Friday, August 26, 2011



The Christians in Corinth were “enriched … in knowledge” (1:5). However, their self-evaluation needed correction.In the first century, much of the meat available for purchase was sold by the pagan temples after being offered to their gods. Many believers had formerly practiced idolatry, and had a weak conscience toward those meats which had been offered now that they had turned to Christ. Scripture says anything not done in faith is sin (Rom 14:23), speaking directly to this issue. Thus if they were to eat meats which had been sacrificed to idols without a clear conscience, then they were sinning.

Other believers understand that alcohol, in itself, is not sinful, but only excessive use of it. Paul even told Timothy to drink a little wine for some stomach problems – he did not recommend grape juice, but real wine. However, those who are free to drink must make allowances for those who are not by not drinking around them. We are to love them enough that we are willing never to drink again if it help them to not stumble.

For love is the whole of the law.

 When we walk in love toward God and others, then our goal will be to honor them.
Our desire will be for fellow believers to walk in victory with God. We should be willing to set our freedoms in Christ aside for the sake of those who have a weak conscience.

Another application is in regard to keeping the Sabbath.
Some hold one day above another, while others regard every day alike (Col. 2:16; Rom 13:3-13). Some believe we should keep the festivals commanded by God in the Old Testament, while others see no need as those were for the Jews as part of their covenant.

Those who are convinced we must keep the seventh day Sabbath are accepted by God. Those who believe worship should be on Sunday in honor of the resurrection are also accepted by God. And those who do not observe a specific day God receives. It is God to whom we must give account.

As long as our heart’s desire is to worship God and live for Him, these outward works ultimately do not matter as regards salvation.
We are saved by faith, not by our works.

 Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
He is the author of confusion, the one who seeks to divide the church. It is he who magnifies these minor issues of religious works. Some in the church focus on these areas while ignoring the weightier things of living righteously before God in our own lives.

 Instead of teaching us to ask God what he wants us to do, many instead tell us their own doctrines and opinions. They are like the Pharisees of old, who make all sorts of rules and regulations to follow rather than teaching believers how to seek God.

(John 5:39-40) Jesus told the Pharisees that they search the Scriptures thinking that in them they have eternal life. The Scriptures all tell about Jesus. Yet they refused to go to Jesus that they might truly have life. Instead they made a bunch of rules based on the Law and prophets, and were blind to the real truth when Jesus came.

Questions for reflection:
 What areas do you judge the way another person chooses to honor God?
Are there areas you believe you are led by God to do one thing, while others are free to go another direction – and do you judge them? Or conversely, are you free to do an activity which someone you know is not free to do – do you rub their faces in your freedom?
 Ask God to reveal any such areas in your life in which He wants you to change your attitude

We need to live free from legalism, but also set aside personal preferences when dealing with sensitive conscience.

Leaders always put people first.