Tuesday, January 18, 2011


January 18th Reading

Today I decided to give my children a MENTAL HEALTH DAY ! I declared a day off of school, Thanks to my friend Gidget on this fabulous idea!

At 6:30 this morning I could see the ICE glazed over the roads and the television stated area schools closed EXCEPT our school district! Even my bible studies got cancelled this morning! It was so icy, chilly, rainy and cold that I decided to let the kids sleep!
When they woke up I said "HAPPY MENTAL HEALTH DAY!" We all just finished a great breakfast and now we will enjoy this winter advisory kinda day!

In today's reading the part of scripture that jumped out in my life was in Matthew 12: 33-37


"Either Make the TREE good and its fruit good, or else make the TREE bad and its fruit bad."


Are you planted in Gods yard or Satan's yard?

One side or the other, are you for God or against God?

Your time, thoughts, desires, efforts and activities reflects the fruit growing on your tree and can easily determine what yard you are growing in.

I think last night my tree got uprooted into Satan's yard  because my thoughts and actions where not very Godly after I was told NO about a picture I desired to have for our dining room! My husband drew some boundaries that I did not like!
 OUCH  it's easy to say that we are to make the tree Good and its fruit good but really hard to act on when you are in the midst of a crisis! I know this is the silly example but folks its my silly issue and it was a real tragedy for me last night and still  kinda today!

How do we stay with God and keep our tree yielding GOOD fruit when life seems difficult?

No matter what life brings, how do we bring forth good things when we feel hurt, upset, angry or afraid?

I go back to the basic boundaries I set in my life and  I must give myself a TIME OUT! I must renew my mind or I will not think and act like I should in that circumstance! Then the will of God will be out of place in my life and that means a whole lot more then a $30.00 PICTURE!  YES IT WAS ONLY 30.00!

Last night my tree was starting to drift to the other side of the fence but I grabbed a hold of what was happening and renewed my mind! The process did not happen that quickly, I first had to sit in time out and  then take a shower so that I could calm down and think without reacting! I guess I do not do well when a boundary is set! LOL!

In Ephesians it reminds us to NOT GRIEVE the Holy Spirit and to let all bitterness, wrath, anger and clamor be put away from you! When I work on the INTERIOR of my heart the EXTERIOR fruit on my tree will be GOOD!

I wish I always produced good yummy fruit but the truth is I am 100 percent flesh in need of God!
So I must be spending time in the word. I am convinced time and time again that Gods WILL is perfect and will be my number one priority. Even in the middle of a circumstance, KNOWING the goodness of Gods perfect will wins my heart back over every time!

So friends I pray you choose to plant your TREE in Gods garden.

You are on one side or the other....What side do you choose to be on? Do not let your circumstances scatter you  allow them to Gather you closer to Gods heart!

What circumstances seem to be scattering you today? Allow God to  bring forth good in your situation and gather you toward the good treasures He has stored up! Its hard sometimes but very worth it friends!
