Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Matthew 21:22
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

So many people take this scripture out of context. The biggest reasons many are living unfulfilled, empty, dead end street lives is because they're asking and believing for the wrong things in the wrong ways.

Who holds your future?

Its very important to understand that your future has been written and your life is in the hands of God.
But how many of us even make Him a priority in life?

God has a WIll for our lives and desires us to discover it

Individuals today set selfish goals, we need to all take a honest look in the mirror and make sure we are first desiring what God has for our future. This is when things CHANGE.

God wants you to notice some things and begin to connect you with your prepared destiny.

Are you ready to get connected with the SPIRIT of God?
 You where created to be a SPIRIT JUNKIE!

When you activate your connection with God you will notice that God will help you accomplish your future.

The key word is NOTICE. It will be obvious that a higher power is working things out around you.

The sad truth is more people spend time planning vacations, kids sports schedules, business meetings over the planning of how to connect with God.

Only God has a way to activate your senses to catch on with what is going on around you.

When you know that you have made personal adjustments in your life to find God in a deeper way then begin to follow these next 4 steps.

Please use a Journal and write out the 4 steps.

When you begin to write this down God will begin to move every square inch of your life and connect it to your divine destiny.

1. Set goals on how you are seeking God for the week?
    Only a SEEKER will collide into their destiny.

2. Ask – Know exactly what you want and ask for it. God will then began to rearrange your pieces and help you shape your ASK into His dream.

2. Believe – Truly believe, without a doubt, what you are asking for will be yours. When seeking God He puts the desires in your heart and waits for you to ASK and Believe with faith.

3. Receive – You know what you want, you know you’ll have it, now do what it takes to get it. Take actions and advantages of opportunities to reach your goals. Remember as God moves the pieces around for you, take advantage and step out in faith to DISCOVER!

God's Word is His will. If you want to know what God's will is, then look at His Word. He only promises things that He is willing to do. Since He has promised us abundant life, we can be assured that it is His will to lead us to that.
By not knowing His Word, delays in answers and connections may make us think that God is denying us the answers or dreams. But by knowing the Word, delays are simply opportunities to stand on God's Word in faith.

Please take a serious look at your spiritual life, this is the time to lift the bar and make changes if you want to live the life He is holding and waiting to reveal to you.

Lastly, have fun writing a vision for your preferred future and then put the pen down and watch God work!
