Wednesday, January 4, 2012




God wants to speak many starting positions to us in 2012.

 He has a plan all laid out in exact detail. However, many choose to create their own plans and destiny.

 I find it true that the more you step into Christ the more He takes away and starts over with NEW.

In my beginning walk with Christ I remember Him taking me out of my job that I went to college to become.
 I must confess, not ONCE in college did I ask God to help me in the plans HE had for me.
I was redirected in my early walk with Christ. I am ever grateful for His redirection. My college education was not a waste by no means, it has helped form everybit of who I am today.

When God really got a hold of me, my true priorities and true talents began to rise to the surface.
I would have never dreamed of becoming a public speaker and a writer. This dream is still in process today, He is growing and preparing me daily.

Today I read in Genesis 12:4: "So Abraham departed as the Lord spoke to Him." 

God had another plan for the countryman named Abraham, So Abraham began to trust God for the unknown future He was being called toward.

We need to prepare to meet our future.
When we prepare by paying attention to our relationship with  Christ and allowing Him to drive us toward a goal, a NEW starting position.
The first part of Moving toward a goal is to: DETERMINE WHAT THAT STARTING POSITION LOOKS LIKE.

God has given us all special goods and talents according to our ability and His purpose. He desires to lay opportunities in front of us to develop us into our prepared future.

Life sometimes is not fair, but our STARTING CONDITION is irrelevant to our STARTING POSITION. So if you feel very stuck at this point, DO NOT give up.
I have a great example for you...

I am a runner, however my starting condition may not add up to the other runners I know. Another runner may be fit and in shape with a great runners body. Does that mean I should not pursue the goal of becoming a long distance runner? We both have the same STARTING POSITIONS at each race.

How we train and pursue goals is what determines a runners ability to finish their race.
 I am not a fast runner with a lean and trim body but my condition and shape does not determine my starting position. The goals I set help me pursue the ability to complete my personal race and drives me to the Starting position.

God wants to speak little goals into your life this year.

Do not allow FEAR to rob you of your starting position.

If we bury our talent or Gods command to move in a NEW area we push Gods predetermined destiny away from our lives. If we do not start at the starting line this year we cannot run the race designed for us.

We need to show up at the STARTING POSITION and push past our fears and shortcomings.

This is an example: Have you ever watched the down hill skiers or snowboarders on the X Games?  The hill for their starting position is steep and long, looking rather scary with no sight of the end. However, the individual SHOWED UP to his STARTING POSITION prepared to meet his future.

Do not procrastinate with your life friends, God has given you talents and  goods with an expected future in mind.
God expects us to use what we have been given. If you do not know what God has given to you, I urge you to ask Him to show you the abilities and your starting position. Step up to the plate and watch God work in your life. I tell my kids this on a daily basis.

Abraham went from being a ordinary countryman to becoming a great nation! God called Him to a NEW starting position in Genesis Chapter 12.

Do you already know your abilities/talents and remember the starting position in which God has called you to?

Have you failed to show up due to rebellion, fear, distrust or hurt?

Maybe you never considered asking God to be part of the plans for your life?

Ask God today to give you a push and jump start for 2012. God knows your hearts desire, if you feel bad that you have buried those talents or your relationship with God then I promise grace will dig them up.
 God will show up and help you start again.

My journal entry for today:

PLAN: I am looking for NEW starting positions that God may offer me this year to help me spring more into my already prepared future. I will specifically be working on more speaking events and asking God more more divine connections.

PRAISE: Thanking God that I heard His voice to move in NEW directions in the past.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, Thanks for your Grace. Please move me and any family member to a NEW starting position this year. Help me to stay committed to a relationship with you. I desire to see and hear like Abraham did. Thank you for giving personal blessings to those who follow. I want to follow harder in 2012.

I encourage you to journal to God in a personal book. This will help you see the shape of you personal starting positions