Thursday, January 20, 2011


January 20th Reading

Have you ever experienced a time of struggle because of others disbelief? Do you desire to be positioned in the best place possible in order to possess all the promises God has purposed for your life?

God promises a destiny that is Full and Alive!

Gods destiny for your life will be COMPLETE, PERFECT, SATISFYING AND FULL!
However a time will come in which God needs to reposition you so that he may COMPLETE and PERFECT you. God will keep you satisfied and full in your season, lacking nothing until He completes His perfect work.

A sign or symptom in your life that represents a possibility for the need to move is UNBELIEF.

We can have seasons in our marriages, relationships, families and ministries. Sometimes Gods best is to reposition you amongst NEW FACES or NEW PLACES. When I say reposition it does not necessarily mean He is taking you completely out or away from your circumstances but placing you in NEW environments that stretch you to see His promises from another view. Many times we stay in the circumstance or situation and its full of disbelief. 

DISBELIEF IS LACK OF SUPPORT and many times others will "not support" the faith we need to have.

Look at Matthew 13: 58
Jesus said "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and his own house." Now He did not do mighty works there because of their unbelief.

The people closest to Jesus in His hometown and family did not believe in Him and His powers to heal and perform miracles.

Others disbelief and lack of support can and will distract us from allowing  God the ability to perform wonderful miracles in our life.  Disbelief is a STUBBORN refusal to believe or a REJECTION of something wonderful God has placed in your heart. When we are surrounded by people with disbelief it hinders the work of faith in your personal life.

In this passage of scripture the others lack of faith hindered Jesus and He did not perform because of their unbelief.

Did Jesus stay in that place or did He leave and join God where He was at work?
 If you look at Mark 6:6 it states that Jesus MARVELED at their unbelief and THEN HE LEFT AND WENT ABOUT TO OTHER VILLAGES in a circuit of teaching! WOW what a lesson we can learn!

Jesus did not let others disbelief keep Him Stuck while missing the miracles God wanted to perform through Him. Jesus was sure of what He hoped for and certain of what He did not see.

Friends don't let allow your circumstances and the lack of others support dictate your destiny! MOVE ON!
If you stay stuck in the ordinary it will be impossible to experience the extraordinary powers of God. Disbelief  of others will HOLD YOU BACK.
 STEP AWAY and realize God has a grand plan. Trust Him and allow him to REPOSITION you.

Maybe God has a new group of friends for you this year? How about a New church home? Possibly a new small group instead of the same friends closest to all the details in your life?

When we move to NEW places God arranges NEW revelations that will SUPPORT what He has already planned.

Do you ever get with family or friends that have disbelief in what Christ is doing in your life?

Do you have others that experience fear around you because they are not comfortable with how God is working in your life?

Do others get jealous and push you away?

Do you ever marvel at others unbelief because YOU KNOW GOD HAS PROMISED YOU SOMETHING SO SPECIAL?

Friends, please do not give up and doubt Gods powerful work in your lives. Allow Him to reposition you.


If you do not allow Him to transition you, it may be the difference between experiencing a DEAD END or a fulfilled DESTINY.

He has a plan for all your DREAMS!

Jesus Moved passed the disbelief and God took Him into  many NEW PLACES with NEW FACES!

May God bless you as you seek His face and He orders your steps!
