Friday, January 14, 2011


January 14th Reading

Do you ever wonder why you are put in a certain situation?  For instance, how did you get into the place that you are in at this, or that exact moment?  Personally, I have asked myself that very question many times.  God says in many scriptures that He will not put you in a situation that He has not prepared you for or that He will not cover you in. 

Today's scriptures tell us that when He sent out his 12 disciples that He was in fact sending them out as sheep amongst wolves.

Matthew 10:16 says " 'I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.' "

We must be prepared to serve where God needs us, but more importantly where He WANTS us to be.  Do not be afraid of where God may send you, it may very well be the best adventure of your life.  He may not send you out of your own home, there may be a person in your home that God wants you to show how to be a Christian and be a beaming example of God's love, grace and mercy.  

However, another part of the verse says to be as "shrewd" as a snake, what does shrewd really mean?  It means to be mischievous, clever, basically to be ahead of the game.  The verse also says to be innocent, so do not be underhanded, but do the work you were sent to do.  Do not give up easily, know that you will face adversity, know that some people are going to want to persecute you, know that there will be stumbling blocks, know that beyond all of the hard parts, the glory and blessing you will receive at the end for being obedient will far outweigh anything you had to endure on the path.

God will never leave you, He will never send you out to do His work and then let you fall.  He will always be walking with you or ahead of you to make sure that your course is ready for you.  God will deal with those that are not living according to His will.  His scriptures also say that their judgment will be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah's was.  I don't know about you, but I do not want any part of that!  I would much rather struggle now in life and then have my blessings pour over me on judgment day.

Matthew 10:14-15 states, "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town."

There is an urgency to get your life right, to follow on the path that is intended for you.  To try your very hardest to separate yourself from the world as much as you can and find the life that is truly meant for you.  You were not made by mistake, God made YOU for a very specific purpose!  He has blessings waiting for you, blessings that will truly fulfill your heart.  Please make an effort to seek out God in your life and make sure that you are living according to His will, not to your own desires and wants.  Just because something is easy to accomplish does not mean that it is your path, it just means that it is easy.  Pray that God will make Himself very real to you in 2011, pray that He will show you what is meant for your life.  Be ready when He reveals things to you, it will be an exciting journey!  There will be highs, there will be lows, but there will never be a low that you are alone on.

Much love,