gets upset about the toothpaste, the unequal amount of cereal in their bowl or some other great offense. When I hear the voice levels raise, I know it is time to pull out the praise music! I have stopped trying to solve the disputes or argue about who gets what color juice cup. I invite God into our morning. I have a playlist of songs that we all love. They are fast, uplifting and fun! We often “get our praise on” right in the middle of breakfast. Sometimes there is dancing, sometimes there is silliness, but there are always smiles.

Another way that we have found to fill up our spirit is, our praise jar. I got the idea during one of our Tuesday morning Bible Studies. I don’t really remember how the idea came about, but I was trying to think of ways for my little ones to be more conscious of our day and our faithful Lord. I started with a vase. It is one of those simple ones that comes with a flower arrangement that I never know whether to keep or get rid of. I cut up some pieces of colorful paper and put them in a bowl and then put a pen right there. This collection now sits on a shelf in a high traffic area, right in eye sight. It is an open invitation to praise Him. Sometimes it is one word, sometimes it is a name, sometimes it is something we saw outside, sometimes it is when are spirits are full and sometimes it is when our spirits are empty. I have found that when I am empty, I really need to look at what I have. This praise jar reminds me to focus on Him rather than on me. Physically writing it down and focusing on the good snaps me out of the darkness. I am reminded that I am not really as empty as I may feel.

Ezekiel 3:3 Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.
I love this passage. My NIV study Bible says, “ Ezekiel must ingest the Lord’s message... so that it becomes part of his being. The words of God are sweet to the taste.” The more we fill ourselves with the goodness of His word, the sweeter our life will be. The more we praise, the happier we are. The more we spend time with Him, the more like Jesus we become.
I love looking through our praise jar. My kids are just learning to write. There are a lot of papers that say “Mom”, “Dad”,  “God”. There is even one that says “elephants”. But really, what else do we need?
