Thursday, September 22, 2011



 Sow your seed in the morning,

and at evening let your hands not be idle,

for you do not know which will succeed,

whether this or that,

or whether both will do equally well.


Take some time and review and examine the thoughts below.
Remember to sow and believe, God will help you succeed according to His will and you will collide with your destiny!

- Dreams die in three places: the beginning, middle, and end.

- Most dreams die in the womb of small beginnings.

- Wanna see a dream die? Send it to a church committee.

- A lot of people choose to stay miserable simply because it’s familiar.

- The resistance is often fiercest on the borderline of the breakthrough.

- Actually, every word of “Where Dreams Die” was a highlight.

- Jesus did not come to fix systems. He came to subvert them with the gospel.

- Too many people confuse supernatural miracles with magic tricks.

- The impossible prayer God wants you to pray will always come with a specific instruction he wants you to obey.

- Nothing you’ve ever done is so repulsive that God can’t redeem your potential & love you through it.

- Fasting isn’t so much deprivation as it is dependence.

- You know God’s will by doing God’s will.

- Any step towards self-sufficiency is a step away from the Savior.

- Audacious faith isn’t the absence of fear and ambiguity. It eclipses it one small step at a time.

- Sometimes when you’re the closest to Jesus, you feel the greatest fear.

- God only asks you to have faith for the first step.

- We’re not interested in looking good, we only want Jesus seen  glorified through our lives.

blessings in your journey!

Heather Baxter