Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A wall or Unity?

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!—Psalm 133:1

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  ~ Ephesians 4:2-3

I was reminded today of these verses after talking to a close friend yesterday. She does not go to the same church as me anymore but we still run beside each other with our dreams and visions.
I truly miss doing ministry with her.
The verses above are about unity in the kingdom of God.
Lack of Unity in relationships  can really squish the calling in someones heart and in God's kingdom.

Sometimes the underlying emotion that calms edgy nerves and promotes good will is love. Men and women need to love and embrace each others callings.
Individuals struggle sometimes in feeling validation from others with their personal vision  for God's kingdom.
NOT that we need validation from others but the key point is dwelling in unity and supporting another's dream.

The definition of unity is the fitting together of different parts in a way that enables us to complement each other, to be more complete, and to show the bigger picture -- not that we work together on the same cause or that we totally agree on all issues. (Eph. 2:10-22; Acts 15:5-11)

The source of unity comes in accepting one another just as Christ accepted us. (Rom.
Think about this:
 If the wall has been broken down and yet the wall is still there, it is because someone has been busy building it up again!

What is a wall?  It’s a barrier – something that includes others and excludes you.

  We sense it, though it be unseen, between people inside the church.  We see differently with religious and personal differences.

  Yet our unity is in belonging.  For through Him we all have access by one Spirit unto the Father.  He sees all of us kneeling down at our bedsides at the end of the day!

I must tell Jesus, “The wall will not be built by my hands!”  I must not be a builder of walls.  I must lay down my trowel and use my hands rather to reach out to my brother and sister in love.  I must have clean hands  and do what I can to make sure others know I believe in belonging!

It's very important in God's eye's to be One.

Every single person in your life is aligned for a reason and every detail matters.

Think about this... If God called us all to the same vision how would we reach every person?

Great power was manifested in the lives of the early believers. 
Acts 2:46 tells us why: “And day after day they regularly assembled in the temple with united purpose.” 
They had the same vision, the same goal, and they were all pressing toward the same mark. They prayed in agreement, lived in harmony, cared for  another and their calling (see Acts 2:46), met each other’s needs (see Acts 4:34), and lived a life of faith (see Acts 4:31). The early church lived in unity—and operated in great power.

Now the church is divided into countless factions with different opinions about everything.
We create walls so easily. The enemy knows how to make the walls go up brick by brick.

 Even congregations are split by the most trivial differences. When we finally see Jesus face-to-face, we will surely discover that not one of us was 100 percent right. Only love holds people together. Make a strong commitment to do whatever is necessary to live in unity—you will discover how good it is!

So grateful for my friends heart to dream so big. Big dreamers tend to ruffle feathers. Let's learn to share our dreams with no walls because we are all in the same race.
Lastly,exchange words of encouragement with others running beside you.
It's all for the glory of God in the finish anyway