Wednesday, May 26, 2010


What a morning! I told everyone in my last post that we are all on air mattresses for this last week in our old home. We make our transition this Friday. Well about 3am I heard my hubby mumble "I think we are sleeping on a hard floor, we have a hole in the air mattress" I was so tired that I thought I was dreaming all of this. I even thought I was sleeping on a hard floor in my dream, the dream felt so real at the time. Well, when my alarm went off at 6am I was shocked that the floor that felt so HARD in my dream was a reality! I think my lab jumped in bed with us last night and put a whole in the mattress!
I told myself as I got up off the HARD floor that "this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!" I then headed downstairs to make my morning coffee and discovered someone left me about 1 teaspoon of coffee, now who leaves that much coffee and puts it back? My hubby thought he was being nice by leaving me enough for a Dixie cup! I really enjoy that morning coffee and now I was really trying to adjust my attitude! So I told my girls to hurry and get ready and Ill take them to the local doughnut shop for breakfast. Out the door we went at 7:15.....As I was in the drive through line I noticed it said 0 MILES TO EMPTY with 5 cars in front of me!!!!! Ok, now the morning was getting to me. I had to get out of line and get to the gas station. I did not plan on getting out of my car! I will not even tell you the PJ's I had to pump gas in!!! I was the laugh at the gas station I am sure!
What a morning that was certainly a little off course..... ya think? But God reminded me of how important it is to stay on course with Him. Some days can bring DEFLATED SITUATIONS, EMPTY COFFEE CUPS and A LACK OF FUEL. But we need to adjust our mental attitudes. This is not easy many times. Situations can be difficult and leave us feeling like we are on HARD GROUND!
Gods word says Romans 12:2 "and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God"
Life can present challenging situations but God has made a way for us to have a new way of thinking in the midst of every situation. It has been made possible through the Holy Spirit. I am thankful God changed my thinking today and got me back on track.
Remember in the beginning God spoke EVERYTHING into existence and it was GOOD. The world began to SPIN and God was still speaking and ordering everything into place. If your world is SPINNING allow God to continue to put it all in order! God works all things for the Good!
Have a great day friends and I pray that God renews your mind through the Help of the holy spirit! May we process our deflated, hard situations with His absolute truth.
God Bless