Wednesday, February 22, 2012



For many Christians, the season of Lent typically includes some kind of fasting.

These fasts usually take the form of abstaining from all food throughout a given day or certain kinds of food for the duration of the forty-day season. In place of a food fast, some Christians commit to give up a pleasurable activity or dedicate themselves to charitable giving. Focus on prayer and devotions are also especially emphasized during Lent. But even though our Lord recommends and comments on the Lenten disciplines of fasting, almsgiving, and prayer in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:1-18), these practices can become legalistic rituals that are centered inwardly on the self rather than outwardly on Christ.
If during Lent Christians choose to give up something or rededicate themselves to helping those in need as a way to proclaim the salvation Christ has won for all by His suffering and death, then such activities are sacrifices that glorify God. However, it is essential to remember that nothing we do through self-denial or good works can ever earn the Lord's forgiveness or repay Him for what He accomplished for us.

 Lent is not about our giving up something to please God. Lent is about what Jesus Christ gave up to pay the penalty for the sins of the world -- His holy and innocent life.


My husband and I have been lead  to focus on ISAIAH 58 during th 40 days.

 We will be challenging our family with 40 types of  differant ways in which we will dedicate, devote and fast during the next 40 days. Each week and day will bring about a differant lesson. I will share our lessons and challenges along with the outcomes of what we gave up to SHARE CHRIST!

Isaiah 58 has lead us to a variety of ways to observe Lent and focus on Christ and the HOLE in our gospel.

For example in Isaiah 58:10  it states "If you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry"
We will be working at a soup kitchen in March as a family.

Isaiah 58:9 "Do away with pointing finger and malicious talk"
 We will be working for a week on the way we talk to others.

Isaiah 58:7 talks about breaking away from our own flesh and blood, during this week all family members will be surrendering their phones and computers! 

My husband and I will also do devotions on our family WED nights. 
During this time we will read and discuss parts of Isaiah 58.
Everyone has a copy of Isaiah 58 and we have asked everyone to read the verse throughout the 40 days.
I am praying God brings new revelations as we focus on that verse for the next 40 days.

The goal during our fasting is to give up certain things and to show Christ to those oppressed, wandering, hurt and hungry. We trust that God will guide us during this fast. In Isaiah 58 it states He will guide us always.

Today we acknkowledged ASH WEDNESDAY and it reminds us of our utter and complete sinfulness and the necessity if Christs suffering and deatht o earn ou salvation.

I am thankful For Gods grace and forgiviness today.
