Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"LETTING GO AND LAYING DOWN" Message 3 of the Big Dream conference Speaker Heather Baxter

This was the biggest revelation for me in 2010~ In Exodus chapter 4 verse 2 God says to Moses "What is that in your hand?" Moses said "A rod" And He said "cast it on the ground." So Moses cast it on the ground. This rod was a huge part of Moses identity. The rod identified him as shepherd. He worked for his father n law as a shepherd boy. When he was asked to lay that down, he was laying down everything he knew for that season in his life. Little did he know that God was going to transform him and use his rod in huge ways! The same rod that directed sheep was going to split the red sea!
How often do we get stuck in our identity and its so comfortable that we cannot see past our comfort zone. Gods dreams are always bigger. But in order to experience the miracles we have to let go and lay down. Do you need to let go of the past? Do you need to lay down fears and failures? Do you need to let go of your current identity? God is always up to doing new things and transforming for new miracles but if you never lay down you will never experience what lays ahead! The laying down and letting go can sometimes be the hardest thing you will ever do!
But your split sea moment is around the corner!
Enjoy this message and let me know how God used this message in your life!
Love ya friends
CLick here for the message!
Salt - January 23, 2010 - Letting Go and Laying Down