Wednesday, November 17, 2010


November 17th Reading

After today's reading in Hebrew chapter 12, I was left with one word.... ENDURANCE.


I could pull so many wonderful, rich things out of this whole passage of scripture but the one word I have respect for while training is the word "ENDURANCE." My husband and I went up north this past weekend and woke early one morning to run 6 miles. This course was packed with back country hills on a gravel road. I have been training the past few months so I was ready to attempt  a smooth run.
The amazing thing God wanted me to experience that morning was just what I desired a smooth, beautiful, peaceful run. I was able to keep pace with my husband and even talk or sing while running without feeling out of breath.

ENDURANCE= The ability to sustain at a level for long periods of time.

Endurance did not just happen that morning, it was taught through discipline and training. I was able to develop a sustainable pace without feeling burned out. However, I have much more training ahead so I can endure  for a longer period of time at a comfortable pace.
Only the FOOLISH attempt to run a marathon without any training.

My husband was even proud of my pace. I was able to keep up without complaining or falling behind! I even beat him up a hill!

 Our journey here on earth will bring us cramps and strains. We usually get this little voice in our heads that tempt us to stop running, or tell us "why bother"or "you can't do this."

It feels tough to keep running.... when you feel like stopping.

Physical running isn't just physical activity it is a MIND thing and what your mind does when you run can mean the difference between stopping and keepin on running!

ENDURANCE is essential for successful living. It allows us to pursue a goal and live out beliefs regardless of obstacles, strains and cramps. The pursuit of the "Christian life" is like a foot race. Persevering in the race of faith to attain our spiritual reward.

I have four things I would like you to consider today.

TRAINING  Remember I stated only the foolish attempt to run a marathon without preparation. Simple day-to-day disciplines such as prayer and studying the bible prepares one's faith to ENDURE and helps prevent those in the race from being disqualified.
(I am writing a bible study and book now called "RUN LIKE YOU MEAN IT") this will break down much more that was found in Hebrews chapter 12.

SUSTAINABLE PACE Christan's sometimes try to accomplish too much too quickly, relying on their own strength rather then God's timing. Those runners often find themselves burned out and tired. WAIT on God's timing, He will set an appropriate pace for you. Do not take on too much.

STAYING ON COURSE In the middle of long races, runners may "hit the wall," a point where they feel physically and emotionally spent. From their perspective, the finish line is really far away and quitting is a strong temptation. When Christians continue running, choosing obedience over emotions, they will eventually experience a "second wind" a renewal of God's strength to sustain them. (more to come in the book!)

STRONG FINISH  God uses the challenges of the faith race to develop people to mature and be complete in Him. He build endurance within us. Just as athletes are crowned with victory in the end, God rewards those who persevere to the end.


*Maintain spiritual discipline and follow God's pace.

*When we feel like giving up, Gods strength sustains us.

*God rewards those who persevere in the end


Keep Running,