Wednesday, February 2, 2011


February 2nd Reading

What a beautiful morning here in Michigan! I love snow days because living in my PJ's all day is a wonderful thing girlfriends. The news has been forecasting this BIG BLIZZARD coming to town for the past several days. The stores have been packed with people rushing to grab milk, eggs, toilet paper, kitty litter and you name it just to PREPARE for the big storm. The bananas SOLD out yesterday in my local store. The gas station was backed up into the main road  as people PREPARED for the serious weather. 

I had so much fun the past few days watching everyone run around in a panic and talking about it at the stores. I loved stirring up those conversations! 

BUT a profound thought came over me yesterday on my way home from the store. WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE IF WE KNEW JESUS WAS COMING LIKE THE BLIZZARD IN JUST A FEW DAYS? I would love to see everyone rushing around and preparing for this BIG DAY.

Just like the Blizzard of 2011, the day of Jesus' return will be captivating, not optional and it will STOP us all and DRIVE us to ACT. Its fulfillment will not rest on staying ahead and preparing but simply on obedience.

The final events of world history will take place and Jesus will return riding on the clouds from heaven. Every EYE will see Him that day.
The VISION of this day should DRIVE us to PREPARE like we would for a BLIZZARD.


What kind of future are you PREPARING for? Jesus wants us to think and prepare for the days to come.

It is all about CHOICES and DECISIONS that count for now but also for eternity. CHOICES now will affect and shape our future on earth as well as the age to come.

Jesus simply tells us a story in today's reading MATTHEW 21: 28-32.

The story was about two sons that had been asked to do the will of their father.

The first son responded in rebellion with a quick "I WILL NOT" answer.
However, he later regretted his choice and went to do the work.

The second son answered "I GO, SIR,' but then he never went. Great lip service but never followed through with his choices.

Both disobeyed but one turned back and did the will of his father.

God desires so much for us to do His will. The Will of God is full of purpose and destiny. God has a plan for us here on earth and in eternity. Will we choose to PREPARE and make it as important as the Blizzard that hit us this day in Michigan?

Gods will is so amazing and filled with a vivid vision for your life. We will loose the treasure if we reject the grace of Gods will.

I am blessed that I prepared for this storm when I bought all my baking goods for today, yesterday. I have a plan and purpose that will bring about blessings for the Baxter family on this snowy day.

The choices we make TODAY will prepare us for TOMORROW.
The plans and purposes God has for us all are worth preparing for! He is baking up something good for your life and wants to reveal all the ingredients so you can stir it together. If you made some choice at the beginning of the new year and did not follow through like the second son in today's reading turn back and get on track with God. It is never to late, that is the GRACE of GOD for us in this season. However, a day will come when we will no longer have time to prepare, it will be to late.

Blessings sweet sisters,