Friday, March 9, 2012


Please click on  Numbers 21:4-9  for today's word followed by a brief devotion. (please read the whole passage)

I am journeying on a trail to the tree during the season of Lent.

Join me as we look at significant passages that help us focus on Jesus and His amazing grace.

5 They set out from Mount Hor along the Red Sea Road, a detour around the land of Edom. The people became irritable and cross as they traveled. They spoke out against God and Moses: "Why did you drag us out of Egypt to die in this godforsaken country? No decent food; no water—we can't stomach this stuff any longer."

Take a moment and linger over the above word. Focus on the words I have highlighted and then think of a situation in your life that has  felt like a long detour causing you irritability.

Have you come to a point that you just could not stomach any longer?

Adultery, pornography, addictions, relationships, marriage conflicts and finances are the highest rating stomach aches. I cannot tell you how many women are trying to stomach their spouses pornography addiction . Not to mention a husbands lack of respect because his wife decided on a detour around their relationship without his knowing.

This is a great time for me to take a second and introduce a teaching video just for women. I taught on this about 5 years ago , it's about the brittle detours and damage that we can make as women in our marriages! I highly recommend THIS LESSON! Click here and it will take you to my past church website, you will even find several more of my bible teachings!

As we travel through life these real situations happen everyday.
We feel bitten by the snake and he leaves us with the poison of discontent.

Many times when bitten by discontent we begin to grumble and complain of all the wounded situations that we can no longer stomach.

What is your discontent situation at this present moment?

What can you no longer stomach?

What has you extremely irritable?

In today's word we learn to take that snake bitten situation and place it on a pole and then cause our eyes to look on Jesus.
 With Jesus, we have more than enough.


Take a moment and linger over this word again, lift up a few words in prayer over your situation and then go live the word today by placing the situation on the pole and only view it through the eyes of Jesus!

Elevate your spiritual life to new levels in Christ. Allow  this promise today to penetrate your soul.

With knowledge comes responsibility! Responsibility is your ability to respond to what you know! 
I strongly encourage you to visit this post called  Shake off that Snake!
Take a moment to read for more help and lessons on how to shake off that snake before it bites!

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