Wednesday, February 15, 2012



This past week at the gym my PF(personal friend) and PT(personal trainer)  told me that we needed to LIFT THE BAR!

After taking my measurements on Monday morning we noted that I did not loose any inches in the past 4 weeks.

 I remained the same...

My goal in the beginning  of our training was to carve, tone and sculpt my over-all appearance while building endurance and strength.

LOOKS LIKE I WILL BE LIFTING THE BAR the next four weeks by pushing  into my Fat burning zones more often!
Not Fun but necessary for change!

In today's reading I want to share how God was teaching Israel to raise the bar and set higher standards as a People.

God calls His people still today to live a standard higher than unbelievers who surround them. In today's reading Leviticus 18-20, God reviews His higher standards regarding relationships, religion and rights and responsibilities of the community.

Why these higher standards?

God intended for Israel to be a light and a standard for the rest of the world, and Israel's leaders to be a light and a standard for the Jewish nation.

 God expects the same of us today. Our standard can effect those around us for a lifetime.

Why must we be faithful in keeping a higher standard than the rest of the world? We're not better then others however we need to REFLECT Christ. This reflection separates us from others.

1. To be like God
2. To qualify us for ministry
3. To guarantee Gods blessing in our life
4. To  prepare us for leadership tomorrow
5. To receive Gods reward for faithfulness

What characterizes those who choose to pursue life and lift the bar at living Gods higher standards?

1. They adopt Godly values
2. They care for the interests of others
3. They live with integrity
4. They keep their word
5  They develop their gifts and potential
6  They treat all with respect
7. They manage time and money well
8. They pass on to others what they have received

After taking a look at my spiritual life today, I have realized the need to  LIFT THE BAR to become more of what God has intended.

Living the Christian life is not always easy but very rewarding.

It takes hard work to discipline the flesh and all its desires. It takes commitment  to sculpt and carve out the areas that seem troubled. If we never lifted the bar we would just remain the same.

Take time today to take some measurements in your spiritual life.

How do you measure up according to Godly standards? 

How are you going to lift the bar?

Setting goals will help you evaluate your progress.

Grab a writers journals and begin to write a PRAISE, PLAN and PRAYER from today's word.

Today is your day to refocus and push toward your full potential.

Blessings friends,