Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Your Love Story

February 15th Reading

I like love stories! If there is a good love story, it doesn’t take long for me to get caught up in it. I have never been a true action/adventure type of person. If there is a decent  story behind it, I will put up with the action, but it is not my first choice.

It is not easy for me to read the events that took place the day of the crucifixion in Matthew 27. I have trouble reading about the way that the guards treated Jesus. I don’t like the beatings and the mocking and the cruelty.

As I was reading today, however, I began to think about God’s character and how the events of that day are tied together with the rest of His Word.
God said that we are all sinners. Sin is what keeps us from being in relationship with God. Jesus was perfect. He did not sin. The treatment that Christ received that day was what we, as sinners, actually deserve. The punishment was meant for us.

God has a purpose and a plan for everything He does. God dearly loves us as His chosen children. He calls us to be with Him, but we are not capable of getting to Him on our own. God knew this and He prepared a way for us.

Christ had to suffer to save us from death. At any point, God could have stopped the cruelty that Jesus received that day. But, if He had stopped it, His plan would not have been fulfilled. I have often tried to imagine what God must have been feeling and thinking during those awful hours. It must have pained God to watch His son hurting and not be able to stop it. But, He knew that the best part of the story was yet to come. God knew that Jesus would be raised from the dead.

From the beginning, God had planned the ending. God knew that, and from the creation of the earth, he planned for his son to come as a perfect human man to take on our sins, so that we, His other beloved children, would not die. God sent Jesus to lead us home to our Father.

Upon further reflection, this is the ultimate love story! It may not be the typical Hollywood love story, but it is my story and it can be your story too. A Father loves his children so much he knowingly makes the biggest sacrifice imaginable. Love doesn’t get much greater than that!

Father God, thank you for your love. Thank you for your grace, your mercy and your blessings. In a world that loves based on performance, I am so grateful that you love me in spite of my imperfections. Father, please teach me to accept others just as they are. Help me not try to change them, but love them unconditionally, just the way you made them. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
