Monday, January 24, 2011


January 24th Reading

                                                                     MATTHEW 15:26
                          "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."

Hello friends!
Just reminder,if you click on the date above it will take you to the bible reading for the day. Also, you may find a print out for the whole years reading on the side of my blog page or at my website.
I like to make a xeroxed copy so I can tuck it into my bible and check off each day as I read and journal!
In the next month I will be doing a quick video devotion on the blog page for that days reading. Instead of writing it out I will speak to you for a few minutes via video! I hope this makes for a nice connection! Let me know what you think!

As I was doing the readings for today I scrolled across the phrase in Matthew 15:26. I did not understand fully what this meant and after doing my research this morning I was even more convinced of Gods unconditional love.

You do not need to pretend to be someone else to appear more deserving to receive from God.
A Canaanite women was disparately seeking a healing for her daughter. This women knew Jesus healed and did miracles among the Jews. She pretended to be a Jew by calling out "O Lord, Son of David!" Only the Jews addressed Jesus in this manner.

Jesus DID NOT answer her. His silence made her more persistent

She may not have known Jesus but she KNEW to acknowledge Jesus as a rightful king, She also acknowledged Him as her king and master by calling Him Lord. Lastly, she prayed "HAVE MERCY ON ME, HELP ME"  These expressions are irresistible to God.

God extended His grace.

First Jesus said..."It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."

In the Jewish tradition DOG was a term of reproach or insult. A gentile was often called a Dog because of ignorance.

She saw that the crumbs under the MASTERS table were enough for a Gentile "puppy" like herself.

Jesus taught in this scripture that He was called to the Jews first not the Gentiles. YET, He loved this gentile women and was MOVED with compassion and wanted to provide a miracle for her.

 If Jesus was willing to extend His grace to a gentile then  how much more, YOU His beloved child?

Many times our hopeless situations turn us to Christ. Do not ever feel unworthy friends. God is waiting to extend His unconditional love. Move forward and He will perform a miracle on your past!

We need to step away from our religious back grounds and past sins as this Canaanite women did.

This women came from a background of perverse people. In her religion they practiced prostitution and CHILD SACRIFICE. They refused to repent and turn toward the one real God. God had ordered their destruction see (Numbers 33:50-55.)

WOW, What faith she had to come into Jesus Territory. She was motivated to take such courageous steps considering where she came from!

Well, I have a pretty disturbing past myself, this morning I was remembering when I first turned my eyes toward Jesus how afraid and  unworthy I felt to call Him my Lord. I was full of shame and fear, resembling the Dog that was undeserving due to ignorance.

What a GREAT promise in today's message....COME AS YOU ARE!

The Jewish people regarded themselves as better than the Gentiles because they possessed the law, yet they did not keep the law. God displayed His love for ALL people in today's reading.

Remember, a right standing with God comes only through faith. Salvation does not come from keeping the religious law but  instead having faith in Gods promises and  the power to save when we COME AS WE ARE!
