Monday, May 9, 2011



How are you doing reading through the bible? I pray God's blessing your efforts no matter where you are or how consistent you feel. Getting any of God's word in our hearts is better then none! I read 2 Kings Chapter 7 this morning and was reminded and convicted of a truth. Please click on the date above and it will bring you to today's daily reading!

2 Kings 7:9 "We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. It we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us."

Basically 4 starving lepers in scripture stumbled upon a multitude of food and supplies miraculously provided by God in the middle of a famine. And while they are in the middle of PIGGING out they stop and look at each other and say...

"We are NOT doing right...Let us go and tell the king's household."

In other words it's not right that we are sitting here stuffing our faces and plundering with this gold, while the rest of the land and our people are starving in the middle of the famine. Yes, God provided it for us, but we do wrong to sit here and eat without sharing with others.

CONVICTION took over in the midst of their situation.

Do you ever find yourself saying "I am not doing right?"

After stumbling into a situation do you ever feel like you are doing or did wrong?

This happens to me frequently before and after many situations. I am very grateful that my personal God convicts and instructs me daily.

Allow Today's reading to bring you to a place of SELF EXAMINATION. The goal is to TURN and GO in the right direction, as the lepers did in this context.

Dear Jesus,
Please forgive me from entering into a situation that may not be right. Help me to HEAR you more in the midst of my foolish decisions. I want your blessing upon my life.
In Jesus Name,
Blessings and Go with God!