Friday, November 5, 2010

Is it really all that hard?

November 5th Reading

Why is doing and saying the right thing so hard?  Why can we not admit when we are wrong and just move forward?  Why must we make excuses for when we wrong someone? Why, why, why?

If we all truly desired to serve Christ and really wanted to do right by Him and others, our first step is to admit that we have wronged someone.  Now that could mean a variety of things.  We might have stolen from them, slapped them silly, gossiped about them, spoke rudely/harshly to them, or many other things.

It is quite apparent that usually our mouths are what get us into the most trouble.  This last couple of weeks, God has been on my shoulder watching my every word coming out of my mouth.  I truly have had some serious choices to make.  In an effort to be better and more submissive to God I have had to all but bite the tip of my tongue off.  A few years ago, I would have just cursed some people out and been done with the situation.  However, it is quite evident to me that doing that is not going to do anything to help my current situations. 
I seem to be getting hit from all sides right now, and quite frankly it stinks!  In the last two weeks, I have been lied on, cursed out in the middle of trick or treating, been made to feel as though my presence means absolutely nothing and been called some quite horrible names.
 My usual reaction is to lash out in anger/hurt, but I have chosen a different road this time.  I have chosen to be honest with these people and let them know what they did hurts.  Well let me tell you what, people do not like hearing the truth that they hurt someone!  I have gotten every excuse in the book as to why they did or said what they did.

God has made it very simple for us.  Each and every choice that we make has a blessing or curse attached to it.  If we make the right choice then God has no reason to be angry with us and will bless you in some way for it.  It doesn't mean He is going to send you a check for $10,000, but it does mean that He will make something a little easier in your life.  If we choose to make the wrong choice, then you better believe that He will be upset with us and there will be a curse coming for you with your name on it.  That doesn't mean He is going to strike you down with the bubonic plague and your left leg is going to fall off and then you will get fired the next day.  It just means that he will chasten you so that you understand that there IS accountability for our actions.  The good Lord knows He has chastened me enough in the last few years.  I fully understand that saying, "a hard head makes for a soft behind."

We all have our choices to make, we can choose to be a jerk, we can choose to be nice as pie, we can choose to stuff our foot down our throat.  Whatever your choice is, make sure you are ready to take the consequences of your choice.  I am tired of being rebuked for being a jerk, so I let these certain individuals "get over" on me these last couple weeks, I know that God will bless me for being humble and quite honestly for keeping my mouth shut. 

The people of Judah and Jerusalem in today's reading had their own choices to make, they made them all right.  God gives us an opportunity to make the right choice, if we make the wrong ones then that is on our own heads and we have no one to be mad at except ourselves.  I am not pleased that some people thought that they could talk to me like a dog, or lie on me, or even to exclude me from things.  I am down right hurt, but this time (hopefully every time here after) I will choose to not lash out in anger, but to remain humble and wait for them to either do right by me or to reap the consequences of their actions.  Either way, one or the other is going to come about.

I urge all of you to think about the "point" you are trying to prove, or the way you are making someone feel, the kindness (or lack of) you are showing to others.  If you are really not doing people right, then hold yourself accountable and do right by them.  How are you really going to feel when God looks over you when you need Him the most?  It is going to break your heart, and if you are really the good person you claim to be, then why not humble yourself and show kindness to everyone, not just those that you think are deserving?  I know full well I am a jerk sometimes, I try not to be, but it happens.  I am working on my mouth, and these last couple weeks, well they have been quite the test for me.  I think I passed them.

I pray that all of you make an effort to make the right choices for your life.  We will never make all of the right choices, but even if we make a wrong one, then own up to it and try to make amends for it with the person.  Do not make up excuses why you screwed up.  Say you are sorry, try to fix it if you can and then move forward and try not to do the same silly thing again.

Much love,