Monday, January 31, 2011


February 1st Reading

Welcome friends and happy monday! Just a reminder that I blog Monday Thru Friday.The dailly bible reading can be found by clicking the date above or the link on the side of this blog.

Have you ever felt like you where in a NO WIN SITUATION?

I have to be honest raising a 14 year old boy brings me to tears many times. I told my son yesterday our relationship and communication together is crazy  and  some days makes no sense. Kinda like a squirrel chasing a rabbit! Now I know a squirrel chasing a rabbit makes no sense and that is my point. We tend to have little arguments that make no sense. We can battle and chase each other around  on one topic until one is proven wrong. If I say UP he means DOWN. If I say it's black he will say white. This chasing around and around can make one very tired, irritable and frustrated.
Today in Matthew 20:33 two blind men cried out to Jesus for their eyes to be opened so they may see, immediately Jesus Jesus touched their eyes and they received sight.

This morning I am crying out to Jesus asking Him to give me spiritual sight so that I may SEE my son and our situation from a New fresh vision. Jesus I pray will open my eyes to understand how we both need to change.

In this verse the men needed their physical sight to see but I always believe we can make a spiritual application in everything we read in the bible. I feel very blind in my situation with my son at times. Raising a teenager that knows EVERYTHING can make you feel blind and lost some days.

I know when you cry out Jesus will  open your eyes. This morning I woke up very early and read today's reading and cried out to Jesus on behalf of my situation with my son whom I love very much.

I then  began to wake up the family and told my son to be ready by 7:50 or he would loose the opportunity of me driving him to school. Well, he came up at 8:02 and said he was ready to go. Jesus already answered my morning prayer and instantly laid on my heart to "DRAW BONDARIES" and do what you said. I am a sucker and always fall back on my word cause I  feel bad. Well today my son had to walk to school and even receive a tardy. Sometimes when we struggle with our teenagers we have to stick to our boundaries with love. I felt so bad because it was cold out and he was running late. But remember when I cried out Jesus spoke some fast wisdom and came to me this morning and opened my eyes to see how I could better establish our relationship. Being a mom is difficult and we want the best for our children. Taking control is hard when you battle with a teenager but its very important to learn to control in love.

Do you have a situation in your life that leaves you on the side of the road feeling BLIND?

Do you wish your situation could be touched and your eyes opened to see everything from the right perspective?

Girlfriends, Jesus will move with compassion over your situation but we need to "cry out" like the blind men did in Matthew 20:30. When they cried out Jesus stopped and stood still on behalf of their situation.

I pray today that Jesus will stop and stand still for my situation and yours. Please take time to cry out and tell God what you need. He will have compassion and Mercy on the hardest situations in life.

Matthew 20:30 "So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, "What do you want me to do for you?" 
