Thursday, May 19, 2011



BREAD...Something I used to make homemade french toast with this morning!

BREAD...Something that holds the main part of the sandwich together!

Today I want you to pretend you're a SANDWICH!

Without the bread of a GOOD SANDWICH every detail of the layer is a broken mess.

JOHN 6:35 "Jesus says, "I am the BREAD of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst."


With the GREAT I AM nothing will be IMPOSSIBLE.


It is IMPOSSIBLE to make a good sandwich without the bread!

God has a plan perfectly planned for your life.
The plan is like  the middle part of a sandwich that is arranged perfectly with great detail, layer upon layer. BUT it's only held together with the BREAD.
John 6:35 "I am the Bread of Life"

I am the light
I am the way, the truth and life
I am the true vine
I am the door
I am the good shepherd
I am the Resurrection and life

My life would fall apart if I did not take in the BREAD which holds everything together. The bread is my supernatural vitamin.


When I do my Daily reading, God has a way of supernaturally filling me up.
The Word is my BREAD OF LIFE.

Filling up my insecurities
Filling up my doubt
Filling up my weakness
Filling up my visions
Filling up my heart
Filling up my concerns
Filling up my attitude

I am FULL and SATISFIED after I receive my daily bread

We need to learn to discipline ourselves to HEAR and OBEY the word.
When we develop a priority and passion to FILL UP on the word, GOD  FILLS up our inner being with His strength.

We GROW up spiritually and live in the DESTINY God created.

There are many WRONG VOICES in today's world that can manipulate your thoughts to believe outside of your destiny. Do not be DECEIVED.
Remember, Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14

Wrong voices lead you away to wrong choices and your sandwich falls apart, leaving your life a PILED UP mess.

  "Come to Him"
  "Believe in Him"

Believe means to entrust and put one's Faith in God.

TASTE the living bread friends.

How is your bible reading? Christian fellowship? Corporate worship? Relationship with God?
Prayer life?

These are things to be sought as often as possible.

I welcome you to continue to join me daily as we BREAK BREAD together. I always provide a simple devotion to stir hearts on a certain piece of scripture . I encourage you to subscribe by simply filling out the box on the right. Be sure to activate the link from FEEDBLITZ that will appear shortly in your email box.

Share with a friend, I promise the Word will nourish your soul and hold your sandwich together!