Thursday, May 12, 2011


May 12th Reading

Last night a Storm rolled in about 2am. The LOAD, BLUSTERY and WILD GUSTS of wind woke me from a DEEP sleep.I rushed downstairs and out on the deck to check it all out. I love storms and the excitement of something strange moving in.
I always think of the Power of Gods spirit when I listen to the wind blow. I cannot see the wind but I can see everything else moving from its power.

I was reminded last night in the very late hours that God's activity is like the wind. When He is ready, He will blow and move powerfully.  However, I really wish things would blow in order soon from a mighty Holy Ghost storm! I have been patiently waiting for new challenges to move forward. I feel like I need the blowing of Gods GUSTY spirit in my ministry life.

A simple prayer last night was let out in the night hour..."Lord, blow over my life like a mighty wind, I am ready to discover the bigger things of God for my next season. I know I cannot see YOU but I will hear the sounds and see the movements your workings. Please blow over my Life Lord!

The wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8

   Take some time in the next storm and ponder the movement of God in your life....You may be only a prayer away from a powerful Holy Ghost Storm!
