Tuesday, February 2, 2010


God says in Isaiah "Behold I will do a new thing... Do you not know it?" I love that God is always dreaming up new things for our lives! But we are the ones that always miss what he is doing or we do not even know it! We all have DREAM BUSTERS! They BUST every opportunity for our preferred future! How do we push past them and keep diving into all God has for us! This last message I spoke at the 2010 Dream Conference will enlighten you! Keep DREAMING never give up on those desires! I hope I know this will help you become aware of your dream busters and then energize you to blaze past the busters in your life! Keep those dreams alive! Do Not Miss What God has for you! Do not stay stuck in your circumstances!

I am thinking of doing a bible study on line, I would love feedback to who would be interested! This would be a neat time to interact with everyone from all over!
Have a great day friends and talk to you soon!
Go to the link below and click DREAM BUSTERS
Salt - Jan 10 - Dream Busters

"LETTING GO AND LAYING DOWN" Message 3 of the Big Dream conference Speaker Heather Baxter

This was the biggest revelation for me in 2010~ In Exodus chapter 4 verse 2 God says to Moses "What is that in your hand?" Moses said "A rod" And He said "cast it on the ground." So Moses cast it on the ground. This rod was a huge part of Moses identity. The rod identified him as shepherd. He worked for his father n law as a shepherd boy. When he was asked to lay that down, he was laying down everything he knew for that season in his life. Little did he know that God was going to transform him and use his rod in huge ways! The same rod that directed sheep was going to split the red sea!
How often do we get stuck in our identity and its so comfortable that we cannot see past our comfort zone. Gods dreams are always bigger. But in order to experience the miracles we have to let go and lay down. Do you need to let go of the past? Do you need to lay down fears and failures? Do you need to let go of your current identity? God is always up to doing new things and transforming for new miracles but if you never lay down you will never experience what lays ahead! The laying down and letting go can sometimes be the hardest thing you will ever do!
But your split sea moment is around the corner!
Enjoy this message and let me know how God used this message in your life!
Love ya friends
CLick here for the message!
Salt - January 23, 2010 - Letting Go and Laying Down

HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION Message 2 from the Dream Conference!

We all make decisions on a daily basis with immediate and long term consequences. The BEST decision is a WISE one. God wants to direct us and our every step. The bible offers us guidance on many issues in our daily lives. But yet the bible appears silent in many lives. God has a treasure for you personally. He wants to give you full understanding and direction for your situation. He desires that you seek and go on a treasure hunt and search for the hidden treasure. Proverbs 2:4-5 "If you seek(wisdom) as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasure; then you will understand the fear of the Lord"
It all begins with a willing commitment and it will end with exciting discoveries!
The second message from the DREAM conferance taught by Carole Combs will help you discover how to start searching for the treasure! It is a practical 7 day plan that you can apply today. It will help you make the right decision in your life. Remember all our decisions have a concequence. Are you getting ready to make big decision in your life? Do you want to be in the middle of Gods dream for you life? Come journey with us as we go thru the Dream conference together! Please let me kmnow how God is speaking to you as your comments are always a huge blessing to me and others.

Tomorrows lesson is on "laying down and letting go" So God can interrupt our life!
Blessings friends

Click here for The message!
Salt - January 23, 2010 - A Seven Day Plan to Finding the Will of God


True Faith demands that we Activate our Faith. It all starts with a GOD DREAM! The bible is full of stories of many people in whom God dreamed Big for. Their destiny determined anothers destination.
Moses was going to be a leader, split a sea and set the captives free, Noah was asked to make a boat out of gopher wood, Joseph had dreams that placed him in line with Gods plans, Lastly, God had a dream to save the world through His son Jesus!
Do you believe in God size dreams? Do you believe God wants to guide you and bless you through a God sized dream?
The first thing you need to do is make a CHOICE/DECISION to believe bigger then your circumstances. You need to see the DREAM! Now after you make a choice to believe and obey you may run into some DELAYS, DOUBTS and DISCOURAGEMENTS that seem to lead to another DEAD END. But remember when you make a Choice it then becomes about the CLIMB. So often we just want to get to the top or the other side in a hurry but its not about that!
You will face struggles and chances and be knocked down but these are the moments that God does His biggest work. It is very important to not take your eyes off the Dream. In the end God will DELIVER and you will experience your TA DA moment!
God is all about DELIVERING you into the Dream He is preparing for you!
I hope you enjoy the first teaching to the Dream Big conference!
Let me know what dreams you have for 2010, I want to climb alongside you and be an encouragement. I know it can be scarey and hard at times!
Blessings and keep dreaming!

Salt - January 23, 2010 - Choices-Changes-Claims-Climbs